Has been damn moody since 24 hrs ago ; & until now , in a way .
For both studies & relationship stuffs ;
Thanks to my wonderful mother larh ): Made our relation turned so bad .
Fuck , I soo freaking hate u treating me like an item , so wad if I live in ur damn house .
S O R R Y larh ; sucker ! D: Forget it , I got no energy to hate u .
Recently two womans had alys been de problem to me between us . DAMN U TWO ! ):
After soo long when U finally said u think love me again , Its all gone again now rite D:
Why de two of u alys indirectly / directly destroyed de little fonds he had for me ! D:
I treasure it so much trying to build de feeling up but its alys de two of u detroyed it in a min .
I noe u two wont give a shit abt it But I do CANNNN ?! D:
Forget it not like anyone will understand wat I talking , I bet even G duno wtf I talking .
On de other hand I was seriously damn mood swing over studieeeees tis few days .
I'm seriously disheartened , landed in this smart arshhh class tat I had nvr want ):
Tio trashed by every single student in de class , damn u Junting .
& Apparently my previous previous wk de 6 tests is soo . speechless .
100209 /&. Social study test . 6/10
110209 /&. Geog . 14.5/25
120209 /&. Emath . 14/18
120209 /&. Elit . 19/40 . Phys . 13/20
Oh well border line passes & one fail , shit you ! D:
I'm so 100% sure tat I will fail my overall % for CA1 larh ; no doubt at all .

Fuck , esp after getting 7/27 for amath CT .
From 14/15 to 7/27 , I so can see de 'great improvement' in it .
Okie larh , I only complete two qns shouldn't complain .
But Its like , I ysd spent so many bloody hrs study log .
I really wanted to study de can )': I asked mr neo teach me after sch ,
Until so late dhen went home cont. to study till 4am in de morning .
In de end what ? Cant even do exercise 2.6 -.- Smart huh ?
Since when I became so stupid + dumb ( I'm a baichi . )
I seriously doubt If I can even pass my O lvl , I wont be so luckie .
My eng , elit , chem , amath everything so screwed can .
So was damn moody de whole day & I seriously dint wan to go sch today .
But stil I went , & I so wanted to pon np , but I went .
Now that Im glad I went , cos it seems everyone is moody .
But all gets so much better in de later part of de day .
I love my gals ; thank you :]
Ysd dint even bring bag home , put wallet + log ws + hp inside a plastic folder & walked away
After mr neo left de class , I was abt to go home dhen mutou
( The stubborn person who snatch away my seat & don wan change back D: )
was lyk u going home liddat ? serious ? ( 'Cos Its stil raining heavily . )
Im lyk ya , & he was lyk ' ur uniform white l8r wet so transparent can see ur bra ' -.-
Im lyk 'So ? my bra is white oso mah ._. ' ( Abit no link though )
Alright crap I got nothing better to type is it .
So anw in de end he walked me home , & so as to show my appreciation ;
( Since he live at bedok north & Im lyk at bedok south ) I treated him bubble tea .
Tsk Im like such a nice person larh ! D:
Dhen I realise I left my key in bag , my bag in my sch .
So we crapped til 6 plus dhen my mother called me blahs & went home after tat .
Apparently he dint noe Im form China , Oh well expected .
But he say Im old ! D: Im lyk ' NO ? At least Im young at heart '
& He was lyk 'so u mean u old in appearance larh ? ' I paused . & he cont ;
'not really mah , I think u don look old ' So I was abt to be happy & give a big smile & he cont ;
' Since U so flat ... ' Im lyk WADDDD LOOOO ! D: D: blame de uniform ! :]
ORH WELL , I think I really got nothing better to type , OKAY .
TAT'S IT , I wanna complain abt my study more but , forget it .
Its worse than words could describe -.-
I ♥ Pet Society (:
& my weiwei bear .
I wan us to smile like tis
I wan everything be simple .
I wan u to love me too ! D: