( Dont cry my ♥ ) Its a rather long story , I duno where to start off , u aren't on9 ): Tmr is not 3mth , its not 290209 , there will never be a 290209 . Such a bad omen ; I duno how should I be feeling now . Glad tat my mother tot we broke up & was lyk telling me '我知道你不好受' & '这种事每人都要经历'& '过去了就算了' de whole day -.- But come to think of it , are we really stil together ? I dun even noe ler , Tmr is really a mystery . How sure can u , can I be ? Tat we will be back tgt after my Os . Two years , Ain't long but ain't short neither . How are we gonna maintain de feeling we had inside our heart for de 2 years ? Time will change everything isn't it ? ): Feeling will fade , I really don wan . I don wan anyone to replace u again . I'd alys rmber tat nite I looked into de sky , called u & cried . It's rare tat we talk on phone isn't it ? So far only 5 tyms , or lesser ? I rmber u told me I had finally captured ur heart how can I...