unspoken love
I duno yy I cant upload de pics ; arlright , my comp AP .
Added in . (:
Today had geog & math test . Math was pretty fine .
Geog is ... hehehe { 940 ; u noe wad happened :D } LOl .
Left sch earlier go for de sg power course .
Kinda retarded , was concentrating throughout de whole course on other things
After that wanted to go eat squat dinner , budden zao-ed to taka wiv licia .
O Y A ; her muffin's really nice . I A T E A L L can ! fattening !
But I gave 940 2 oso , haha . Stil damn full de whole day (:
Walked around orchard but went back to bedok & eat in the end .
After that was fuller den before so decide to walk home :]

Today is really a happpy happy very happy day for me
Cos msged wiv G so happily throughout the whole day .
I nearly felt as if nothing had happened , we were still tgt or somthing (:
Hah de feeling is damnnn nice :]
So I was happy still despite my weight is lyk ... -.- .... -.-
Argh , was trying out nia 's 'double eyelid' thingy in de toilet ,
Cos saw her using , dhen curious go try .
Fers time realise my eyes can be rather BIG if I'm double eyelid .
Okie as I said , I F T.T means I'm not .
Hah , somtimes I can get so jealous of others D:
But I shall be contented with myself , & most importantly .
Make G like me for who I am , since its de fact I cant turn FUN SIZE lyk 940 .
Haha , Oh well its a compliment to u lorh 940 (:
I wanted to upload pics but failed . so sua :]

How I wish everyday with u is liddat ,
I'll drown in honey :D


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