
Showing posts from September, 2009

“Dont screw up again ”

OFFICIALLY START TO PIA FOR EOY TODAY . Finished most notes , ( Except chi and Exclude th fact that I'm not doing notes for Ss & Elit . ) Brought Coffee to survive th next two weeks , Gahhhh ! And I finish 3 packs today so far :O Thus I'm very awake now , Even thou th reason that I'm awake is 80% Bcos I'm hungry . Feel so tired now . Grrs , Heard that Geog Topic 2 is take out form th Exam paper , Wtf ? And Both my Fb and Blogger is loading photo super super slowly , when I said Super , I meant it -.- 8 more days to Eoy , Fuck . Ps. I gave up uploading th photos Cos It's been 20 minutes and it's not not uploaded . Just Happy 10monniversary Baby , 306 days :]

“wake up lar junting , Study ! ”

I realise I'm super super super slack for th past 3 days , no revision , no notes. Nothing at all ! HOLY SHIT MANZXZX ! D; Paper one for eoy finally over . Even thou my eng is super screwed . If you were givin a chance , what country will you visit and why ? My ans : South African . Not bad right ?! :D :D :D Lol Chinese is more shit larh . 以“ 不要轻易说‘不’ ”为题 . And I'm like super crap , Even thou I'm super crap in th end th compo only 2 n Half page long . Gahhhs Oh well it's all over . Just Give me all pass at least please ! ): Okay then anw after which , Went to Woodlands to find G . ( Omg I so nice larh ! ) So good help him buy Food somore , ( Just that I spend 45min to find th foodcourt plus Buy th Banmian . ) Causeway point is very big actualy ! ( Now then I know :D ) Den leh ! I die die reach his house that time he stil playing Dota Walao No life ! So I went to bathe cos it's really Hot , Den leh ! I bathe hao ler he stil playing . So I called 940 to chat , H...

“Desperate for a Stress Ball !”

GAHHHH 13 MORE DAYS TO EOY ! :[ Dint blog / use comp for like super super long . Was busy study Duno-wad-I-did neither . My ear Dint get caught by my mother , but instead by our dear Caitou th DM instead . Hais ! I was waiting for Dental tgt with 940 & Chua den th 3 Dms walked over . 940 & CHUA so jian lor ! Purposely bend down to pull up socks so tat they won't see their short short skirt ! & So Caitou caught me instead , & Den she ask me to go over . And then she saw my ear ring , & Den she asked me to take off . Den i'm lik : But i just pierce it .. "Who ask you to pierce during school term ? 你赶去结婚是吗? 以前的人要结婚才赶去打耳洞咯" "Huh 没有 , Cos cos cos .... " "Take it off now ! " So I tried to take off , but after like 5 min I'm still trying ( Peepo duno how mah ! ) Den she wad like I help you lar , so she helped . & She like pull th ear ring apart . SUPER BLOODY HELL PAIN LIKE SHIT ! D: Den I started to cry -.- Okay I mean it...

“l hope my mother don't find out x)”

Finally Pierced ear after 16 years living on this planet :O & My mother Disallow it , Opps . Went out study with 940 , omg geog Tourism kills manzxzxzx . I'm so amazed that I survived after A day of Amath , and another day of geography . Tourism sucks like hell lar , It just totally words and words and full of words . THANK GOD I'M ALIVE ;D Spend a huge bucks , omg broke manzxzxz , my mother deduct Half of my allowance, Cos I fought with her th other day . Gahhhs , Ate Subway with 940 :D Her fers time in life manzxzxz :D And we heard alot nice english songs at East point & Subway . But I dunno th title , Grrrs D; Hahaha , and I was damn Drama while piercing th ear , Hais fers tym , so scary :O I was like kept turning away when th person want to pierce for me . Oh well, After that I realise it feels like my ear being stapled by someone . Hahaha ! Talk abt staple , my arm once get stapled , Accidentally by myself -.- Lol ! Okay stupid den right after I pierce I went to...

“murdered by Trigonometry ”


“I Want to know what to do”

OH SO PATHETIC SHOP ;O My face totally Blocked . Gahhhh , Heritage Trail ended . Super super tired now , It rained today ;O Okay th whole thing is like hmm , Abit rush , Abit bored , and Abit tiring . LOL OPPS . Overall stil okay lar , just that I think th penarakan museum th station like quite screwed . Grrs . Oh well I'm tired x Infinity now . Shall be a Short and sweet post ______________________________________________________________________________________________ I think we need a talk , a really good talk . A relationship really meant so much more .

