( Dont cry my ♥ ) Its a rather long story , I duno where to start off , u aren't on9 ): Tmr is not 3mth , its not 290209 , there will never be a 290209 . Such a bad omen ; I duno how should I be feeling now . Glad tat my mother tot we broke up & was lyk telling me '我知道你不好受' & '这种事每人都要经历'& '过去了就算了' de whole day -.- But come to think of it , are we really stil together ? I dun even noe ler , Tmr is really a mystery . How sure can u , can I be ? Tat we will be back tgt after my Os . Two years , Ain't long but ain't short neither . How are we gonna maintain de feeling we had inside our heart for de 2 years ? Time will change everything isn't it ? ): Feeling will fade , I really don wan . I don wan anyone to replace u again . I'd alys rmber tat nite I looked into de sky , called u & cried . It's rare tat we talk on phone isn't it ? So far only 5 tyms , or lesser ? I rmber u told me I had finally captured ur heart how can I...
Showing posts from February, 2009
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( Confusion in ♥ ) Has been damn moody since 24 hrs ago ; & until now , in a way . For both studies & relationship stuffs ; Thanks to my wonderful mother larh ): Made our relation turned so bad . Fuck , I soo freaking hate u treating me like an item , so wad if I live in ur damn house . S O R R Y larh ; sucker ! D: Forget it , I got no energy to hate u . Recently two womans had alys been de problem to me between us . DAMN U TWO ! ): After soo long when U finally said u think love me again , Its all gone again now rite D: Why de two of u alys indirectly / directly destroyed de little fonds he had for me ! D: I treasure it so much trying to build de feeling up but its alys de two of u detroyed it in a min . I noe u two wont give a shit abt it But I do CANNNN ?! D: Forget it not like anyone will understand wat I talking , I bet even G duno wtf I talking . On de other hand I was seriously damn mood swing over studieeeees tis few days . I'm seriously disheartened , landed in t...
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吐day is very funnnnn :D @ sakae sushi wiv de 10 of them (: Finaly had squat dinner after postpone so long , day day month month alys postpone . But is like soo omgosh ; full till 5 of us go vomit , lol . Starting from 3 pm chiong in to eat ; sushi after sushi after sushi . Until hazel realise de side-dish is free flow too ; Dhen had side-dish after side-dish after side-dish . Dhen we were lyk crazy over chawamushi ( or howeva u spell tat ) Zhenzhu ate 4 ; rest ate 3 , I ate too . Even though I dint eat anything since ysd de beef noodle , I srsly get so full til I stuffed de sushi inside my month & chiong out , Threw into de dustbin , hurried to toilet ; vomit . Walaooo Licia good larh so fast vomit out ; piangs ! D: D: But anw feel much better after vomit ( so called ; not much ) :D So glad tat in de end most made it ( Jo & Val dint come ) ; I tot it 60% will be like postponed ; as usual . Haha . Oh well I got sooo sick & sian & "NO more please" of sushi for...
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( Domo-kun is ♥ ) "Domo is described as " a strange creature that hatched from an egg. " Domo's favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, due to an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate via producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him. Domo-kun is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset. Domo also likes music, particularly Guitar Wolf and MAX, two real-life bands." I screwed my amath CT , expected . D:
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( a very sorry to licia D: ) Its a longgg story ; or rite a short one . but , 无论是无心或有意, 只要我说了出来, 都变成了有意 ): URGH ! I'm so sorry ! D: D: D: D: D: S O R R Y laogong ): Forgive me please ! ): Dammit thanks to my small big mouth , argh ! Forgive me asap larh ho ? )': ( get well soon , weiwei ♥ ) My dear weiwei is down wiv fever + gastric flu + throat infection D: Rar ysd I see him so xin ku at church can ; urgh xin tong ): So I hope he can faster recover :D & eat all his fav food again :D I had been making a prayer after evy msg I replied him ysd nite ; & stopped tis morning , eh I should have continued . opps . supposingly G is having his math exam now , somwhere in his sch ; Oh well , Jiayouuuuuuuus :D Dont make careless mistakes ya ? (: Tok about church ; ysd is a total mess . I took 14 & soon after I realise de bus is not on de route tat it suppose to be . So I start suspect if I was on de right bus cos I was rather rush getting onto it . So I cfm-ed tat its not ...
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( I ♥ weiwei ! ) Tar-da ; I spent like duno how long finding a pic to start with can ; Before mogu go bathe blog , I say I will start find & now its 21.01 I finally found one . Anw today's training was funnn ( debrief ) & hot ( weather ) & hiong ( pt ) :] Haha ; licia ur scandal is getting soooo well known larh ! xD I feel happy for u as ur laopo ._. & I realise tat ; sgg rachel live only 4 blks away from me ! :O Tat's like very freaking near but I dint noe for 3 years . Oh well . (: Dhenn let me think ; ysd 190209 . I asked 940 wad date it is & she was lyk eh 20 ... So de whole day all papers I put 20 . Uhmm I'm living in de future xD Dhen after tat go SP for de bloody course . Test finish liao dhen zao-ed wiv licia; suppose to meet G , but he not feeling well . AWWWS take care alright ! :X Dhen I can see u at churchhhhh on sunday ! :D OPPS . And oya I slept at lyk 5am on ysd morning -.- So ysd when I reach home I sleep all de way from 6.30 pm to t...
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I'm damnnnnnzxzxzxzxzxzx sad & pissed off now . BUT still , I would love to thank dear dear G for de 'yue ding' Its de best song I ever heard tat somone ever sing to me , THANKS . I decide to cheer myself up by this song ; duno why also . Abit random . anw , I shall elabrate about jus now , I gave up . Borrowed de paper from my neighbour ( my mother help me one ) 940's house structure is tooooooo far away from mine D: Fucking hard to fake ; I was damnzxzxzx pissed at SP jus now . They seriously had not even little brain but NO BRAIN AT ALL I went to register to check de bill online & they need de Sp acct no . I'm lyk wtf if I have de no. = I got de bill paper . Why de fuck would I still need to register for ? F U N huh ? -.- & So I was fucking pissed . How nice , when I'm alrdy not in a good mood D: Ate steamboat wiv my mother 's frens ( & 2 kido ) Played all kinds of childish games wiv them ; Argh they were lyk 7 & 9 yrs old -.- Oh ...
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TAR DA ! :D I'm soooo happy now , okie I'm happier ysd in fact . FERSLY , I would love to say sorrrrryyy to G ; Dont think he will see tis 'cos he say he will nvr com here again ): But stil , ( I'm de moo moo lo ; s o r r y ! ) & Anw back to de topic , in de end he stil forgave me xD Thank you for ur 大恩大德 ; I wont do it again ! ( sound lyk I'm p3 kid ) Ysd wad happen in sch huhs , uhmm . OYAAA ! I 1st tym passed my Amath test in de year 2009 ! :D :D Oh well , in fact most of de class get full marks -.- BUT STIL , I'm happy xD Dhen hmm nothing much , btw my elit test is screwed did I mentioned it before ? (: & OYA ; before phys lab lesson . 940 & val & me went into de guy's toilet cos tat lvl no gal toilet ; dhen we oso lazy walk xD HEHEHE , 940 ! I decide to post it out ! :D ( I veri good nvr take ur beautiful fringe liao xD ) After sch met G at tampines , & he's late . E X P E C T E D lorh ! xD Went to buy blahs @ popular , dhe...
