Backed home form sch after recess jus now .
why did i even go to sch tis morning siah . SHERMAY u lo !
i today wake up actually don wan go sch derh ;
den suddenly rmber tat im meeting u at 6 . so i went down ,
and u are not there ! hmphhhh ! D:
nevertheless i walked to sch ; & ysd i dint touch chem at all .
so obviously is screwed , OH-WADEVA .
even though its jus slightly fever & serious sore throat , i came back
uhmmm ; okie actually i wanna skip ss & geog -.-
-/ its boring & i dint do de hw . opps :D
oh well a BIG BIG SORRY to 940 for pangseh-ed u ! (:
dhen cabbed home cos its uber HOOOOT outside ,
& im hungry D: starving ! urgh , i w a n t o e a t f o o d !
got lyk 5 tests next week ?! D: freak ! & its lyk ss ? geog ? -.-
all my sucky sucky subjects , i can imagine my wonderful marks now larh .
I HAVE DECIDED !... im off to cook maggie :]
i wan a nice nice photo wiv u lyk tat .
ps.edited :
wad happened to my auditionnnnn man ?
i onli dint play for lyk eh perhaps 2 months plus ?
& they added new songs lyk yi bai wan -.-
OMGOSH , fen chan -.- mus be u suggest to them one rite ?!