
Showing posts from January, 2009


tuition postponed to tmr 12 pm ; anw my mother was lyk i going cancel it so im lyk sooo heipi & yeepyyyyy ! dhen she told me , ORH change to another tuition im lyk -.- eh okiee -.- THANKS LO . anw ysd nite crapped wiv mr G alot of things . i said abt bang xiang stil so stubborn don wan change ; i said abt sheng hui kept asking are u a nerd ? ; i said abt whole class guessing each other's sec 1 class ; i said abt evo guy think me & licia are les ; i said abt mogu 's emotion-less face evy day ; i said abt 940 & me ; orh 940 ! how uh he wan two tym u lerh ! xD & somore things . orh well im so crappy :D watching doraemon now ; actually i wonder wad domokun do :X is lyk its not a cartoon not a show ; lyk so random pop out one . orh well don matters , its retarded face is enuf for me to love it :D i love chua mogu de blog ! D: D: 蔡蘑菇!你自己小心ho! 我要steal away 你的blog咯! & monday ; jus wait & see ! i'll see u drop dead on de floor upon seeing de ROUNDEST b...


okieee superr shaggg feel lyk i dint post for long :X wanted to change my blog song but i find it reali nice even thou 940 last tym use :D :D okie 50% bcos i lazy change larh . but anw finally de week is over . got loads tuition hw to do , before she step into de house tmr at 9 am . omgfg ; which means two weeks of hw-s i've to finsih tonite . never man ! D: but anw it had been a eh ; up & down week for me . i nearly tot all its de end ; orh well take note i use de word 'nearly' which means nvr , i suppose . im not sure neither . -/& today tat "evo person" came & look for us ; dhen talked for lyk an hour plus ; & mogu SMILE MORE MAN ! chua mogu ; stop showing ur emotion-less face :D lols ; dhen when we went bac de campcraft training's over . jus lyk pt . warm up . pt . cool down . debrief . blehs ! & its over ; & sadly , de BALL-ROLLING compe is postponed due to tis & tat & tis D: to next mondaaaaay (: after mogu's ri...


LOLS. wad is tis . i..........................

大年初一一一 !

randoming around wiv tis song came into my mind . i think im becoming more & more thick skin -.- peepo so despo wan break dhen i kept dragging on . HAHAHAHA . im crazy crazy crazyyyyy :D :D 明明知道“无论是怎样的感情,终会有变淡的一天” 我知道时间会抹平一切,但知道是知道, 做不做得到却是另一回事... dammit -.-

de ball goes ROUND&ROUND

PEEPO ! since after mogu lose to my laogong in blow-straw-competition . on 2009 jan 26 00.40 am me & mogu had OFFCICALLY agreed on rolling bread into balls see-whose-ball-rounder competition ! :D VENUE: anglican high school canteen {most likely} DATE: coming wednesday ! 28jan2009 :D CHANLLENGER: 蘑菇小姐 (: TITLE: roll ball competition ! OBJECTIVE: see whose who roll de ball rounder ! :D see you moguuuuuuuuuu ! (: im so looking forward into it :D :D :D PROOOOOD BELOOOOW ♥ Lethal POLO Banana says: Lol we eat cheapskate tuan yuan fan, go drinks stall buy bread. - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: OKIE ! - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: & roll it into BALLS ! - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: tang yuannn ♥ Lethal POLO Banana says: OK! SEE WHOSE BALL ROUNDER. - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: LOL ! - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: okie ! - /& J U N T I N G ღ 'pillocious™ says: & de loser eat BOTH ! - /...


okie joking ; not reali hells ; unless special case ; lyk wear it & walk around de marina square for duno how many rounds . i eventually bcm so unglam to take it off in de toilet . & guess wad ! i felt my feet step 100%-ly on de floor ! im lyk soo touched ! & i stand there for 10 sec . & dhen i realise ORH . de floor is w-e-t :D clueless of wad i sayin ? :D kay larh i shall start from de start . cos when i wake up my mother alrdy left de house . dhen i stunn at home . & i decide to go river hong bao '09 walk . & yeashh i went there ; i love de wind :D :D as cool as tat afternoon (: de lighting is nice too :D u noe de white color shelter tat day we look down from ? :] at nite it will change color lorh ; so chio ! from purple to green to pink to blue etcs (: dhen i walk walk walk to all de light ; i onli ♥ twooo of them lorh ; one Chinese chess derh ; & de small small lyk cute de cartoon opera thingy :D [ my description skill suck; xP ] HA; & its rat...
its new year eve ;D & im here alone . cant u feel my misery too ? duno where my mother gone to tonite , hmm wadeva . fall slp lying on de table while she nagging at me jus now . dhen when i wake up she's not at home ler . so drama . i wan eat dinner ._. so far i onli ate a ice cream de whole day . roars . food . urgh forget it . got myself 's mood so bad upon seing somone's pm . how am i suppose to ans tat qns ? i wan avoid . & yesh im avoiding . muahahaha im a coward ; if not wat else can i do ? i just don wish to think too much . i just hope everything goes on fine . for now , and im typing slow cos i noe u all read very slow . actually i wanted to post abt today morning but i alrdy publish post .

