okieee superr shaggg feel lyk i dint post for long :X
wanted to change my blog song but i find it reali nice
even thou 940 last tym use :D :D
okie 50% bcos i lazy change larh .
but anw finally de week is over . got loads tuition hw to do ,
before she step into de house tmr at 9 am .
omgfg ; which means two weeks of hw-s i've to finsih tonite .
never man ! D:
but anw it had been a eh ; up & down week for me .
i nearly tot all its de end ; orh well take note i use de word 'nearly'
which means nvr , i suppose . im not sure neither .

today tat "evo person" came & look for us ;
dhen talked for lyk an hour plus ; & mogu SMILE MORE MAN !
chua mogu ; stop showing ur emotion-less face :D
lols ; dhen when we went bac de campcraft training's over .
jus lyk pt . warm up . pt . cool down . debrief . blehs !
& its over ; & sadly , de BALL-ROLLING compe is postponed
due to tis & tat & tis D: to next mondaaaaay (:
after mogu's rifle shooting , i'm thinking wad flavor should we buy :D
haha anw ; dhen uhmm ysd its twoo month anni wiv mr G :]
i duno is it still considered budden anw ate omelette rice tgt ;
& its lyk i realise we both mispell it as omellete rice :D
dhen anw i wrote de so-called fers love letter to him ;
okay excluding de pri four inciddent -.-
for those hu noe abt it ; STOP LAUGHING ! :X
actually i think its more of like a crapy crazy notes
budden anw ; it was kinda sweeet ysd .
& i brought twooo domokunnnnnnnnn yesh tat damn cute thingy !
& mr TOFU [2] ! its NOT wat bangala toy -.- its D-O-M-O-K-U-N !

friday 's over ! i alys felt veri relieved when cca 's over on fri .
is lyk tat marks de end of a busy sch week :D :D
ta daaa ! im off for dinner . bathe . hws & hws D: G told me i once said ta-da & its damn cute ;
i tried my veri best to recall but i cant rmber how did i said it D:


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