“ Srew th chem spa funnel ! ”

OMGOMGOMGOMG THAT'S IT FOR MY SPA . I forget to take off th Funnel for th 3rd try out D; OHMYGOD , And I din't do any Qns on th qns paper . Grrs , Stupid setter , Is like I duno how to do a) I can't get answers for B) & C) at all D; DAMMIT . That's it liao forget it forget forget it . Last cca before Exam end , Spend like half th time in library for heritage trail ;O Lol ! Gahhh my uniform stinks I think . And somehow I duno why my PE shirt is super dirty ! -.- Wth , like some beggar liddat . Gahhhs ! ;O Okay then going to Heritage trail tmr , It better Dont rain manzxzxz ! D; Gahhhs , and I think is like super rash can . Like even now somethings're not decided yet . Okay then yeah , My msn is stil spoiled . Sianzxzxzxzxzx . That's all ! I'm bored and I'm scare that my phone might tio virus ): HAIS , & Btw I love watermelon (L) It's purely th fruit I'm refering to btw ;D

"losing connection to th cyber world"

Dint plan to blog , But due to got a number of things to say , I decide to blog . My stupid blue man and green man aka th Msn spoiled ( I cant log in ! ) D; D; D; And th E buddy also kept disconnect , ( Attitude me ! ) I got Phys spa O level tmr but I duno what to do / Take note at all . I got Social study test tmr But I'm not going to memorise th stupid conflicts . It's raining super heavily now that I look outside th window is plainly Whitish . And I can feel th rains fly onto my skin when I'm sitting on th sofa . I'm trying to do Research but I got totally no idea of what to type in Google to search at -.- I'm going to watch Movie tmr but th sudden meet up for Heritage trail pop out all of a sudden ): Pengzhi is such a sucker tat he say he giving me Zero cos I dint take th test ysd and he say Going health promotion board is Not a valid reason -.- Th place I'm sitting at in class is getting super hot in th day . Th assembly is delayed for 50min before ...

“Will you ever think of me again ?”

( I Love this song ! But it's too Old to be th Blogsong . ) Left school early and head over to Hpb for backbone appointment . Waited my xy for lik 25min Cos I was too early . D; Dhen don't have much problem . Skipped my Chi Test bcos of that , Heehee ;DDD I don't want to take Chinese summary ! ( Think I'll just screw it . ) Den went to eat with my xy . ( Omgod Wad happen to my Jianfei plan ?! ) Took height & Weight & Etc , Wahlao srsly Fat liao -.- (30x5+15) cm & (10x5+5) Kg , But I realise my leg is 80cm long ! ;D Hahaha ! No wonder I cant reach th ground when I bend . ( Dont say its my arm short ! D; ) Den after that went to Payalebar to wait for my pri sch fren , which is lik my Last tym crush :O I waited for 45mins can ! Wth , today keep waiting for people lor . Omgosh dint see him since P5 , after I transfer school can ! LOLOL . Den mrt-ed to Bugis , we were lik trying to open this stupid Choco comb from th wrong side -.- Roar , & Guys are alwys ...

“Think u've got no life ? Watch this x)”

It's extremely exciting , intro-ed by G . LOL ;DDDD Enjoy whoever is bored .
I think this is absolutely sweet ;D Alright not in th mood ( it's hot & fan is far form me ) to type much . Sorry blog , you may go sleep x) And Hi I'm back ( Cos I'm bored ) Th Quiz is (Finally ) Over , but at most only 30% of th qns is from th Notes . Gahhh . Dint went out th past two days , I'm a good girl . Duh ?! & I don't really wanna tell myself this but , TODAY IS TH LAST DAY OF HOLIDAY D: So, I will be in school killing time in another 10 hours , or lesser . Gahhhhhs , and it's 24 more days to Eoy . D; D; D; HOLY SHIT . Been looking through some web that share secrets anonymously , saw it on Facebk . ;D Gahhh & I'm surprised . okay this sounds stupid . But I find Internet truly amazing . It's a place where you can be anyone you want , putting on a mask and no one noes . But it's also th only place where you can took off yur mask , and be real . “What's behind th mask is another mask .” LOL ! Duno why am I saying this , per...

“ pıdnʇs os ʇsnɾ ǝɹɐ ǝM ”

Accompanied G to cut his Super 'cute' hair ysd , 40bucks , ;O Rich ! ( Oh well this photo is taken before th haircut anw , it's much better now . ) And my eye is stil as small as ever -_- Grrs , I will try open bigger next tym ! D: And my fringe is weird ! Hais , How can I liddat spoil my own image :O Okay He is not of any much better , Haha ! ( acting candid ? :D ) He came all th way to Bedok to meet me , Awws how Rare Nice . Ate Subway for th second time in my life ( Cont no life . ) Brought a new Earpiece , ;O Green in color , same as G's . x) In th end cabbed tgt to his F1 briefing place den I Mrt-ed home after that . Okay this is such a short summary of ysd (: I LOVE MY BELOVED SQUATMATES MAN ! ♥ Thanks for th Bigbig Poster card by my very own darling Licia ;D & Ahh you all th handwriting is so sweet , I'm so jealous ! Hahaha , Thanks Xiaoqian for th Oh-so-lovely Ribbon hairband which I doubt I'll wear on street ;D As well as th bangles from Moguuu...