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This looks like a long post but its NOT :D Random pic taken during chem lab ; I'm a thief :D I stolen zinc form de lab xD & G I still wan de stir-er okay ?! love talk ( ♥ ) I shall talk abt L ♥ V E today ; but before I start with it . I shall talk abt school . OH WELL . . . . . . nothing much in fact . Crapped with 940 abt de weekend ; & some other thingy xD Played uno under super harsh circumstances with 940 & WS & QW & KL [?] :D Amazing enuf de cards is still with me , I tot it would confiscated . Went to find mr neoooo after sch wiv 940 , dhen had surds ; indices ; log . 940 got caught by her wonderful hair color , again :D I think de another younger-female-cher has a bitchy look ^O^ seriously . Walked home after tat , see ? That's wat I mean by nothing much . A no-life life . Cos G slept / ? til veri late . Dhen my phonee is quite dead . Msged kelvin that LICIA CUT BANGS ! YEA BANGS :D :D :D Today de moment I saw her 'chio-bangs' I started t...
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Reachin' for ( ♥ ) Aww things get a little bit screwed this morning , But stil , I'm getting use to it . Aha . Looks its really not gonna end , I duno how to say . But just , blehs xD Okay , Noboday's fault (: I love mogu de blog song man ! xD But too bad she's using it , so I found another one . (:
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love in the city ♥ EVERY SHALALALA ~ EVERY WOOOOOOOO ~ :D Okiie I'm crazy ; Ysd has been a sad Valentine for some peepo . Like mogu ; who bcm a widow . like tofu ; who broke up . Alright peepo cheer up ! :D Get some sense of love here today ! (: I was super 黑皮 yesterday ; Muhahaha ! :D Even though G was late for 26 min D: Tsk ! But its expected . So ya ; I seriously should consider tell him 30min early den de actual time we meet . & Dhen , walk around parkway . Nothing much there . I think tat its a waste to spend a Valentine shop around anw . Many peepo agreee wiv me lorh :D & include tofu's crazy idea of Bring casual clothes so tat u two can go beach . Aha , but 940 say go beach oso . Oh well , I dint went anw . After considering wad Iwas wearing ysd . Dhen went to aston to eat xD Aha 2nd time (: I dedicated my "Valentine gift" to him , a snapple cap full of chilli + salf + pepper . Oh well , & I'm like I'm jus joking ._. But he went finished...
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paper love ♥ FINALLY , de God damn week is over . Wiv a 100% failing rate of phys :D It ended , went to road safety park , its fun :D muahahaha :D Once again , got alot kids call me 'cher' ! aye thks ! I'm only sec 3 ho ! D: Eh I got nothing much to say for today in fact . Just simply relieved & hmm happy :D :D :D about tmr . & its a secret , HO HO HO . { eh i feel so childish doing tis -.- } And , me & 940 got our fers green form in our ahs life from June yeooo today , t(^.^t) LOL larhs, I cant stop myself form laughing when she 's scolding . Hah , hmms . i love 940 (: jus like u . haha & I hope u don mind my screwed up V card (:
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unspoken love ♥ I duno yy I cant upload de pics ; arlright , my comp AP . Added in . (: Today had geog & math test . Math was pretty fine . Geog is ... hehehe { 940 ; u noe wad happened :D } LOl . Left sch earlier go for de sg power course . Kinda retarded , was concentrating throughout de whole course on other things After that wanted to go eat squat dinner , budden zao-ed to taka wiv licia . O Y A ; her muffin's really nice . I A T E A L L can ! fattening ! But I gave 940 2 oso , haha . Stil damn full de whole day (: Walked around orchard but went back to bedok & eat in the end . After that was fuller den before so decide to walk home :] Today is really a happpy happy very happy day for me Cos msged wiv G so happily throughout the whole day . I nearly felt as if nothing had happened , we were still tgt or somthing (: Hah de feeling is damnnn nice :] So I was happy still despite my weight is lyk ... -.- .... -.- Argh , was trying out nia 's 'double eyelid' th...
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suicide ♥ t(-.-t) Period Cramp Sucks ! { tis face is damn retarded cute ; cope from G. de msn } Anw it seriously sucks ; fers it woke me up form my dream at 12 plus ysd . Dhen I struggled from my bed to de table to reach for de pill , & struggled to de kitchen to get water , as I swallowed de water down . I realise its fucking h o t & I'm lyk totally awake by then . It took really long for de pill to take effect and I get back to sleep at nearly 2 , dhen I woke up today . Its reali like I'm perfectly fine again so I walked to sch , happily . The moment I step inside the sch , de cramp is back -.- Ate de pills again , dint work well D: Dhen dint attend de wushu session , was dying at de staircase wiv Joyce . She is sooooooo skinny like hello ? -.- Same height as me but onli 40+ kg , Yet she complained tat she is fat for de whole wushu session . a r g h ! D: Dhen it get worse after tat , nearly cry out during chem larh . Its so damn pain like shit & I'm lyk swe...
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u n l o c k ♥ Alright; I'm back , Had been trying to post everday nowadays . IDK why too , but anw I just realise why my photos posted is so small & mogu one is sooo B I G (: anw nothing much happened today ; ss test 's over . 5ive more to go for the week ; tests sucks D: blah blah blah , okie I got nothing else to say . I'm so clueless about amath now can , wad l o g -.- And mr ong trying to be funny is it ? He turned a qns which is damn bloody simple into a complicated one , with workings filled up the whole whiteboard larh ! D: After returning another 50 pumpings when sch dismissed , Went to bedok wiv licia ; brought ____ for her _____ making (: Dhen went to library ; geog-ed abit , read a book . & suddenly get abit emotional , dhen msged tar-da . He was like orh , oh well expected lorh :] Met shermay & sher when waiting for 38 ; bus-ed home . Gonna go jog l8r (: I don feel like going down at all ! D: But but but , I shall go :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D mot...
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Omg I Saw Cube On Tv ! PS. I personally feel tat I'm so dumb ; Fers , I wrap de choco using de black wrapper till it looks lyk gabbage bag . Dhen , I tried to burn de edge of de paper & dhen . De fire dint go off , so i go shake de paper in de plastic bag -.- Dhen de plastic bag oso caught on fire -.- Dhen i use de cloth carry it to de tap -.- I feel extraordinary S T U P I D for my action xD & m kitch is in a big big mess now D:
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valentine ♥ Due to too emo staying at home ; went all de way to bedok & .. Brought choco for u guys :D :D :D I'm nice lorh i noeee :D 20 bucks fly away ): Urgh my munny ! U all better think of me when u eat it ! :D Going to start packing the choco-s while watching Ch. U l8r (: Happy black & white valentine day :D But I reai do pity my tofu kor kor lorh ; alrgith don cry , I'll give u abit more choco larhs (: I would sell off everything to see ur smile dhen :]
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I f-ing miss you ! ♥ Wathefuck is my problem that I cant stop myself form thinking of u larh -.- Dammit whenever I think of times we spend tgt , And upon realising the fact that you 're not here anymore . I feel damn fucked up and just miss u terribly -.- I miss your presence your msg your face your smile everything of u D: ARGHHH ! D: J U N T I N G ! W A K E U P ! N O W D: Dammit , u'r filling up my mind , my heart my everything -.- This shouldn't be the way , I should focus on study now , I tot I can control myself & manage my studies well D: I T H O U G H T I C O U L D . tm-ed wiv val jus now , brought some valentine day thingy . It's gonna be a black&white v day , I brought black papers , white envelopes , black wrapping papers . Lyk woooaaa -.- I'm like so bloody sad cos ur attitude is lyk 180 degreee change form ysd . But I shouldn't be expecting u be anymore nice to me , should I ? Aha I must be sooo childish in ur eyes if I tell u I still bel...
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Amazing enuf , jus a few hour after I decide to get a life . I broke with my gummy / black bra / meowmmy . Okay not really break , but taking a break for de next two yrs . It's really hard to predict the future , but I hope we'll be back tgt . (: Had a really long cry just now , for like 3 hrs ? & my eyes' re swollen , urgh hell pain D:
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I'm making it last ♥ Visited numbers of blogs { mostly couples } jus now . I realises that if we are together we should be happy . Not all these quarrels or 冷战 & such . What's the point ? Getting both pissed & where did all de suppose-to-be-here the ♥ gone to . It shouln't be like this . Not at all . G e t A L i f e T o d a y ! :D On everything , from academics to CCA to relationship management . It should no longer be like primary 3 , its secondary 3 . Old enough to get myself a life I guess :D I am going do my best to squeeze in top 20 in class . I am going to work hard and get the post I want which i haven't decide . I am going to pump in more ♥♥♥ into this relationship so that it's not that fragile . I am going to run every alternate day for de relay & squeeze in top 50 for 2.4 km . I am going to stay a happy & cheerful mood everyday no matter what . Alright , that's about it for now . I would have loads things to plan & start doing fo...
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Why don't you believe me ? How can you don't even trust me for this . Then what am i in your eyes still , nothing but a LIAR ? So as i can go out with you today & next saturday . I told my mother to start the tuition after next week dhen u ysd go insult me like im shit dhen i told her I start going form today . u noe i don even feel like explaining its so retarded . BUT TO PREVENT U FROM THINKING IM A BIG BIG LIAR OR SUCH I posted it out even though its damn rediculous to do so -.-
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I ♥ tis lyrics ; but not tat song Guess this means you're sorry You're standing at my door Guess this means you take back All you said before Like how much you wanted Anyone but me Said you'd never come back But here you are again Cause we belong together now, yeah Forever united here somehow, yeah You got a piece of me And honestly My life would suck without you Maybe I was stupid for telling you goodbye Maybe I was wrong for trying to pick a fight I know that I've got issues But you're pretty messed up too Either way, I found out I'm nothing without you & anw ; i need to start a new life . I mean as in stop failing every single test i had as if there is a grand prize for me for doing so . U R G H my school life is totally going down to the drain . was damn despaired in school & complaining . seeing that i got 5ive bloody test next week , & i duno a shit about any of them , DAMN . why did i landed in a class with so many hardworking humans ? {som...
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heart attacked ♥ random. but its been a rather bad day i jus realise . forgive my lagness ; i'm living in de past ; visited several blogs & its all sad & emo ones D: urgh ; i wan tis week to be over faster so tat i can take a gasp of air . im suffocating in a bottled up bottle . damn . i got ao much homeworks to be done (worse is i duno how to do) i got so much test next week ( and i duno them at all , lyk they noe me -.- ) i got so many frens not a in good mood ( i cant do anything to cheer them up ) including myself . screwed it .
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every beat of my heart ♥ Backed home form sch after recess jus now . why did i even go to sch tis morning siah . SHERMAY u lo ! i today wake up actually don wan go sch derh ; den suddenly rmber tat im meeting u at 6 . so i went down , and u are not there ! hmphhhh ! D: nevertheless i walked to sch ; & ysd i dint touch chem at all . so obviously is screwed , OH-WADEVA . even though its jus slightly fever & serious sore throat , i came back uhmmm ; okie actually i wanna skip ss & geog -.- -/ its boring & i dint do de hw . opps :D oh well a BIG BIG SORRY to 940 for pangseh-ed u ! (: dhen cabbed home cos its uber HOOOOT outside , & im hungry D: starving ! urgh , i w a n t o e a t f o o d ! got lyk 5 tests next week ?! D: freak ! & its lyk ss ? geog ? -.- all my sucky sucky subjects , i can imagine my wonderful marks now larh . I HAVE DECIDED !... im off to cook maggie :] i wan a nice nice photo wiv u lyk tat . ps.edited : wad happened to my auditionnnnn man ? i ...
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i ♥ mogu veri much . its a happy banana day for me four of us (: shall not tok much abt sch , but after de np meeting . me & mandy & j'lene & mogu went to pizza hut when im lyk jus eat finish a packet chicken chop -.- but i stil went , i jus don wan go home , i don wan be alone D: dhen ate pizza hut de student meal ; share wiv mandy one set cos im uber full okie its DAMNZXZXZXZX FUNNY all de way can . from de moment we get tgt until we were seperated . funny moments are jus soooooooo much tat i duno which to say . OMGOSH ! i wanna laugh ; but im in a sad aura now D: sorrie peepos ; today 's reali funnnn ! but im down wiv fever & sore throat {sucks man} tmr im not going sch :D i think ; unless i recover . actually recover oso cant go ; i wont be study a shit for chem test D: OH-WADEVA ! our HOME-MADE soup (: onli for $ 9.90 ! & tis is how marvellous it looks lyk when we pour it into a cup :D my "pen knife" ! haha ; so d-r-a-m-a larh ! & j...
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today 's kinda screwed D: budden better after found tis skin . has anyone ever gave u a toothpaste ? i got my fers one in my life today , pretty touched in fact . cos u saw i drink de ice lemon tea den got sensetive teeth ? thank you (: today suppose to go out wiv gummy black bra ; dhen in de end i was kinda w-t-h de feeling & decide to forget it . budden he say he coming ler so we still went out . & is lyk we dint tok . make it worse de bus 14 is damn freaking cold __ wanted to watch movie ; dhen de timing all missed / too late . & he was pissed / angry / sad / emo / sian , not reali bcos of no movie . but nevertheless , no movie makes de situation worst . den walked destinationless to orchard direction ; stopped halfway , he was lyk went to smoke D: D: D: { 940 ! com on ! anti dota + cigga + lighter ! } & its lyk bra : go where ? me : duno bra : faster ! me : u oso duno wan go where how i noe bra : faster decide me : duno *repeat again* & again * & agai...
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♥ Someone asked me what is love ? is it good , is it bad is it awesome , is it terrible I honestly didnt know how to answer them . I finally decided love is the most complicated of all emotions Love is kind love is harsh love is wonderful love is terrible love is a cure love is a sickness love is LOVE love is hate love is meaningful love is pointless love shows the best in people love shows the worse in people love makes us speak truth love makes us lie love understands everything love confuses everyone love builds your life love tears your heart down love makes you smile love makes you cry love makes us cuddle love makes us hit love makes the world go round love makes the world go crashing down love makes things simple love makes things impossible love is always worth it love is never worth it love makes us smarter love makes us stupid love is enlightening love is BLIND make love not war make war out of love love encourages love scares love is peaceful love creates fights love is so...
tuition ;
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tag replies zhidan: EH WHY SAME BLOGSONG ONE! LOL. i lazy change mah :x kay larh changing ._. Sherriehasalongtagnameyay : LAOPO HARLOW scare me seh , tot u change url again Jacinth: sounds the worst :D Haha! Oops a little too many tags. U OSO NOE ! budden nvm :D tags 'r welcome Jacinth: Cos I CICI Alicia BIBI so you JIJI, yours; unfortunately, OSO NO LINK WIV JI LARH ! junjun mah ._. Jacinth: And since you call me CHUA MOGU I WILL CALL YOU GUO JIJI. WAD JIJI larh ! D: Jacinth: Eh I show you my angry face with no emotions on my face make you scared then you know ah, isnt it wad u have been showing evyday? :D Jacinth: & HOW DARE YOU SAY ABOUT MY EMOTIONLESS ISSUE TO OTHER PEOPLE. its a fact mah :D evyone sees it evyday :D Jacinth: And I ask you stop calling me CHUA MOGU la you GUO ZHUZHU. wad guo zhu zhu ?! did u lyk forget my actual name ? is zhuti! Jacinth: Oi Oi I not going to let you steal my blog hor, cos I rock :D I dont care if there's no link. eh why ? ! lols ya larh ...