
Showing posts from July, 2009

Plaster Love

When you walk away I count how many steps you take As you leave my life forever. When you turn away from me I lose sight of the face I Once thought was in my life forever. When you don't speak to me My heart breaks since I miss the way your voice sounded When I assumed you were mine forever. When you leave my heart The pieces of my broken heart Are missing you so. When you're gone forever You leave heartbreak in your wake. I never thought it'd hurt that much When you left. You're out of my life forever. You've left me with severe heartbreak. And the sore truth is... I still love you. But how did you treat me , when I put down all my dignity , Crying , begging you not to leave ? - You take me as a Clown , saying I'm a weak Shit .
( Rain falls on th day you left ) Grr , had superzxzxzx moodswing ysd . Ended up crying on th toilet floor like a kid , Oh So Drama -.- Dhen msged G , Feel so useless , like a nerd . 29 . Will all th 29s be spent like this from now onwards ? Tat sucks man . Forget it . Had Four free periods today . So bored . Chionged down for recess to Q for Wanton mee like some aunty with 940 . & We are th fers to reach ! Efforts worth ! I ate super th alot today . Oh my gosh , possessed , MUST BE . I'm going start to do Crunches everyday ! D: & Just talk about my result recently . Failed amath like no mother , 13/30 -.- Lost 9 marks on Graphs . See that's why I hate graph , since sec one . But amazingly got 24/25 for phys , which is probably th highest I ever get . Weesen , and in fact half of th class was like giving me th OMG+WTF look when I told him I got freaking same mark as him . 940 has been doing well too , she got 21 for amath & 17 for phys (: WE MUST JIAYOU WOR DEAR ...

Once upon a time.

你怎么可以如此狠心,忘记我们的过去。 你怎么能把一段感情挥之来去,说走就走。 如果我知道爱上你后会如此心痛,我还会爱吗? 明知道一段感情不会长久,当初的我们会不会太过固执了? 你给了我短的可怕的誓言,让我背负着这没完没了的思念。 如果我们就此告别了,你会在每年的那一天, 想起这个爱过你的人吗? 如果我们以后在人海茫茫中相遇,你还会对我微笑吗? 我真的好想你,好想回到我们初遇的那一天。 如果可以重新来过, 我想再当一次你的女朋友。 可是可以吗? 不可以 ,所以,我不能做你的女朋友了。 但请你一定要记得,微笑 :] ( Smile and th world smile with you .)

Dead tired

Tired . tired plus tired . went out with shiyin to Th River Walk for some flea market thingy . But in end left them for china town Cos T******* came . Ate dinner tgt wiht xy , some SPICY SPICY chicken & a KOI red tea :] LIFE IS GREAT :D ( Pretend to ignore my increasing weight ) Went to ION , so big can :D All de way from B4 to Lvl 4 . Th escalator sooo long :D & So many people . I gave up going to th toilet cos I realise got 18 ppl Q-ing infront of me . Brought a Chio cookie monster shirt from Top MAN -.- I was so happy bcos I saw de tag say XXS . My fers eva XXS shirt ! Dhen When i go pay that tym de cashie was lik "sorry miss , this shirt u have to take to topman n pay " "But I found this shirt at topshop -.- " " Sorry but th tag say its from Topman ... " so in de end I went downstairs n pay , bloody hell 53 holy SGD D: & brought a sandal from M)phosis , 27.50 ): I wanted to buy another design but . HAIS , dont suit me D: Oh well , Feet to...
I LOVE BEING MYSELF ; Being th Pillow ♥ Queenie : don't care about stupid peng la, let's talk everyday in class and agitate him :D Hehe thank you ! Wanted to find your blog ( Duno u got one or not ) and thank you for de Notes de (: Nvm lah later u oso tio blacklist by him how ): Hehe , anw Im Fineee ler :D :D :D Jacinth : Junting ah, Cheer up la. Nothing's too difficult. Sec3 still early, still got time to catch up. Squad will always be here for you de, SMILE :D HAO ! Xie xie MOGU ! :D People not like you so smart mah :D Come come teach me phys leh ! :D :D :D HAO ! * SMILE* for you :] Jocelyn : cheer up Junting! we must still live happily and show that pengzhi is of no use to us! he cant disrupt our wonderful life! we must enjoy our youth :) remember, you still have me, Rachel, Valerie, Alicia and alot more! anything can tell me de okay? i am always there for you, 24/7. remember, i am just 8 digits away, my phone is always available! :D cheerup, me luvvvv you many many! h...
Never have I thought that I will detest going to school so much . Today is consider really good cos Pengzhi dint come to sch . But stilled , I fucking cried on mr wee's lesson . I really feel so dumb , crying over this kind of things . More of like what a primary school kid will do . I dun even noe how to put my feelings into words now . Is like , get scolded during geog lesson cos I was studying for geog test. Once , twice , thrice . Once again , so many people talking you only keep scolding me . Den After which I dint even open my mouth but still say I talk again . And followed by de most familiar sentence of the week : You , go stand at the corner . Seriously do not know what's wrong with myself and de teachers , All started with a screwed chi compo . Wth . Even though I told myself cant cry over this , Tears still start rolling down after Mr wee asked , Are you okay . Followed by rest saying "Oh she was blacklisted by alot teachers . " Forget how I felt at that ...

