“In love with this icon now , x) ”

Papaya milk for bigger boobs ? x)

Hahaha , In order to wear my Forever21 dress without it dropping ,
I've decide to Drink papaya milk everyday sew th sides of th dress , which I already did ;D
Haa ! Junting is indeed th cleverest , smartest pillow in th world ;DD

Went to 940 's house to finish up th long dued projects , stupid wj act busy _|_
Th whole day is over with 30% doing project , 50% blog-hop around , 20% duno wad either .
Th bus 10 took super super long to come manzxzxzx DD:

This is a short post b'cause today is a windy day
( It blow away my words ) ;O
Good night everyone , remember to cover yurself up with th blanket x)


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