dumb & dumb

de 671 posts of de pillow.bs empire. tat's no big deal anw.
orh dying,physically & mentally.
i feel so lyk blogging alot alot things but i got nothign to tok now,
its alys been liddat, irritating.IHATEJUNTINGIREALIDOHATEHERALOT (:
suppose to do wad ss derh reliability qns but apparently
i haven even take out de thumbdrive.
lyk i can do anithing liddat, urgh
im jus too tired to say a thing when licia pass it to me,
i should have rejected her, forget it. its wiv me now.
i will do it later,i need made my way to there fers
hell noes how much i don wan to go, fuck.u wouldnt noe how i feels lyk
okay nvm its jus a trip down to there y am i so fucking dot dot dot.
im so tired anw, i wish tmr is sat orh sat,
or maybe fri oso can i don mind dhen after tat i can go home & relax.
now i feel lyk change skin, im despo to change.
i swear if i cant find ani nice one i'll use blogger's template today.
tis is freaking irritating, im trying not to use de f--- word now
im super low now, seriously. & i definately hate it.
but i will be bac to normal soon dhen i will change my blogskin again.
but now, i seriosuly jus feel lyk smash de comp
seeing my white blogger. suck.
u duno how much u hurt me by saying all those things sometimes, its reali feels lyk somone gave me a stab rite on my heart.

im bac to normal by abit now, after vomiting ._.
aiya eat too much today i think, okay obviously ._.
morning 5 am wake up siao siao go cook maggie ._. okay tat's damn random larh
dhen recess go buy fish & chip, dhen green tea blahs
dhen dinner ate alot again, one oreo cheese cake & carrot cake. im crazy i noe
so i think de mixture of all de food reacts tgt & formed chemical reactions
dhen blahs, i finally vomited out, crazy though.
so ya im much more better, hoho, my korkor & didi currently toking to me on msn
okay so random :D


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