恭喜发财 ! :D

okie peepo happy chinese new year ! :D i've got couple of wishes for de new year thou , 1.CHANGE SEAT wiv TIONG BIANG XIANG tgt wiv 940 ! [ DESPO ] 2.try not to fail ALL DE TEST throughout de year ! not get seduce by food too much evyday ! 4.evyone get promo in np ! [include me :D ] more clotheszxzxzxzx ! :D okie tat's for de new year wishes ; now's de new year plans { for tis four days } 240109 -& chem notes.math.tuition hw. 250109 -& mother's fren house.compo.amath. 260109 -& geog notes.tuition hw.phys.peepo com my house. 270109 -& sch hw.tuition hw.chem. ROAR ; don seem attracting at all larh D: :D & i wan take my heels ._. raors ; i would reali love to see my laogong aka licia putting make ups , hahs , orh well . according to sheldule ; im suppose to do chem notes now . fine . off for my wonderful vocation . but before tat ; i shall tok abt ysd's initiation day . I SUPER DUPER LOVE EUNICE DE GAME ! i tried to hide evy...
fuck , i so feel lyk blog all tis craps out but i noe i couldn't . i owe u so much , u should hate me . i would die of guilty if u dont . its jus so much ... i wish i could tok to u abt tis whole thing but i noe i cant if i eva do , history would repeat again . i don wan tat , i will jus left wiv nothing nothing but plenty of emptiness . orh fuck tis is not de tym to be a emo shit -.- JUNTING U SHOULD BE STUDYING GO IN FRONT OF DE TABLE & START DO DE HOMEWORK STOP FUCKING WASTE TYM ON TIS THINGS ! but , i jus cant stop myself from think of it . i wan slap myself , n i will take it as u r slapping me . den perhaps i will feel better , i swear i reali will . lastly , i wish u r here now . let me lie on ur shoulder and have a good cry . don ask me why . im toking to two different person .

dear blog ;

orh yeaa im suppose to blog ; & finish in 13 min's tym . busy wiv scrolling through other's blog ; reading other's story . & eventually forget my own story ; my role . okay i sound lyk a small little philosopher kind of peepo . today mrs lam reprimanded [quote frm el lesson ] me & 940 . den she made me sit all de way to de front , roars . budden wadeva , got fannnnnnnnn there lerh ! (: dhen recess continue to pester mr . TIONG - BIANG - XIANG . even thou i failed [expected] ; i still will persist on my mission of 3H'09 . to eventually get bac my beloved seat which has been accompany me for nearly 2 wks ; & licia came to find me ; i was learning to sing de song larh . budden turn out to be total failure , i can sense it myself -.- but de song reali has great meaning to me ; or perhaps u , too (: dhen amath i feel so wthell & wtfuck & wtheck . i don get a shit , okay i get it but i noe my brain wont be able to w...

