“Dont screw up again ”
OFFICIALLY START TO PIA FOR EOY TODAY . Finished most notes , ( Except chi and Exclude th fact that I'm not doing notes for Ss & Elit . ) Brought Coffee to survive th next two weeks , Gahhhh ! And I finish 3 packs today so far :O Thus I'm very awake now , Even thou th reason that I'm awake is 80% Bcos I'm hungry . Feel so tired now . Grrs , Heard that Geog Topic 2 is take out form th Exam paper , Wtf ? And Both my Fb and Blogger is loading photo super super slowly , when I said Super , I meant it -.- 8 more days to Eoy , Fuck . Ps. I gave up uploading th photos Cos It's been 20 minutes and it's not not uploaded . Just Happy 10monniversary Baby , 306 days :]