Disappointment .

you are srsly FUCKING BIASED . I not even using de fucking phone den go anyhow take it away . u ask me change seat Den I change , Den you fucking go my original seat took my phone away . SUCKER ! & please lah , are you blind or blind ?! So many people talking and turning their backs u only catch me . Fuck you _|_ you no eye balls is it ?! WTF , catch lah catch lah . Who de mother fucker ask u go care how I seat , I seat for you to see is it ?! Asshole lah . Just kaopei for all you want lah stupid . wait your grandson ( if any) got no ass ! Now only know how to pick on me . You wan kaopei den just kaopei me only lah ! Why de fuck go say all those shit to 940 ? Why go fucking confiscate everything I touched ?! You confiscate mine I'm okay , Why go fucking confiscate Queenie's things jsut cos I touched it ?! BASTARD . YOU SERIOUSLY HAVE NO BALLS . WTFuck are you ?! And bcos of de damn phone you confiscated , G don even wan tok to me now anymore , Fuck it . just fuck all of it ...


( ARGH ; CLASSROOM . ) I AM SUPER SUPER SWAY TODAY I SWEAR ! D: Fersly , I don have my phone with me today 'Cos my mother took it with her to work tis morning ): Secondly , PENGZHI made me stand up to read some stupid ke wen , & its goes sth lik 睡懒觉 ( lj )-.- N I was thinking of faster read finish den sit down , So I read out LOUDLY & PROUDLY LJ , den continued . Half sec later , de whole class start laughing lik nuts , Den Im lik 'eh i read wrong meh' Den i look again , & I'm WTH ?! D: GRRS . Thirdly , I was toking to 940 den pengzhi saw , ( cos sy & tj dint come sch , my front seats is super empty ) So he made me start at de side of de classroom until class over . ( & during tat period , I started counting how many clothes some aunty living in de nearby blks hung ) Btw, its 15 clothes . LOL -.- Fourthly , PE suppose to Pon with rachel & 940 , But halfway Queenie called us & made us go down , for nothing though . Fifthly , I was finding ...
( Cravings . ) Fers of all . De lessons past very boring-ly . 940 & me & 3 other guys pon-ed geog cos need to go geog room . We pon-ed geog for amath kay ?! So guai lah (: But we do lik 4 qns den give up ler . Oh wel typical :D Den chem presentation , we dint do cos rachel got piano exam dint come sch . Dhen dhen suppose to have amath test after sch , But 940 went home cos she got Fever , LUCKY not H1N1 , if not I oso gg , ( Hello pig :D ) Apparently according to 940 , ahs got 2-4 cases now , Wonder when can de flu fly from sec 4 to Sec 3 level , haha . Den de cher came in late , n de test start late . N By rite Im suppose to meet G at 2.45 , So I ran down de hill n reached at 2.55 , But G was later den me loh ! According to him cos his mummy ask him to liang (4) de yi fu before he come out . Dhen he cabbed down from woodlands to my house ther , SO I decide to forgive him :D ( Im so nice ! ) Den we bus-ed to Orchard , suppose to watch 20 century boys But fers we missed de 3....
( Shuai ge / Mogu ! ;D ) So tired , so funny , so stressed , so hungry , so confused . Making a skit is really fun , when it comes to NG parts . With all de HAHAHA-s ending de video taking session . Had 4 periods of free period today (Double phys & chi ) . Talked alooot with 940 at de door , (: & Cai tou appeared all of a sudden during Chinese lesson D: While we all wondering outside de classroom , Cai tou came over , cos she was teaching sec2s at upstairs . Den she heard someone shouted 'FUCK' very loud , so she came down to check . LOL . & Rachel saw her fers , she was lik Omg cai tou cai tou ! Dhen we all faster roll inside de classroom back to our seats . which by den de whole class was lik 'wad happen wad happen ?!' ' cai tou outside cai tou ! ' Within 30 secs , whoever is playing cards had kept de cards n roll back to their seats . whoever sitting tgt is having ' group discussion ' . People running over to on de lights , pull over de c...

Life is blog + fb ?! :O

( Where is the Life ? ) Tag replies taoren: i want sue u D: tempt me want eat mcspicy even though i ate zinger today :/ Hahaha ! Mac spicy is nicer dhen Zinger okay ? ! Boooo ! :D Jacinth: EH NO NEED SAY DE, BANANA IS GOOD FOR BRAIN :p Okay ! Beware I'm gonna eat you den ! I need improve my phys ): Jocelyn: Macspicy! ^v^ shall we eat it again? :D NO its Fattening! I shall save u from de fats ! Dont think i duno u ate FIVE DRUMSTICKS TODAY ! xD valerie: ni hao. blog finally back o:))) Ni hao too ! :D Uh nor , no blog no life mah ): Omgosh , Is my life really that no life with a comp ? ): Just blogger & Facebook & back to blogger & facebook ? Grrs pathetic ): Duno why had such a random pic today , just come into my mind . Oh well , Life is seriously still without you . It's really feels so weird , Why is it so hard to get back to the life I had before u stepped into my life ? It's as if u had taken all de oxygen around me away ... ) : Sucks to live without you ...

