
okie joking ; not reali hells ; unless special case ;
lyk wear it & walk around de marina square for duno how many rounds .
i eventually bcm so unglam to take it off in de toilet .
& guess wad ! i felt my feet step 100%-ly on de floor !
im lyk soo touched ! & i stand there for 10 sec .
& dhen i realise ORH . de floor is w-e-t :D

clueless of wad i sayin ? :D kay larh i shall start from de start .
cos when i wake up my mother alrdy left de house .
dhen i stunn at home . & i decide to go river hong bao '09 walk .
& yeashh i went there ; i love de wind :D :D
as cool as tat afternoon (: de lighting is nice too :D
u noe de white color shelter tat day we look down from ? :]
at nite it will change color lorh ; so chio !
from purple to green to pink to blue etcs (:
dhen i walk walk walk to all de light ;
i onli ♥ twooo of them lorh ; one Chinese chess derh ;
& de small small lyk cute de cartoon opera thingy :D
[my description skill suck; xP ]

HA; & its rather pathetic i realise
its Chinese new year eve after all .
and im lyk all alone ; outside . hahaha .
dhen i saw tis handicapped person so ke lian wiv a cup in his hand .
& i jus felt a veri sad aura around me ; and i gave him 5 bucks .
dhen he was lyk kept thank u , for tat instant , my tears nearly fall out .
okie let's get not so emotional (:
after tat im super tired . not cos of walking long distance .
but walking wiv heels , even though its lyk 2cm nia ? -.-
or maybe lesser . ahems ; im not veri short okay ?! :D
im ONE-SIX-FOUR now hor !
but i wan 167 or somthing :D quite impossible for me now .
laaaaaaaas ~ dhen anw so im bac here ; infront of de comp .
wiv 蔡宥嘉 singing 我可以 on de tv now . & a tower on my head .
lazy to take it off after bathe ; ahems . laziness uhs ! :D
chinese new year ; emphasis . chinese .

渐渐开始明白以前一个作者写过的一段话, 她说,
原本费尽心机想要忘记的事情真的就那么忘记了。 "
身边的人来了,走了, 原来他们只是我生命中的过客。
再见,再也不见, 很久很久以前,我就对再见感到莫名的恐惧。
好比有些事;有些人, 一个不小心就会不见一样。
好比他们如生命中五彩缤纷的泡沫, 触不可及 。
可悲的,如此的靠近 ,却有那么遥远 。
时光的洪流中, 我们总会长大 。


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