dear blog ;

orh yeaa im suppose to blog ; & finish in 13 min's tym .
busy wiv scrolling through other's blog ; reading other's story .
& eventually forget my own story ; my role .
okay i sound lyk a small little philosopher kind of peepo .

today mrs lam reprimanded [quote frm el lesson ] me & 940 .
den she made me sit all de way to de front , roars .
budden wadeva , got fannnnnnnnn there lerh ! (:
dhen recess continue to pester mr. TIONG-BIANG-XIANG .
even thou i failed [expected] ; i still will persist on my mission of 3H'09 .
to eventually get bac my beloved seat
which has been accompany me for nearly 2wks ;
& licia came to find me ; i was learning to sing de song larh .
budden turn out to be total failure , i can sense it myself -.-
but de song reali has great meaning to me ; or perhaps u , too (:

dhen amath i feel so wthell & wtfuck & wtheck .
i don get a shit , okay i get it
but i noe my brain wont be able to work out so fast .
im using de oldest software u can find in a human brain . sucks .
been wondering to buck up & study over de past few days ;
but aiya wheneva i came across de text book ,

& not to mention ; i think gummy think im sorta irritating -.-
okie i think i am . -.- isit? i don think so mah D:
cant cant cant ! D: i still looking forward to next next next saturday !
even thou i duno noe wad im doing or wad im buying ,
i'm still looking forward to spend tat day wiv u larh , damn . D:
neverminds ; ignore me .

apparently 13 mins had past but i shows no sign of ending my post .
okay i'm ending . after all ; they 'r waiting for me in de room .
i got so much to do ; amath . math . geog . chem . chi .
its not lyk in a blink of an eye i can finish them all or wad .
& i reali wan to finish all up by tmr ; even thou i noe i w-o-n-t .
its jus a small little wish of mine , don take it too serious Junting . :D

tmr will be de initiation day [?]. eunice hadn't told me abt my role yet !
shudd , i duno how tmr would turn out lyk .
wad i could rmber ; 2 yrs bac . i was so miserable going for it .
forgive me for using tat word but tat tym i was rather nervous & scared
rather den being enthusiastic abt it or wadsoeva .
but still ; jiayoooooooou gals ! []


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