memory failure

HARLOOOOW HUMANS on earth ! im bac here to blog , after realising i forget to go meeting . okay fine SORRY la :X not on purpose de ! sumpa ! :X dhen dhen orh wait i forget wad i wan say . jus being random anw , i HATEEE sensitive teeth ! D: dhen im going to stuuuuuudy ; yesh i noe tis had been appearing in my blog alot tyms ler budden tis tym i'm reali gonna study , if u believe -.- HAHA! i wan study de lo , but aiya . duno how say . dhen uhmm ysd went mac wiv gummy to do amathhh yesh amath & he was damn cute . cos he was lyk doing my qns ; den he get it wrong . den he was lyk im going to be serious! den do again & wrong again & he was lyk tis tym im reali serious ! dhen do again & wrong againn soo im lyk HAHAHAHA ! & anw ysd is de onli tym tat amath seems fun . serious . orh well anw today is uber super boring . i duno y maybe cos pe de wu shu used up alot energy dhen im lyk rotting de whole day larh ; me & 940 pestered mutou agian ; kena rejected as usua...
dedicate esp to mr. GUMMY ; & i mean evy word in tis song. 别说对不起. 望远镜 看不见你 你的心 飞去哪里 雾上飞行 想像黑夜的经历 别说对不起 别让我伤了心 才说不是故意 我却无法怪你 别说对不起 别让我的爱情变成廉价物品 我却只能爱你 闭上眼睛 却看见你 想你的好 代替无力 我相信你 却开始不信任自己 别说对不起 别让我灰了心 才说不是故意 我却无法怪你 别说对不起 别让我的爱情变的小心翼翼 我却只能爱你 用行动來证明 你的決心不要说说而已 我想要的不只是 sorry 雾上飞行 想像黑夜的经历 别说对不起 别让我伤了心 才说不是故意 我却无法怪你 别说对不起 别让我的爱情变成廉价物品 我卻只能爱你. urgh my mood; :X anw, i was reali happy on sat (: dhen uhm going study chem, kick chem's ass , tat me reali had a good laugh, thks & i deleted my friendster cos i got nothing better to do. WOW (: / edited URGH I FEEL SO UNFAIR ! EVEN DE FAN TUAN CAN HAVE A NICE RELATIONSHIP WIV HIS GALFREN I MEAN IS LYK WALAOA ; FAN TUAN LERH D: Y CANT I ! D: ASININE LIFE!

weekends! :D

love. de sky is ours (: TA-DAR! duno yy gummy has been falling in love wiv tis word; okay tat's randooom, today is lyk eh happy or rather de atmoshpere isnt reali good in de start :X de sec ones were choosing there CCA-s, well wadeva. in de end get 17 or 16 peepos; urghh. i feel once again, SO OLD . dhen was reali pissed wiv tat cca larh; D: i was seriously giving a tight slap on her face today can -.- made so many peepo cry somore; wtf. nvm, after tat de captain's ball is funnnnnnnnnn! oya realise my blog is apparently dead . cos i don go other peepos' blog to tag, & thus they wont be here neither. nvm, i blog. i read. i shuang :D :D lastly, i hope tmr i go out i don see anione i noe, cos i'll drop dead i think. (: & today spend de whole recess pestering eh {duno how spell his name} to give bac my seat but he don wan D: stubborn mu tou larh! :X im reali serious abt pouring sugar on ur seat okay? u shall see! i wan my seat bac man! :X actually when u let me lis...

losing balance

i think i got alot to say alot to type alot to blog. but now i've reali no much strength to blog & type. considering tat i still need to finsih, or rahter start on my compo & de amath, oya heymath & alot more. ysd is reali damn bloody fishing saddening. forget it i duno where to start wiv; -.- I was nvr eva so sad before wiv him la; wtf. how was it tat u could be so loving n full of laughter one moment, n den so bittering n sour de next, n sometimes,lyk now, even both at once? find it familiar uh huh? i quoted it form sing to de dawn anw ysd i was reali fcking hurt la, forget abt tat. it past anw, i don reali feel lyk looking bac into it, since its nothing good anw. i would reali feel lyk bring up de atmoshpere to a hyper stage. cos today is reali FUNNNNNNNNNNN in sch. esp de part tat i heard kaili say he wan sell his crystal; dhen 940 was lyk said somthing lyk go geylang sell wad start new trend. so i happily cut in them & ask huh u going geylang sell crystal? ok...

tofu tofu ;D

ta-da! jus a short short & simple post before i leave home; cos l8r when im bac i cnat use comp ler anw (: todayy going out wiv tofuu to eat; he jus msged me he got b3 so most lykly emo-ing (: & today is so OWNNNN-ing :D :D after sch saw tian jiao & shi ying hu were both, going to hailong's house; [TSK TSK!] :D dhen he was lyk aye 听说你有男朋友了啊? & obviously he was expecting me to deny or somthing; but i lazy bother him oso so im lyk yarr larhhh :D dhen he too shiok tio i'll admit & rooted for lyk 10sec dhen he was lyk, 我佩服你sia; so 坦白! MUAHAHAHAHA; I OWN HAI CHONG CHONG (: anw im running out of tym i think; okay fineee going out now, buhbyeeee :D

CHEERFUL's back :]

