Its a rather long story , I duno where to start off , u aren't on9 ):
Tmr is not 3mth , its not 290209 , there will never be a 290209 .
Such a bad omen ; I duno how should I be feeling now .
Glad tat my mother tot we broke up & was lyk telling me
'我知道你不好受' & '这种事每人都要经历'& '过去了就算了' de whole day -.-
But come to think of it , are we really stil together ?
I dun even noe ler , Tmr is really a mystery .
How sure can u , can I be ? Tat we will be back tgt after my Os .
Two years , Ain't long but ain't short neither .
How are we gonna maintain de feeling we had inside our heart for de 2 years ?
Time will change everything isn't it ? ):
Feeling will fade , I really don wan . I don wan anyone to replace u again .
I'd alys rmber tat nite I looked into de sky , called u & cried .
It's rare tat we talk on phone isn't it ? So far only 5 tyms , or lesser ?
I rmber u told me I had finally captured ur heart how can I let it go now .
I rmber u told me You will wait for me for 2 yrs if it has come to de worst .
I rmber u told me You love me , u don wan me to leave .
I rmber u told me U alys rmber wat I said before ,
'others are against us bcos they'r jealous , so we must stay tgt no matter wad . '
isn't it ? I wonder is it still on ur wallpaper , not anymore isn't it ? ):
U told me not to cry anymore , but I cried harder & louder .
I really rmbered every word u said ;
Tat nite I was really hopeless & helpless upon read her msg .
I called u , totally scared tat she'll cancel de line off anytime ;
as well as a sudden fear tat I can no longer hear ur voice again .
Your voice and your words tat nite calmed my soul , touched my heart .
You're like my hero , alys here for me when I'm sad . ( Oh-so-drama but true )
Oh ; But Dear , what's de pointing of me saying all these now , eh ? ):
I really miss u so so much de whole day , but I can do nothing .
I wanted to msg u so so much but I noe I cant , I shouldn't .
Only then they wont call u , they won't disturb u again .
Perhaps this is not de best choice , but I duno wat else I can do other than tis .
Do you have any idea my weiwei ? )':
It feels so much like you left , or I leaved .
Can't ): Our story cant end like this , it's not yet completed .
It shouldn't be putting on a fullstop so early ):
I feel so like cry out again now , but I shan't .
My mother is beside me , monitering my evy action -.-
Reconfirming tat Its over between us , hais . p u p p e t l i f e .
Now I really hope tat U could com to my blog ,
There's a little greedy voice from my mind prayed tat
You comes here evyday & read my blog & understand how I feel ,
& Most importantly , believe me that I will always love you .
It's really kinda scary tat I waited till 2 years l8r ,
I saw u with another girl holding hands happily together .
But so what ? I swear I'll still wait . So wat If de outcome is not de one I want .
I'll bet with my entire heart .Let's see ; on 291110 (:
PS. I'd been falling in love wiv tis song since I fers listen to it .
For you , my dearest weiwei .
我要离去别再哭泣 不要伤心请你相信我
要等待我的爱 陪你永不离开
因为会有那么一天 我们牵著手在草原
听鸟儿歌唱的声音 听我说声我爱你