Its a longgg story ; or rite a short one . but ,
无论是无心或有意, 只要我说了出来, 都变成了有意 ):
URGH ! I'm so sorry ! D: D: D: D: D:
S O R R Y laogong ): Forgive me please ! ):
Dammit thanks to my
Forgive me asap larh ho ? )':
My dear weiwei is down wiv fever + gastric flu + throat infection D:
Rar ysd I see him so xin ku at church can ; urgh xin tong ):
So I hope he can faster recover :D & eat all his fav food again :D
I had been making a prayer after evy msg I replied him ysd nite ;
& stopped tis morning , eh I should have continued . opps .
supposingly G is having his math exam now , somwhere in his sch ;
Oh well , Jiayouuuuuuuus :D Dont make careless mistakes ya ? (:
Tok about church ; ysd is a total mess .
I took 14 & soon after I realise de bus is not on de route tat it suppose to be .
So I start suspect if I was on de right bus cos I was rather rush getting onto it .
So I cfm-ed tat its not bus 14 ( I cant find anything showing wad bus Im taking though )
Dhen I pressed de "door stopping" & wait . & wait .
And den I realise tat de dearest OCBC bank is'ving a bycycle marathon thingy
So de bus is taking another toute , which is not really veri far ,
But de bus is moving at a turtle speed , I guarantee u tat even walk would be faster .
In conclusion , Im late for church ):
Dhen after tat peii-ed weiwei cab-ed home ,
If he vomitted / fainted halfway I'll str8 call mogu come help .
Oh well , he dint luckily :D Even if he does , I wont call one larh :D
Dhen stayed at his house , I saw tis two stitch key chain thingy so cute :D
Its de only thing tat I find stitch cute other den de hand ,
Which I had not yet go airport & see (:
Duno why weiwei love stitch so much ; mus be influenced by his Jie-s
But Oh well , since he loves it , I shall learn to love it too (:

After which headed for tm for de POP thingy ;
& qian / zhenzhu / J'lene ! when u all need de materials tell me !
If not it will rot under my study tables forevaaa one (:
Tmr got amath common test D: URGHHHH WHY ! WHY AMATH ! D:
So Im going to study , ya rite .. s t u d y ... hahahaha .
For today , as a whole ,
- Sorry licia ( forgive me please ) :'(
- Get well soon weiwei ( revovering rite ) :D
- Learn to ♥ stitch too (:

爱是一种毒瘾 正在发作
你知道我爱你 会爱到很久