吐day is very funnnnn :D
@ sakae sushi wiv de 10 of them (:
Finaly had squat dinner after postpone so long , day day month month alys postpone .
But is like soo omgosh ; full till 5 of us go vomit , lol .
Starting from 3 pm chiong in to eat ; sushi after sushi after sushi .
Until hazel realise de side-dish is free flow too ;
Dhen had side-dish after side-dish after side-dish .
Dhen we were lyk crazy over chawamushi ( or howeva u spell tat )
Zhenzhu ate 4 ; rest ate 3 , I ate too .
Even though I dint eat anything since ysd de beef noodle ,
I srsly get so full til I stuffed de sushi inside my month & chiong out ,
Threw into de dustbin , hurried to toilet ; vomit .
Walaooo Licia good larh so fast vomit out ; piangs ! D: D:
But anw feel much better after vomit ( so called ; not much ) :D
So glad tat in de end most made it ( Jo & Val dint come ) ;
I tot it 60% will be like postponed ; as usual . Haha .
Oh well I got sooo sick & sian & "NO more please" of sushi for de next 3mth .
Awwws , weiwei let's change our sakea buffet to somthing else ,
I dont wan ! D: tapanyaki would be a better choice lorh (:
We can still talk all day about anything , Im so looing forward to tat day .
It had been raining tis few days lorh , like so weird , veri hot , dhen rain daily .
Tsk alot peepo saw rainbow today ; I dint even look up at de sky on de way home .
Wat if de rain drops into my eye lorh ? haha .
Bus-ed home wiv ssgt rachel after photo taking session @ 2nd lvl toilet (:
Much photo isn't wiv me , so yaaaa (: Its really a stomach fulling day :X
I wanna shit ! xD ( Oh well unglam ; Tis is NOT Junting ho )
& & & Talks abt it , apparently my mother take down G's no .
& I'm like screw larh ! D: Piang eh , I feel so sorry to G can D: D:
Urgh Is so highly possible tat G might leave bcos of tis larh .
There is srsly no moments of a day tat I could stop worrying he might tell me
'Oh ur mother msged me ' 'Oh ur mother called me' Like so hais D:
Wathehell is her freaking problem ; __
Urgh but I promised G I will be guaii at home ;
I promise him I will go back to a home but not a warfront everyday ):
So I dont even bother to go argue wiv her , I dint talk back to her .
But sometimes is like so URGHHHHH ! Nevermind , I bear wiv it ):
But stil , I would really like to thank you for not leaving (: Cos last time , he left .
Alright ; enuf of this , ily xD
Ending off my post soooooooooon ; (: I wanna see other's .
( Licia ur bangs again ; Haha ! )
( Mogu , I lOVE ur cookie monster shirt xD )
( Oh hi ; Tis is mandy :D Whom I suddenly gotten close wiv tis few days )
( & & Our dearest ssgt rachel who live 4 blks away :D )
( Table no. 18 ! :D sushi ! eat ! )
@ sakae sushi wiv de 10 of them (:
Finaly had squat dinner after postpone so long , day day month month alys postpone .
But is like soo omgosh ; full till 5 of us go vomit , lol .
Starting from 3 pm chiong in to eat ; sushi after sushi after sushi .
Until hazel realise de side-dish is free flow too ;
Dhen had side-dish after side-dish after side-dish .
Dhen we were lyk crazy over chawamushi ( or howeva u spell tat )
Zhenzhu ate 4 ; rest ate 3 , I ate too .
Even though I dint eat anything since ysd de beef noodle ,
I srsly get so full til I stuffed de sushi inside my month & chiong out ,
Threw into de dustbin , hurried to toilet ; vomit .
Walaooo Licia good larh so fast vomit out ; piangs ! D: D:
But anw feel much better after vomit ( so called ; not much ) :D
So glad tat in de end most made it ( Jo & Val dint come ) ;
I tot it 60% will be like postponed ; as usual . Haha .
Oh well I got sooo sick & sian & "NO more please" of sushi for de next 3mth .
Awwws , weiwei let's change our sakea buffet to somthing else ,
I dont wan ! D: tapanyaki would be a better choice lorh (:
We can still talk all day about anything , Im so looing forward to tat day .
It had been raining tis few days lorh , like so weird , veri hot , dhen rain daily .
Tsk alot peepo saw rainbow today ; I dint even look up at de sky on de way home .
Wat if de rain drops into my eye lorh ? haha .
Bus-ed home wiv ssgt rachel after photo taking session @ 2nd lvl toilet (:
Much photo isn't wiv me , so yaaaa (: Its really a stomach fulling day :X
I wanna shit ! xD ( Oh well unglam ; Tis is NOT Junting ho )
& & & Talks abt it , apparently my mother take down G's no .
& I'm like screw larh ! D: Piang eh , I feel so sorry to G can D: D:
Urgh Is so highly possible tat G might leave bcos of tis larh .
There is srsly no moments of a day tat I could stop worrying he might tell me
'Oh ur mother msged me ' 'Oh ur mother called me' Like so hais D:
Wathehell is her freaking problem ; __
Urgh but I promised G I will be guaii at home ;
I promise him I will go back to a home but not a warfront everyday ):
So I dont even bother to go argue wiv her , I dint talk back to her .
But sometimes is like so URGHHHHH ! Nevermind , I bear wiv it ):
But stil , I would really like to thank you for not leaving (: Cos last time , he left .
Alright ; enuf of this , ily xD
Ending off my post soooooooooon ; (: I wanna see other's .
Its really fun eating tgt ,
but NO MORE buffet in near future please ! (: