“wake up lar junting , Study ! ”

I realise I'm super super super slack for th past 3 days , no revision , no notes. Nothing at all !

Paper one for eoy finally over . Even thou my eng is super screwed .
If you were givin a chance , what country will you visit and why ? My ans : South African .
Not bad right ?! :D :D :D Lol Chinese is more shit larh . 以“不要轻易说‘不’ ”为题 .
And I'm like super crap , Even thou I'm super crap in th end th compo only 2 n Half page long .
Gahhhs Oh well it's all over . Just Give me all pass at least please ! ):

Okay then anw after which , Went to Woodlands to find G . ( Omg I so nice larh ! )
So good help him buy Food somore , ( Just that I spend 45min to find th foodcourt plus Buy th Banmian . )
Causeway point is very big actualy ! ( Now then I know :D )
Den leh ! I die die reach his house that time he stil playing Dota Walao No life !
So I went to bathe cos it's really Hot , Den leh ! I bathe hao ler he stil playing .
So I called 940 to chat , Hais , Licia duno fly where ler Never answer my call D;
Den finally finally he play finish , which by that time th noodle like stick tgt bcm Flour ball liao -.-
Hais ! Den took bus back ( Super squeezy ! ) And thus I'm late ,
Supposingly meet 940 at 5.30 but I only manage to reach at 6 . 几感动一下咯 She wait for me :D

So we Mrt-ed back to school , Ans had So called 中秋节 celebration . Th whole performance is like only 40 min ?!
Th "Moonwalk" is quite nice , Chua sang too , But th sound system is Like ... Like ...
Okay it's ahs , what else do you expect ? ;O So yeah ,

Lucky me and 940 smart to reach sch at 6.30 even though th sch say be there by 6
'Cos th performance in th end only manage to start by 6.30 .
Den Right after th performance I totally forget need do Sai gang can ! Then Licia anygry at me T.T
Cos I arleady not inside school when I saw her msg abt meeting for Clean up of area .
Gahhhhs zhen de bu shi gu yi th lor !

Okay then went to Airport th Staff canteen to eat Th Salmon Rice .
Which according to Chua is very very very very nice . Lol ! (:
Oaky throughout th night , I realise Shawn super super super Love to take photo .
Is like th camera is created in th world just for him larh ! ;D
& Chua th cousin is super super super naggy , Aunty Lucy th 接班人 !
LOL . And I ran three time ysd lor ! D; No wonder so tired when wake up in th morning .
  • Ran from Tamp Library to Mrt to meet 940 Cos I'm late .
  • Ran down th hill see who fastest as suggested by Shawn .
  • Ran from Tenah merah Mrt to home Cos Phone batt flat .
That all bout How I slacked away th past few days .
Had English Oral in th morning today , A Stage show for students in sch on racial harmony day picture .
And th teacher I got is a angmor , But she is damn super chio larh ! ;D ;D ;D


Edit:( But you-know-what , Now it's 3.45 and I'm still wandering in internet . )
Edit again: ( And you-know-what again , Now it's 9,59 and I'm still wandering in internet . )


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