CHEERFUL's back :]

changed skinnnn lyk againnnnnn its expected anw :D :D
trying to persuade tofu to change his msn pm lyk OURS; its sweet okay?
awwws licia rmber de last tym our twinnnerrr pm?
hehe im sure u do; (: we must keep our ZHUbank alive larh! :D
haha! im crazy!
& anw today my God di came again; & i had period cramp de whole day -.-
so im lyk lying on de bed don move,
dhen he roll over me lyk im a charsiew liddat.
awwws; anw he's sweeeet haha! :D cos
-/& i helped him tou tou take de ice cream to eat;
-/& he lied to my mother im studying when im lyk sleeping;
-/& i brought him out wiv me to escape his fate of my mother teach eng;
haha! boys are cute & adorable BUT irritating at time :X opps!
okay fine i like him; :D
anw jus recieved MR KELVIN LEE TOFU de e-mail :]
here it goes :D
the person who pass you the quiz is?
tofu [2]
your relationship with them is?
my kor kor :D
~your 5 impression of Them is?
- kind
- self denial [don admit he's a tofu]
- rich
- flirt
- look lyk TOFU [1]
~the most memorable thing they done for you?
nearly miss de last bus tat tym? ._.
~the most memorable word they said to you?
eh; duno lerh ._.
~if they become your lover you will?
EH NO NEED LARH ._. i prefer gummy (:
~if they become your lover, they would have to improve on?
eh hmmm oso duno;
~if they become my enemy?
how de hell will it happen? pillow & tofu has GOOD relationship okay?
~is they become my enemy the reason is?
he bcm a gay & snatch away gummy? ._.
~the most desired thing you want to do with them now is?
a friendship ring! :D LOL!
~your overall impression of them?
okie larh, a 好人豆腐! :D
~how do you think people around you feel about you?
hmm eh duno? im not them (:
~the characteristics i love about myself?
cheeeerful & random lyk DUHHHHH! :D
~the most ideal person you want to be?
100% original! MYSELF :D
~for those people that care & like you, say something to them?
thank uuuuu? continue to love me! xD
~pass this quiz to 10 person that you wish to know how they feel bout you.
1.gummy {he don have a blog}
2.zhutou {he oso don have a blog}
7.binglian tuan
~who is 6 having relationship with at the moment?(joohoe)
duno; i LIKED him when im p4! xD
~is 9 amale or female?(weiting)
~if 7 and 10 are together is it a good thing?(binglian;cube)
do they even noe each other? ._.
~how about 5 and 8(940& fantuan)
~what is 2 studying?(zhutou)
hmm for his duno N lvl or O lvl :D
~when was the last time you chat with 3?(licia)
lyk noooow?
~what kind of music band no.8 likes? (fantuan)
emo de lorh; he ACT emo one :]
~does n.o 1 have siblings.?(gummy)
yesh; 2 sis if im not wrong :D
~will u woo 3? (licia)
she's alrdy my LAOGONG
~how about 7?(binglian)
eh xiao bing bing! :D HEHEHE; she wont accept me D:
~what is the hobby of no 5?(940)
hmm shopping? :]
~do 5& 9 get along? (940;weiting)
they get along WELL cos they duno each other :D
~where 2 studies at?(zhutou)
new town sec (:
~say something casual bout one? (gummy)
eh i love him? :D
~have you tried developing feelings for 8? (fantuan)
OMGOSH; no?! a talking rice ball -.-
~where does 9 live? (weiting)
uhmm seng kang :D
~are 5 & 2 gd friend? (940, zhutou)
they r not even close to fren ._.
~does 7 like 2?(bing lian; zhutou)
no? obviously :D i noe hu zhutou lyk! xD
~how do you know 2?(zhutou)
i cant reali rmber ._. its lyk SO LONG
~does 1 have pet?(gummy)
no ._.
~is 7 the sexiest girl in the world? (binglian)
well, i PERSONALLY dont think so! :D
~is it possible 4 & 5 date each other?(jacinth; 940)
if mogu loves no. :D
~say something about 6? (joohoe)
he can skip well when he's p4 ._.
~relationship btwn u & 9.?(weiting)
my p4 & 5 best fren :D
~what will you do if 10 hate you?(cube)
~List all the school that No1.-No.10 are in and originally from and your relationship betweenhim or her
1.gummy - temasek poly - my boyfren ♥
2.zhutou- new town sec - my ex boyfren :D
3.licia- anglican high - my laogong :D
4.jacinth- anglican high - np peepo :D
5.940- anglcian high - 2J;3H;4H classmate :D
6.joohoe - macperson sec - my p4 classmate :D
7.binglian - anglican high - 1B classmate :D tuan - anglican high - 2J classmate :D
9.weiting - nan qiao high sch - p4 p5 classmate :D
10.cube - anglican high - somone look lyk tofu [1] [2]
~which of the following in relationship?
URGH, 1,8,9.
~how u first met 3?(licia)
npcc in sec1 :D
~if 3 & 10 together?(licia, cube)
eh CANT! u got SG liao :X
--------------------------THE END-----------------------------
lyk finally :X its so damn long,
i got no strength to type any other things liao lorh;