weekends! :D

love. de sky is ours (:
TA-DAR! duno yy gummy has been falling in love wiv tis word;
okay tat's randooom, today is lyk eh happy
or rather de atmoshpere isnt reali good in de start :X
de sec ones were choosing there CCA-s, well wadeva.
in de end get 17 or 16 peepos; urghh. i feel once again, SO OLD.
dhen was reali pissed wiv tat cca larh; D:
i was seriously giving a tight slap on her face today can -.-
made so many peepo cry somore; wtf.
nvm, after tat de captain's ball is funnnnnnnnnn!
oya realise my blog is apparently dead.
cos i don go other peepos' blog to tag, & thus they wont be here neither.
nvm, i blog. i read. i shuang :D :D
lastly, i hope tmr i go out i don see anione i noe,
cos i'll drop dead i think. (:
& today spend de whole recess pestering eh {duno how spell his name}
to give bac my seat but he don wan D:
stubborn mu tou larh! :X
im reali serious abt pouring sugar on ur seat okay?
u shall see! i wan my seat bac man! :X
actually when u let me listen all de songs jus now;im rather scare,im scare tat de person u are thinking of is not me when u listening to these songs, i reali wan to ask u, hu is on ur mind now,