Life is blog + fb ?! :O

Tag replies
taoren: i want sue u D: tempt me want eat mcspicy even though i ate zinger today :/
Hahaha ! Mac spicy is nicer dhen Zinger okay ? ! Boooo ! :D
Okay ! Beware I'm gonna eat you den ! I need improve my phys ):
Jocelyn: Macspicy! ^v^ shall we eat it again? :D
NO its Fattening! I shall save u from de fats !
Dont think i duno u ate FIVE DRUMSTICKS TODAY ! xD
valerie: ni hao. blog finally back o:)))
Ni hao too ! :D Uh nor , no blog no life mah ):
Omgosh , Is my life really that no life with a comp ? ):
Just blogger & Facebook & back to blogger & facebook ?
Grrs pathetic ):
Duno why had such a random pic today , just come into my mind .
Oh well , Life is seriously still without you .
It's really feels so weird ,
Why is it so hard to get back to the life I had before u stepped into my life ?
It's as if u had taken all de oxygen around me away ...
) : Sucks to live without you .
I hate EMO / MOODSWING . So I shall stop here .
Nothing much new anyway , except that tmr cant watch harry potter ler .
Awws , Oh well . study ! Amath ! Partial fraction ! Modulus function !
Had my O level chinese oral ysd , Finally , One down (:
& ps , me & 940 will be sick tgt next thur :D HAHA .
Omg I think I've stm , LOL .
I was staring at 940 de tag with a bigbig question mark for like 1hr can ?
Lik HUH ? post wad house ? ._. ._. ._.
Untill I finally rmber I'm suppose to post de 'house' .
Tar da !
This is de lovely house I made for my sweet little angel :D
Reason ? Out of Boredom & Lameness . DUH !
& Im trying to look for a new Tv for her , de one I "brought" from 940 sucks ,
alys fall off from de table ( aka stapler ) one D; Tsk !
So , Interested in her ? 心动不如行动 ! -.- Find her at
upper changi road , anglican high sch , upper sec blk , 4th storey 3H ,
In between 940 & Junting deh table . ( Near de dustbin )
LOL . LAME RITE. But who cares ? :D :D :D
Don neglect my love , please .