HAHA de crazy pillow 100% original is back to earth! :D changed skinnnn lyk againnnnnn its expected anw :D :D trying to persuade tofu to change his msn pm lyk OURS ; its sweet okay? awwws licia rmber de last tym our twinnnerrr pm ? hehe im sure u do; (: we must keep our ZHUbank alive larh! :D I LOVE YOU LAOGONG! since 080808.0808! haha! im crazy! & anw today my God di came again; & i had period cramp de whole day -.- so im lyk lying on de bed don move, dhen he roll over me lyk im a charsiew liddat. awwws; anw he's sweeeet haha! :D cos -/& i helped him tou tou take de ice cream to eat; -/& he lied to my mother im studying when im lyk sleeping; -/& i brought him out wiv me to escape his fate of my mother teach eng; haha! boys are cute & adorable BUT irritating at time :X opps! okay fine i like him; :D anw jus recieved MR KELVIN LEE TOFU de e-mail :] here it goes :D the person who pass you the quiz is? tofu [2] your relationship with them is? my kor kor ...


today is kinda fantastic , lol wad a word to use -.- anw i shall start wiv morning (: i had a dream, yes emphasis its a dream. i dreamt tat i woke up late for sch or somthing, but im old enuf to noe im dreaming so i dint bother about it. but in de dream, i suddenly felt tat im reali late for sch, as in rl. so i immediately forced myself to wake up & its lyk damn bright outside. im lyk ORH SHIT dhen i search for my phone & its 7.23am im lyk FISH! lateee liao, haven pack bag. dhen i sat up, dhen start to think. today is. eh wth? SATURDAY -.- no wonder i dint hear alarm or wad larh! D: so dumb, :D so i go bac slp dhen wake up at 9.30. gang hao heard de tv at de coffee shop below playing doraemon music, so dragged myself to watch :D & laughed :D hehe! after tat i act veri guai go study sutdy til my mother go off. suppose to meet gummy at 2 but apparently we meet nearly 3. i alrdy stepped my left feet out of my house when i recieve his msg tat he stil at bustop, or did he jus ...

idiot (:

found tis while randoming around; form qingying 's blog (: & out of retardness; i went to do it, eventually i find it FUNNN ! :D The Idiot Test - Find out how much of an idiot are you The Idiot Test 2 - More idiotic tests than the first one The Idiot Test 3 - More idiocy but can you pass these tests The Idiot Test 4 - The ultimate way of telling if you're an idiot i dint have de patient lyk her to complete all anw :]

broken bones;

it's such a shag shag day today! fers i shall tok crap dhen cca showcase den som personal thingy (: CRAP starts here. today wake up at 6.09 am ._. but i still went to cook maggie,AGAIN -.- i'm nuts & i'm aware of tat peepos (: dhen go sch, & anw de lit test is reali 100% retarded i would say. luckie eng presentation de cher haven call my reg. no. HOHO :D den hmm i onli rmber got amath & math homeworks larh. dhen tat's abt it, continue wiv de mainnnn thingy now. CCA showcase. fers round is still okay, as in de tyming evyone got it rite, dhen blahs. dhen de 2nd tym, PEK CHEK-NESS sia! de music stopped halfway -.- i mean even though we got prepare larh but its still so dumb can, toopid lerh! dhen most pekchek one is after tat de speaker can work liao dhen de whole parade square playing tat music, WAD THE HECK larh D: after tat performed again, to spoil mood one lorh; budden still quite funnn, esp when peepo shouting JOIN UGs! i alys get damnnn hyper :D :D :D :...


SWEET DREAMS;♥ dont read if it isnt mean for u -.- im dying, reali dying, i feel lyk kill myself or somthing.okay not kill i jus wan do somthing to myself so tat my brain can stop u r worried blahs tat y i said wait till den but urgh so tired, seriously don feel lyk going to sch tmr can. im tired im much more tired dhen i tot i was, & its reali irritating.stop asking me how & telling me duno please,u ask me how den evything i say u oso say somthing bac. den wat u wan me to say la i wish i paika now or somthing, den i can take a break or fact i don reali feel lyk let anione sees tis but i reali wan to say say it out or jus type out or somthing. i cant take it to pack evy tot in my heart it will tired.i hate goodbye. i reali do. i never type tat word in a msg before can, not to anione. i hate tat word. it hurts i duno y oso. but i don lyk peepo saying sound so sad so desperate, even if we r meeting de next day or jus...