Tat chewy chewy candy .

( My super hero-s . ) I was farking hungry since after I dint go down for recess , as usual . ( In fact , me & 940 hadnt go down for proper recess yet since de sch start ) & I was really very very hungry during amath , Its lik srsly hungry til tears going flow out tat type -.- So I reached out my hand helplessly to Rachel , & she gave me her gummy bears . * Touched ! * And so I ate , n its sour , n I got ulcer , thus its freaking pain . But still , to hold back my hunger , I started eating gummy bears continuously , Well I think chual has notice me cos I was eating freaking obvious , But who cares ? Hey I'm dying leh ! & TLY make me shifted seat twice cos I'm talking loh ! ): Roar why dont shift 940 loh ! Dhen in de end stil go stand behind de class cos no Work bk , Oh well wateva , but where's my work bk siah , I tot is with her loh , LOL . Oh and anyway finally wait til de sch is over , & me , 940 & tricia walked down de hill , with de scorchin...

Banana is good for brain .

( Oh love is being eaten ) If I hugged you, would you never let go? If I kissed you, would you cherish that moment? If I reached for your hand,would you take mine gently? If I needed a shoulder,would you let me cry on yours? If I needed to talk,would you really listen? If I needed to scream,would you do it with me? If I needed to go,would you come with me? If I fell for you, would you catch me? or just let me hit the pavement?

Back , Alone .

( Balloon Love ) My blog is back :D How're you baby ? :D :D :D I will be lazy to go around advertising ur revival so bear with it (: U might have only one reader , which is de blogger meeeee ! :D :D :D I'm sooooo looking forward ti de YMCA thingy , partially because I will get to see firework with _____ . :D But well , do I have to carry all de balloons & air pumpers with me along ? ._. Ahhhh , my dear , Im sorry tat even if u're revived . You will stil be in a coma cos I will only use comp on a 2/7 days basis ); AWWWS , sorry I don wan it to happen neither . I'm missing you like nuts -.-
Why is it so hard to be together with you ?
Why cant things just be fine lik how it is in de poker room .
Why Gals only noe how to cry -.-

L M A O ? =.=

Grrr never never see peepo so UNREASONABLE one ! D; Since when did I stop u from making more female friends wor ? If I don wan u make new friends I wont even intro them to u lah please =.= But just see wad u do to 'thank me' ? =.= Your definition of making more female friends is telling ME ( Yeah not Them but Me ) 'Oh i miss her' ; ' i love her' . etc etc . & Once she did some little actions to u , u happy til like no mother liddat com tell me over n over again . And If she sad you sad together with her like no father liddat den start emo . OH PLEASE . u sure this is called 'making more female friend' or ' trying ur very best to make me angry / jealous' ? =.= Yeah right dhen now all become my fault , I petty don let u make more friends . Grrs , Wth ? And and worse is its not even de Fers tym , not 2nd , not 3rd , but 4th Time ! =.= Can't u use ur eyeballs to see how pissed off I ended everytime ? Yeah , my fault . OH BABY SO SORRY IM S...
Wth siah ! -.- I was at ntuc Q-ing up to buy a drink just now , and tis ahma infront of me turn n randomly asked me to call her ahma , so I did loh , I duno y oso . den l8r she turn again n called me sun nv & go hugged me ! Omg I'm lik WTH? den when its her turn to pay rite , she ran away ! WHAT THE HELL lah. N guess wad ? De damn cashier charge her purchase to my bill ! Bloody hell ! I'm lik stood there duno wad to do . Aiya den i chased her , i saw her enter this lift , so I chionged before de lift door closed , and lucky i manage to pull her leg . Just like how im pulling your leg now ;D ( Msg form 940 ; & i Tot is Real -.- )

Ah li ba ba =.=

Spend deh whole day facebook + E-learning + Begging for answers . It's time to take a rest ! ( Even thou I've been resting all day long ) & Tis might sounds so stupid , but it actually happened . I saw de dice on my desk accidentally den I stare at it , and started to cry . And tat goes all my Try-not-to-cry mood for today . Kns . Alrgiht , Junting , save ur tears . Get a Life . Y cry for asshole huh ? Go grab a lollipop when life is bitter ! Even though I think I will never be able to eat a strawberry one without crying again . 啊~~ 给我一杯忘情水~~~还我一个不流泪~~ LOL =.= OKAY I think I definitely don't sound depressed now . Oh well maybe ? Just tat , why my heart feel so empty ? As though someone had stolen my soul away . Love is a illusion . So true . Anw , I feel so accomplished for submitting a no. of hw-s today ; Even though Most is answers form Shihshiong , and me & 940 dint get it for Free okay . & Currently stuck with Social Study . Grrs , I don see any need of s...