“No pics Cos I'm lazy x) ”

Ahhhh Dint blog for two days :O Shall start with tue ! ( aka th BIG day :D ) Fers Mrt-ed to Clark quay to find my dear 940 , ( Oh how nice ! ) To get my present xD To see her rebond fringeeeeee :D To kill time while wait for th Duapai one x) Yeap .And then her father brought Milo for me T.T Ohhh how nice :DDD & anw main point , her fringe is Oh-so-straight now larh , hahaha ! ( Compliment okay ? ) Den Meet G. at Somerset ( I'm 5min late , Omgosh :O ) , den watched G. force . Keke , so cuteee can ! I love _____ ( Forget th name , hais Old ler . ) Dhen walked around and eat this eat that ( Fats ! Tat's it man , GG for me ): ) In th end we were like wlaking in rounds at Far east thinking whether to cut hair or not . We were lik stand infront of th Elevator Mirror for lik 30 min++ just to figure out cut til how . Ohya , I'm never ever never ever going to wear heel ever again ! I was like taking off th heels and walk with my stocking instead -.- And I throw away my heels -....

“I'm getting old , Finally .”

Happy 16th birthday , to myself x) (one more day) Kekeke , moved over to my xy house since last night , until thur . So pathetic can , she called me in th afternoon ask me "you got key mar" ? I went to double check an' told her yeah , den When I finally reached her house , I realise that I forget to being th key with me Grr clumsy , as wad G said . So I carried my bigbig bag an' went over to Mac , ( Looking lik some 离家出走 ppl ) Took some stupid Act-emo photo outside her house , hee so stupid ;D Shall post it out next tym since th USB wire is not with me . ( & Hell man , I dint bring my charger along , An' there's no Sony charger in her house ! ) Today is very Quiet (W/o my phone) , Had Black pepper crab for lunch ( Stil th best ;D ) Badminton-ed with my xy , Brought my birthday cake . A cheese cake , Thou I want a Oreo cheese cake , but seems dont have here . Awws , but atleast not another fruit cake , I 've been eating th same cake for 3 years ! Kek...

“ Is th weighing machine spoiled ?”

GLUTTONY )x Damn my weight is increasing like no mother this two weeks ! )x Nowadays I dont even dare to go on th weighing machine in case th weight shock me to death . Omgosh , wad happen to my jogging evy alternate day and eating apple evyday ? ;O I really hadn't been eating alot mah , Tmd , liddat to me one . I shall persevere ! Jian fei ! before it increase even more , Ohhh my lovely 49 kg , You are drifting further and further away form me , Nooo ): I wil be a good girl and go jog everyday ( even thou it dont works ) HAIS . Dint study much ysd also , finished th chinese du hou gan , pz love me again manzxzxz . Had some super idiotic dream ysd , was msging haidai abt it , and she tell me hers ;D It's a rather long and mixed up dream . Oh well lazy to type out th whole dream . Point form then! ( I'm just so smart ;D cant help it larh . ) .... But I lazy to point also so yeah forget it , Its to be remain secretive between Haidai & me ! x) Having dream is such a fun th...

“ Immediate Holiday Service (?)”

Th long waited ( Not really actually ) holiday is finally here ! x) Muahaha , Got back report book . 16 For L1r5 , not really say very good . But still contented , after all it's decreasing , from 24 to 18 to 16 now x) & My target for Egg level is below 10 , keke Jiayou Junting ;DD I've decide to spend 3 days playing and th rest mugging . Hoho so ambitious x) Nothing much to say also , Im very tired now , today's training is extraordinary fun xD And that's it , ps. I took such a long tym deciding my blogsong again .

“I can see that Eoy is around th corner”

Say Hi to 果冻,海带 & 紫菜 's lovely pencil cases & Wallets x) I told my mother I want to use computer for 20 minutes so I shall cut short everything . Th main purpose that I'm posting is to tell everyone (?) tat I'm going to start study for Eoy . I suddenly realise is just 36 more days . OHMYGOSH ! And I got like ??? chapters to study , to memorise , not to forget that some chapters is still total stranger to me . SO , I've to decided to go buy Notebooks tomorrow ( Oh I'm stepping such a big step ;O ) Notes is targeted to be complete by th end of th (very) short september holiday which I doubt I can but , And even though I'm saying that I'm short of time for mugging , I'm still spending hours and hours a day to think of my current relationship , As well as my long long shopping list ( I really want them ) :[ Oh despo-s . My eye is slowing becoming back normal but th end of th eye still seems sagging (?) And I'm waiting for maybe Double eyelid wi...

“In love with this icon now , x) ”

Papaya milk for bigger boobs ? x) Hahaha , In order to wear my Forever21 dress without it dropping , I've decide to Drink papaya milk everyday sew th sides of th dress , which I already did ;D Haa ! Junting is indeed th cleverest , smartest pillow in th world ;DD Went to 940 's house to finish up th long dued projects , stupid wj act busy _|_ Th whole day is over with 30% doing project , 50% blog-hop around , 20% duno wad either . Th bus 10 took super super long to come manzxzxzx DD: This is a short post b'cause today is a windy day ( It blow away my words ) ;O Good night everyone , remember to cover yurself up with th blanket x)