Tat chewy chewy candy .

( My super hero-s . )

I was farking hungry since after I dint go down for recess , as usual .
( In fact , me & 940 hadnt go down for proper recess yet since de sch start )
& I was really very very hungry during amath ,
Its lik srsly hungry til tears going flow out tat type -.-
So I reached out my hand helplessly to Rachel , & she gave me her gummy bears .
* Touched ! * And so I ate , n its sour , n I got ulcer , thus its freaking pain .
But still , to hold back my hunger , I started eating gummy bears continuously ,
Well I think chual has notice me cos I was eating freaking obvious ,
But who cares ? Hey I'm dying leh !
& TLY make me shifted seat twice cos I'm talking loh ! ):
Roar why dont shift 940 loh !
Dhen in de end stil go stand behind de class cos no Work bk ,
Oh well wateva , but where's my work bk siah , I tot is with her loh , LOL .

Oh and anyway finally wait til de sch is over ,
& me , 940 & tricia walked down de hill ,
with de scorching burning hot sun on top of us .
just as I was abt to step out from de gate ,
I somehow seems so recall tat I left my wallet in de classroom .
Den I squat down n throw my bag on de floor & start checking , & BINGO !
so I climbed all de way back to get my wallet . RAR . How smart ):

By right we're suppose to go all de way to Orchard to watch Threads of destiny
But in de end we decided not to , Due to some unknown ( ?) reasons . LOL .
Dhen we moved to Heeren to eat MC spicy D; GRRs , fattening loh .
I wan sue Mac for its promotion ! Walao tempt us ! ):
Dhen went to far east , & I wan this superzxzxz chio ( Kay lah not so kuazhang ) dress !
But its holy $45 :'( Come come sky drop a $50 for me leh .
Grrrs , n all deh heels is like so nice ! But oh well ,
No worries , im not going to let u suffer my dear feets , ( Unlike 940 xD )
But there's tis Hot pink & Black heels superzxzxzxzx chio lah !

Oh well . Go study modulus function bah Junting .
U still got summary test and amath test later in de week .
So stop dreaming !

ps. I'm watching 百万大歌星 later , so long dint watch ler , I'm sorry Tv ):
I don like this feeling , I hate it when I miss you everyday .


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