Dead tired

Tired . tired plus tired .
went out with shiyin to Th River Walk for some flea market thingy .
But in end left them for china town Cos T******* came .
Ate dinner tgt wiht xy , some SPICY SPICY chicken & a KOI red tea :]
LIFE IS GREAT :D ( Pretend to ignore my increasing weight )

Went to ION , so big can :D All de way from B4 to Lvl 4 .
Th escalator sooo long :D & So many people .
I gave up going to th toilet cos I realise got 18 ppl Q-ing infront of me .
Brought a Chio cookie monster shirt from TopMAN -.-
I was so happy bcos I saw de tag say XXS . My fers eva XXS shirt !
Dhen When i go pay that tym de cashie was lik
"sorry miss , this shirt u have to take to topman n pay "
"But I found this shirt at topshop -.- "
" Sorry but th tag say its from Topman ... "
so in de end I went downstairs n pay , bloody hell 53 holy SGD D:
& brought a sandal from M)phosis , 27.50 ):
I wanted to buy another design but . HAIS , dont suit me D:
Oh well , Feet too fat -.- cant help it .
& Im dead tired now , going orh orh :D
I wished you had .


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