dumb & dumb

de 671 posts of de empire. tat's no big deal anw. orh dying,physically & mentally. i feel so lyk blogging alot alot things but i got nothign to tok now, its alys been liddat, irritating.IHATEJUNTINGIREALIDOHATEHERALOT (: suppose to do wad ss derh reliability qns but apparently i haven even take out de thumbdrive. lyk i can do anithing liddat, urgh im jus too tired to say a thing when licia pass it to me, i should have rejected her, forget it. its wiv me now. i will do it later,i need made my way to there fers hell noes how much i don wan to go, fuck. u wouldnt noe how i feels lyk okay nvm its jus a trip down to there y am i so fucking dot dot dot. im so tired anw, i wish tmr is sat orh sat, or maybe fri oso can i don mind dhen after tat i can go home & relax. now i feel lyk change skin, im despo to change. i swear if i cant find ani nice one i'll use blogger's template today. tis is freaking irritating, im trying not to use de f--- word now im super low no...
oeh hi,orh bye. im here to show i dint abandon my blog.
watched 不良笑花 de last episode online, cos i reali cant find a blogskin i wan orh well wadeva, wanted to watch brokeback mountain derh budden happen to saw tis instead. wadeva, i've decide all tis is not wad i wan, is not wad i'm looking forward to in my life. i can stare at ur msn saw ur nick changed form tis to tat to tat to tis yet still i wont go talk to u, but is better den u r off9 isnt it. actually i wan to ask eh u nvr go church uh budden i think from jus now till now; i still decide not to ask, aha im retarded.i wan be crayon shin chan! :] be more marute, pull up ur pants and dont learn form me SOOO CUTEEEEE isnt he?roars im so jealous of him larh :X muahahahaha, anw im lyk emo-ing i think ._. cos im lyk watch watch dhen tears fall out, urgh even though i told myself is bcos de drama is touching, budden deep in me i still noe tat tat's not de reason, its jus a excus. i WAS once a cheerful pillow, ARGH, hu de fuck changed me -.- i wan quit i wan quit i swear i will qu...
I WANT CHANGE BLOGSKIN ! :] its a sudden feeling; orh well, since evyone is having a new start for new yr. i'm going to use tat excus too, its a new yr, i wan a new start. ysd morning went out to do ss project, lyk once again, wiv dhey 3. dhen blahs at pasir ris mac, i dint do much, okie in fact i dint do anithing :X dhen licia was lyk eh i wan eat zingeeeer orh zingerrrr i mean somthing liddat so we shifted to kfc after tat; dhen blahs, well i PERSONALLY feel tat de project is not finish lorh :D after which i went out, orh well. wiv gummy ._. (i duno wat's wiv tis stunning expression) somhow i found out a small problem between us which i shant say; & i was thinking reali deeeeeeeep into it ysd nite, & today morning i came out wiv de conclusion of change my blogskin -.- okay was shit reason is tis :D HAHA. sayo; back in searching for blogskinnnnnnnnnnn! :D i was thinking of going church today since tuition is postpone, budden since u dont care, i shant care.neither (: ...
urgh , FERS DAY of sch :] its uber boring. o did sgt weiting com to my blog or tat old fren of mine came; opps nvm , i DON WAN my amath cher larh ! MR N** D: roars i rather math & amath cher swrob larh , orh WEE WEEE ahems u mus be touched seeing tis lorh ! :D :D fers day is seriously retarded, f.t same as 3h'08, pengzhi lorh . dhen expected, evy yr fers day, dr boon & ms cheong & cai tou will go on stage one by one tok crap, :X so boring & so super long lorh, i bcm a upper sec student which i personally feel tat IM SOOOO OLD! D: but well im young at heart okay? suddenly rmber i've to send licia de photos, budden urgh i shall send tmr, to lazy to move my feet body etc; anw i reali wonder fers day of sch go sch for wad can ._. eeyer my laogong licia is at 5 th floor & im at 4 th , de another end somore D: but anw we found a perfect spot for our recess today (: no snatching peepo ! ;D dhen after tat got cca , not reali tough...
SUCH A HAPPY NEW YEAR FOR ME , ysd, aka derh last day of 2008, i was walking happily wiv gummy, okay not reali happy cos he got fever :X dhen we walk & we walk & saw my parents walking into my face -.- dhen im lyk ORH SHIT, dhen they two stopped stared. & orh well, sher i think i can hi5 wiv u larhs (: dhen after tat obviously wad happens is so expected ._. fers my xy gone nuts & she screamed in de phone lyk crazy & scolded me, not as in normal scolding, she was lyk scolding sort of f words. lol, dhen my mother ysd nite when i bac still quite calm can, dhen today started her lecture blahs blahs, orh well im lazy to type out. :X most pekchek is de toopid asshole go use belt hit me, walaoooooooo soo pain larh D: WARNING: tmr don eva touch my LEFT shoulder, THANK U! ;D dhen they were lyk underage sex, blahs, cheaters, blahs, study, blahs. police, blahs, laws, blahs. & so my xy was lyk discussing wiv my mother, say wad i contacted my fren hu's a lawyer say wad ...