“No pics Cos I'm lazy x) ”

Ahhhh Dint blog for two days :O Shall start with tue ! ( aka th BIG day :D )
Fers Mrt-ed to Clark quay to find my dear 940 , ( Oh how nice ! )

  • To get my present xD
  • To see her rebond fringeeeeee :D
  • To kill time while wait for th Duapai one x)

    Yeap .And then her father brought Milo for me T.T Ohhh how nice :DDD
    & anw main point , her fringe is Oh-so-straight now larh , hahaha ! ( Compliment okay ? )
    Den Meet G. at Somerset ( I'm 5min late , Omgosh :O ) , den watched G. force .
    Keke , so cuteee can ! I love _____ ( Forget th name , hais Old ler . )
    Dhen walked around and eat this eat that ( Fats ! Tat's it man , GG for me ): )
    In th end we were like wlaking in rounds at Far east thinking whether to cut hair or not .
    We were lik stand infront of th Elevator Mirror for lik 30 min++ just to figure out cut til how .
    Ohya , I'm never ever never ever going to wear heel ever again !
    I was like taking off th heels and walk with my stocking instead -.-
    And I throw away my heels -.- Gosh ! Alright stil left one pair , for Grad nite maybe :O
    Are th girls out there monsters ? ;O how did they walk with heels th whole day manzxzx ?

    They Must be monsters !:o

    Then back to th topic , when we finally decide to go cut hair ,
    We start wlaking rounds n rounds again to decide which salon to go to .
    Den when we finaly decide on th salon , its lik 8.20 , & Th salon close at 8 -.-
    Ohh fated ! But most likely We're cutting today ;DD

    Den ate Mac for dinner , N due to I use my hand ( Full of seaweed ) To touch G 's hair ,
    His hair was full of seaweeds in th end , HAHAHA :D
    Then took bus back to tpy .
    & He havn't buy my present ! D: Even thou I told him wad I want since Last year !

    But as A whole , th day is great :D

    Wednesday , Oh I got my Bag Stolen :O In th library -.-
    Okay lah , th only valuables inside is my earpiece ( But it's stil 40 bucks okay ?! )
    I was studying ( Omg so guai !) In th library den I saw Yuanyuan de lian ! :O :O :O
    So I almost immediately msg-ed Wwt that I saw him ,
    Budden by th tym she wake up n saw th msg , he already left for his fren house .
    Oh weiting see larh ! Wake up early next tym manxzxzxz ! ):
    But nevertheless , she stil came to eat Lunch tgt ,
    and then I left th library with my hp & Wallet , n went over to interchange .
    By th tym we came back th bag is gone :O Okay stupid . Now I need to buy a new Bag .
    Whoever took it must be pissed cos there's nothing inside :D :D :D
    Ate subway for th fers tym in my life ( Omg am I that no life ? :O )
    Its freaking nice , so is th Peanut butter Cookkie x)
    Keke den by 4 her fren came over and off they go to watch movie ,
    Den I went to Orchard , Omgosh I suddenly find Orchard boring lah .

    Okay my butt is flattening on th chair now so Im going to off comp asap and go to my bed .
    Ohya and not forget to thank every single of you who wished my Happy birthday

    谢谢大家 ! ♥

    Keke , and nevertheless , zhutou is stil th fers person to wish me , since sec one .
    Exclude early birdy like my 力虾老公 & 紫蔡小弟 who wished before 12 :DD
    Keke then followed by G th second ( Even thou th msg VERY POLITE ! )
    Alright I'm going to pack my stuff An' go back to Bedok .

Tag replies ( Thanks for th tags )

weiting: yosh junting^^ today was fun. keke. u when free again? come on, let's go out tgt =D
hmm so how u n ur xiao yi de shopping after i left? =.=
sry ar. pao qi ni -.- coz i before hand already told aaron i today meeting
him le , chengye :X
Kekeke , YESH & subway is niceee ! But you so waste food D:
Hmm okay okay lorh , hehe . Nevermind larh , is I halfway pop out mah :DD
Uh nor , so As i said , u shoudl go tpy library evyday ( must be Very early ! )

Jocelyn: oh guo dong, i first one to wish you on your blog, muhahah!
i am the first one you saw yesterday also right? :D excluding your xy and unknowns!
Haha ! Yeah larh thanks :D :D Keke yeapppp but i realise u nvr wish my happybday on th spot ! ;O

esther: kae la old liao lorzx! haha. happy birthday!
L ol ! Thanks dear ;DDD

zhidan: HAPPY BIRTHDAY. Not yet 12am :X
Hao ! Xiexie ! Budden my birthday is on 8th ho ? ._.

Gordon: Happy Birthday :D
Ohhhh xiexie Guodan xiao didi :DDD

♥ Valerie: Hello ZHUZHU! Happy happy birthday! Loves!
Heeee thanks lovely :DD

Zixing.: OH. happy birthday ;DD YAY.
Yeah you remember ! :DD Haha anw thanks :DDD

Jasmine: happy birthday!(:
Thank you ! :D How's your date ysd wor ? :DDDD

Jocelyn: Hahah, li jia chu zuo! bad girl, oh happy birthday :D
Wad I so poor thing okay ?! ): Xiexie 海戴 ! (:

zhidan: lol you also dun emo le la.
Never ! :O Is you !


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