“ Is th weighing machine spoiled ?”

Damn my weight is increasing like no mother this two weeks ! )x
Nowadays I dont even dare to go on th weighing machine in case th weight shock me to death .
Omgosh , wad happen to my jogging evy alternate day and eating apple evyday ? ;O
I really hadn't been eating alot mah , Tmd , liddat to me one .
I shall persevere ! Jian fei ! before it increase even more , Ohhh my lovely 49 kg ,
You are drifting further and further away form me , Nooo ):
I wil be a good girl and go jog everyday ( even thou it dont works )
Dint study much ysd also , finished th chinese du hou gan , pz love me again manzxzxz .
Had some super idiotic dream ysd , was msging haidai abt it , and she tell me hers ;D
It's a rather long and mixed up dream . Oh well lazy to type out th whole dream .
Point form then! ( I'm just so smart ;D cant help it larh . )
- ....
But I lazy to point also so yeah forget it , Its to be remain secretive between Haidai & me ! x)
Having dream is such a fun thing nowadays to me , lik free comedy everynight .
Hahaha , I even love those scary th dreams , like I'm inside a ghost movie liddat .
Woo how shiok ;D Free experience . Hahaha am I crazy or nuts ;DD Wadever .
I woke up this morning and had a feeling that I got sore throat ,
But I dint realise it until I talk to my mother , with a Donald duck Voice .
Den my mother was lik stun den start to laugh . Walao Evil person !
( Ohya it was her birthday ysd , So I've been a really nice daughter )
She ask me to go wash my school shoe and I went , den I duno which one is th wash clothes one .
So I just use some I-think-should-be-can th thingy to brush , den I smelled Lemon ...
And Im like Omg dish washer ! -.- Hais , den in th end I use soap to brush instead .
So before wash my shoe is dark grey , now is light grey :D ( Even thou it was white at th very start )
Uhhhh I'm feeling so full , Im so regret for eating dinner ysd at 9.30 pm .
I shouldn't have eat I shouldn't have eat I shouldn't have eat , Omg dreadly sin !
Okay no point crying over spilled milk ! So chim omgosh ! ;O
( Tok abt milk Gummy say he saw Papaya milk at NTUC , should go try ;D )
AND AT THIS POINT OF TIME , my mother ask me to go do holiday homework .
Hais I'm such a good student .
Having dream is such a fun thing nowadays to me , lik free comedy everynight .
Hahaha , I even love those scary th dreams , like I'm inside a ghost movie liddat .
Woo how shiok ;D Free experience . Hahaha am I crazy or nuts ;DD Wadever .
I woke up this morning and had a feeling that I got sore throat ,
But I dint realise it until I talk to my mother , with a Donald duck Voice .
Den my mother was lik stun den start to laugh . Walao Evil person !
( Ohya it was her birthday ysd , So I've been a really nice daughter )
She ask me to go wash my school shoe and I went , den I duno which one is th wash clothes one .
So I just use some I-think-should-be-can th thingy to brush , den I smelled Lemon ...
And Im like Omg dish washer ! -.- Hais , den in th end I use soap to brush instead .
So before wash my shoe is dark grey , now is light grey :D ( Even thou it was white at th very start )
Uhhhh I'm feeling so full , Im so regret for eating dinner ysd at 9.30 pm .
I shouldn't have eat I shouldn't have eat I shouldn't have eat , Omg dreadly sin !
Okay no point crying over spilled milk ! So chim omgosh ! ;O
( Tok abt milk Gummy say he saw Papaya milk at NTUC , should go try ;D )
AND AT THIS POINT OF TIME , my mother ask me to go do holiday homework .
Hais I'm such a good student .