FERSLY , I would love to say sorrrrryyy to G ;
Dont think he will see tis 'cos he say he will nvr com here again ):
But stil ,

( I'm de moo moo lo ; s o r r y ! )
& Anw back to de topic , in de end he stil forgave me xD
Thank you for ur 大恩大德 ; I wont do it again ! ( sound lyk I'm p3 kid )
Ysd wad happen in sch huhs , uhmm . OYAAA !
I 1st tym passed my Amath test in de year 2009 ! :D :D
Oh well , in fact most of de class get full marks -.- BUT STIL , I'm happy xD
Dhen hmm nothing much , btw my elit test is screwed did I mentioned it before ? (:
& OYA ; before phys lab lesson .
940 & val & me went into de guy's toilet cos tat lvl no gal toilet ;
dhen we oso lazy walk xD HEHEHE , 940 ! I decide to post it out ! :D
( I veri good nvr take ur beautiful fringe liao xD )
After sch met G at tampines , & he's late . E X P E C T E D lorh ! xD
Went to buy blahs @ popular , dhen ate pizzaaaa hut
Its like nearly 5 when we start to Q outside de hut , dhen finally our turn .
De waitress was like look at her watch , ( stil before 5pm :D ) den let us in for student meal .
Hohoo , I personally feel tat I'm really suck at communicating with de waitress .
I wanted to ask them serve my 'munchie mouse ice-cream' ;
Instead , de waitress passed me a desert de menu -.-
In de end still ate it with de help of G helping me ask again .
I want to eat OREO all of a sudden ! I shall buy it l8r :D
Dhen walked to CS , saw sammie & xiaozhenzhu eating .
Went over to slap tap on xiaozhenzhu de shoulder .
Dhen they two damn funny , cos both fo them wan to run over to see G ;
So no one was looking after de food etcs , so xiaozhenzhu came over fers
& she was lyk whispering : aye junting , wait here uh . now is sammie's turn to come see .
Im lyk . LOL , u two think visting singapore zoological garden is it ?!
Bus-ed back to my house after tat , walked to playground . (:
OYA I saw that zheng - you - dun if I rmber his name correctly .
I'm lyk looking at his cartoonist face : Oh so familiar . Dhen he oso look at me .
As I was stil trying to figure out hu he is , he waved at me , so I waved back .
Dhen after veri veri long , when we walked far far away .
I suddenly told G in a veri excited voice ( -.- no link ) :
Oh I rmber his name ! :D :D blahsss . Oh well G sure think I'm crazy or crazy .
Ahems dhen we stayed at de swing for veri veri long , like 1-2 hours I think ._.
& its damn cuteeeeeeeeeeee I swear xD
We were staring at all de flats see whose hosue light on ,
den go anyhow crap wad they doing .
Is like we saw one toilet de light on , for very very long ...
So the conver goes like ( starting form me fers ) :
Uhmm that toilet light on veri long ler ho ? bathe so long siah .
Hmm ya lo , ( pause ) maybe is doing something inside ... ( smile )
( Think , pause ) Hmmmm , HEHEHE .. ya hoooo ..
What u thinking lo ?! so tico ! ( act innocent himself )
WAD? I thinking de toilet bowl spoil dhen fix veri long mah ! think I lyk u meh ? xD
Wad like me ?! I thinking de plumber inside fixing de toilet mah !
Oh ya riteeee xD ( and continues with alot things :D )
We laughed alooooot xD HOHOHO :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
I'm so happy , over another thing G did , which I shall NOT say xD
Hehs , dhen went home after tat :D I'm so guaii ;
Come to think of it , I waved damn kua zhang at G when he turned back at traffic lite
LOL , Oh well xD Im just over-happy .
ANW , to licia ( or anyone else ) happens to read my blog until here .
I would lyk to show my appreciation of u being so patient by ...
showing you de latest photo of licia's bangs! :D :D
( Uhmm , tis is my best fren , now in PRIMARY secondary 3 ! xD )
There comes to de end of my post xD Another random one in fact .
& Oyaaa had de sucky sucky SUCKEST wushu ( cos of de coach ) in de new ISH .
LMAOoo its lyk so empty can ; one basket ball court & stairs for peepo to sit
& that's it ! de whole thing . I spent evy chance I had to press de floor anw .
It's fun cos its bounceyyy :D like so tat u can jump higher when u shoot I think xD
Alright , needa go off soon (:
就是你让我发呆也想著爱 (: