
Showing posts from June, 2009

awws ;

Went back from east coast ,Roller bladed with my xy after lik ages . And feel achieved cos I brought my perhaps fers size XS shirt in life ever . LOL . & I think im down with fever , yep . 37.7 ,Oh well . Maybe de thermometer is wrong , since it showed 37.8 several times during LMSC . But my forehead seems burning now & My hands is freaking cold . Grr tis is lik contradicting == Oh well I certainly hope is NOT H1n1 ; Duh ?! But I don wan a fever now neither , at least wait sch start alright ? D: Not lik de sch is going to believe me I had fever tat's y I dint do E learning . Grrs . Grrs . & Im super sad (?) n angry n emo tat G dao-ed me for 6hrs . I need something to fill up my time now , but homework ? ... Nah I rather go sleep or something . Tat's totally out of de question . And my facebook application is lik so freaking AP nowadays D: & Im once again , as wat's happening to me evy nite , freaking hungry . I alys get hungry during midnight , damn ! &...

Homework Flu

Im typing out all de undone homework for tis week . And so I will be bury in homeworks today ... English : Watch one of the recommended videos of “The Wonder Years”. Complete the Personal Reflection section on Worksheet 1. Submit to Read Part A of Worksheet 2 & Worksheet 3 . Using the guiding questions in Part B of Worksheet 2, complete the writing task. Submit to in MS Word format (Arial font-sized 11) ( Present Perfect Issue 4 – Quirky Singapore . ) Read “Urban Tribes of Singapore” on Pages 29-32 Read the task requirements on Worksheet 4 and complete the task. Submit your completed writing task in hard copy on the 1st day when school resumes. Geog : Webquest on Climate Change Send to Phys : Holiday Hw on Dynamic etc , 1 & 2 . View Video and do worksheet 1 View Java applets and do worksheet 2a & 2b Submit to Ong whensch reopen ( hard-copy ) View ppt slides Do worksheet 3 and submit worksheet online By end o...

Lovely Love

( A Happy Monniversary Day ) Fersly , Licia couldn't go out , & Im sad abt it . Yeah believe me I am ): and so i went to bugis at ard 1.30 ? Okay tis two things got no link . AND I WAS SO PISSED AT GUMMY AT FERS . Due to his Qb-ness & according to him . De asshole genes flows within his blood . LOL . Dhen anw , waited til weiwei finally "walked" to bugis at 5.30 (?) Went to eat Dinner tgt & brought some Yogurt Ice Cream , Its LEMON & cookie 'n cream ; de Lemon is soooooooo S O U R lahs . But gummy seems love it , Tsk . No wonder lik to make me feel Jealous evytym . Dhen dhen dhen . ANW IT'S A ENJOYABLE DAY IN CONCLUSION :D I'm very happy n very happy n forgive me for jus using de word happy Cos I duno much thesaurus for de word Happy ): & I'm broke too :D :D :D & I brought a Elmo shirt :D :D :D And I definately love it ! & its like so dot dot dot buying it . I was lik at de shop den cant decide which color to buy . Den i tell...

School Open .

HELLO peepo , whoever is starting school today :D To be honest , Im so jeaous of you all :D :D :D But oh well , It stil feels good to wake up late in de noon :] Hehe , But stil Im gonna sleep soon . After deh worker in resturant city died m i will close de shop & let them rest :D & Steal som veggie form Mingrui's barn buddy 38mins l8r xD HEHE , sweet dreams evyone ; ahs-ians & non-ahsians :D
Happy 5teen birthday Dear Laogong licia & Her twinner Wendy :D :D :D & happy 7th monniversary Baby :] We had really been going through alot things together yeah ? Lastly , I just managed to finsih all 4 heymath assignment . D: My result is like fantastic ( ? ) :D I got : 8/30 - 11/30 - 19/30 - 22/30 .Oh well , there goes my CA2 result . WADEVA :D :D :D :D :D :D Damn you anglican high :D :D :D

Farewell .

( L o s t ) I just cant believe u would say this to me . Just de tot of it made my tears start flowing down , as if it's a spoiled water tap . U're a teenage gal .. u fall for any guy lik in 1 sec .. cant live a day without a guy in ur brain .. So tis is de whole damn impression of me in ur mind huh . for de past damn nearly 7 months , this is de fucking shit conclusion u get . I tried to keep by temper , I tried not to use de F word in our conver anymore . And u jus used it on me over and over again . I seriously surrender . I quit . I'm not turning back anymore , since u're tired too . Tat sentence just stab all de way to de deepest point in my heart . & I give up , i give up on this relationship , on myself , on you . If u can't even feel de efforts i put into tis relationship , U think i take this whole ting as some sort of entertainment in my life . LET IT BE .
( maggie is still de best ) Ahhhs , Finished another Emath on Heymath ,Freak man . Two more to go , grrs as i've said , y cant ahs jus go screw themself ? D: Spend de whole day on facebook , jumping form quiz to game to quiz to game . Ahhh no life , But im glad there's stil facebook . & dhen here come xiaozhenzhu talking to me on msn . AS U ALL NOE , now naggy she is . ( i'll be so dead if she sees tis xP ) Dhen somhow ended up borrowing her two dresses for her choir concert with sam ( :D ) Oh well , I shall wear pants n be a guy for de whole of nxt wk :D Dhen dhen its 2 more days to licia & wendy derh birthday :D Kekeke , and is oso our 7th month anniversay baby ( ♥ ) But G. seems forgotten abt it ler , oh well (: Lastly , whoever created maggie mee is a genius man ;D Oh sir ! u're as great as de great bubble head : albert einstein . LOL . & my mother jus send me a lame shit joke throu sms . Time changes . I cant wait for de nite to fall tonite . And I wi...

hey baby lappy ;D

I got so muchzxzxzxz things to write . Ahhhhhh . Fers , watched transformers with mushroom ysd . Oh well , I wonder why guys get crazy abt it , regardless of their ages . From before de movie , to after , to at nite , weiwei & Mushroom were lik toking to me abt Transformers ; OptiMUS , megatron (??) LOL , & mushroom was inspired to buy some mask from TOy'r us , Its holy $89.90 lah please ! Go dye ur fringe pink or sth is better den buy tat man ! & Y r u holding prejudice against eating maggie mee ?! HUH?! Wat's wrong with eating tat at Tm u tell me ?! LOL . Oh well , anw let's proceed on to today . Supposingly sleeping at home peacefully until 940 msged me abt Eng hw . dhen ended up with me chionged to her house at around 2 . Even though de thingy deadline is at 3 , we only managed to bullshit de compre out , &send it out at 5pm . Atleast we complete it okay ?! & Her daddy brought this 18cm tall Milk tea ! With 5cm from de btm is full of pearls lah ! Its li...


Once again , my comp spoiled . Thank you loh ): Oh well , Forget about heymath & e-learning lahs D: A no. of things happened these few days , ahhhhh . I don feel like bringing it up again . Oh well oh well , I will be back when im in a better mood (:

Fark You Siah / M18 CONTENT -.-.

( FUCK YOU MAN -.- ) Never seen such a childish person before lah please -.- Holding onto de bloody tart & repeat for duno how many damn times "Oh rachel has only one and she gave it to me ! " "Yeah Im de only one in de world who has it ! " OH PLEASE , WADEVER LAH . SUCKER -.- Ya rite . We are Good fren mah . OH GOOD FREN . please lah , -.- SO WAD ? I GOT FEELING ONE LAH PLEASE . AND Its not even a problem of trust or not lah asshole -.- Wat's there not to trust lah HELLO ? -.- u all noe for bloody 17 yrs liao . If somthing were to happen , it will happen long ago . I JUST FUCKING HATE YOUR FUCKING BEHAVIORS LIKE THIS . I'm so fucking enuf of jealoused at some stupid things u said evytym . Just go on saying im petty i jin jin ji jiao or xiao ti da zuo or watsoever . I don give a damn anymore sucker . Go find someone else for u to play with lah -.-

Be a Bookworm Someday ?

( Pick up de books , Again . ) Grrs , Looking at Amath look til my mood drop from 20storey all de way to Basement -.- & being not able to see Gummy makes me drop even further , all de way to de center of de Earth . Currently struggling up to de Earth's surface level . & I farking give up on math . Forget it , I've forgotten everything . Farking shit , I sit here look at de qns for de whole damn day dhen only complete so little . Wahpiang eh , waste my time D: It seems such a long day , due to de fact tat I woke up too early . Or rather , my mother unrolled my blanket early in de morning & off -ed my fan . ): My goal is to complete two sets of Heymath as well de chi compo . But all is on my mind now is to take a nap & pour out everything abt study form my mind . And my next two weeks is so plain . like no plans at all , Nothing ! Sititng infront of comp for e learning de whole day ? DREAM ON man -.- Oh well oh well , but there seems nothing much to do . But as ...

Tat's sweet Honey .

& so so so , Everything Is back to normal . After a really BIG BIG BIG conflict between us . I swear my heart was farking painful . Den I regret for actions , & apologise , & even though alll de sarcastics . We he-hao AND I swore tat Nothing is gonna separate us ever again . Yeah baby , Its me and you against the world :D I don care anyone , or anythings else , I want to be together with u , I need you to be here in my life .& tat's a never changing Fact . And I cried super hard ysd nite , out of regret , happiness , sadness , everything . Which I think caused my eye to go even smaller today ): But it was a really sweet day today . Fers de LMSC is far better dhen de dry lecture ysd , & so did de game made me sweaty & sticky ; I think . But I had loads of fun from it , Im so sad for de Lost on Moon thingy ): & & & After all de Debriefs , which ends like at 6pm + . I was about to drag myself back home when evyone walked de other direction . Dhen I...
BITCH ! Now u satisfied ler rite ?! -.- I fucking lose him for de rest of my life ler you bitch ! THANK YOU AND _|_ Im fine ._. Pefectly fine peepo :D :D :D HELLO !

Movie Trail

Watched two more movies de Last two days ; Yeah come to think of it . I watched pretty much movies theses days . For instance , Out of all de movies tat is still showing in cinemas . I watched Monster vs aliens , Ghosts of galfrens past , Land of the lost , & the following two , with qianying & mandy & 90 for tis . Its kinda Retarded if u use ur Common sense to think . How can de same person look totally different jus by putting on a Wig lah . OH PLEASE . :O & watched with Shihshiong for this , But de movie iS AWFUL ! Disgusting ! EEEK ! & It happens like this , we were suppose to go sh house for Elit Project It starts with Qwen late for lik 20+ mins & we slowly made our way to his house , Somwhere in between Geylang & Dhen . We practically finished de project in about 5 min time ( In serious mood ) Dhen we talk shit ; eat chips ; drink green tea ; played 2 rounds of Taiti . Before Qwen went back . & Tat's when we decide to watch a movie . And appar...

Ending / Beginning

& Tat's it . its so over . I'm puting my heart to sleep . The guy I have been loving for the past 6mth is dead , in my heart . And de him I once knew it never going to come back again . It's over . When de Happily Ever After turns into Once upon a time . Have those great fairytales writers thought of this before ? After de standard line of They live happily ever after How sure are they tat de princess & de prince dint quarrel after they got tgt ? So wad if they overcome numorous obstacles & kissed in de end ? OH PLEASE . Junting , tat's y its known as FAIRY TALES -.- Stop questioning de poor writers who already passed away decades ago .

Half boiled egg is stil unacceptable !

( A Dude Movie ) Yeah watched it ysd with my xy , & okiie atleast is short :D I strongly feel tat i wan to watch Transformers ; so I need start find humans now ! Omg i'm so full , wake up & saw de bread ( with Half Boiled Egg inbetween ) on deh table . & as I tot tat I can trust de egg its cooked & I bite ... De Yellowish ; sticky ; eeeeeew egg yolk flowed down my hand & Im like OhGosh ! But well still i skipped de center & finished de rest . & & I got de new earpiece ;D Yeah , as requested as a EARLY birthday present :D Damn , if it ever spoils again ! -.- Im gonna buy a blaster & carry it around wiv me D: NO MORE EARPIECE by dhen ! LOL . so many peepo de presend haven buy yet , Grrs . I'm poor okay peepo ?! D: & Had PYA ysd , distributing some templates in de middle of bedok in FULL U. & below a list of things tat's funny / retarded to me :D - I was explaining to a aunty for lik 5 min in english & at fers she was no...
Don't you remember I said that u are Irreplaceable ? Why still say all these things , You know that all I need is you Don't u ?

Deh DOMO.kun Day :]

( Oh Deh Hero :D ) So as to celebrate de arrival of deh DOMO.kun :D I shall once again intro him to everyone ! Domo, is described as "a strange creature that hatched from an egg." Domo' s favorite food is Japanese-style meat and potato stew, and he has a strong dislike for apples, because of an unexplained mystery in his DNA. Domo can only communicate via producing a low-pitched noise which sounds somewhat like his own name, but other characters appear to understand him. DOMO.kun is known to pass gas repeatedly when nervous or upset . So heard it peepo ?! Don make him nervous or upset ! Or else he will contribute to de enhance greenhosue effect by passing out Mathene ! ): & Everyone , Learn tis ! It will be useful throughout ur life :D & Peeps , I joined de DOMO-club :D :D :D Hehe ! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright enuf of Domo.kun :] I had a GREAT DAY ysd going out with G.ummy :D :D :D Watched Ghsots Of G...

Hyper ;D

Tag Replies Fers licia: TODAY GOT AIRCON LEH! GAN DONG DAOOO Is finally over ler , gan dong dao ! :D JASMINE: hey darling! :x Haha Hello xoxo :D Movie how ? :[ :]: rest well wor don tire urself out~ Eh hehe thank you :] . Muacks :D Jocelyn: eh junting! i thought you only can use comp on wednesday + saturday? :O Yes ! according to de LAW . But heheheh :D esther: hahaha. u too ! Okay ! Me too wad ? ._. I forget xP zhidan: wa junting... XD Wa Zhidan xD Jocelyn: JUNTING, you've a cool physic paper ^^ HEHE. Duuhhhhh ! ;D Lol oya btw i haven do any holi hw :'( Zixing.: hehehehohohoho. yes handsome i like :D yesh ! No is cuteeeeeeeeee ! :D kelvin: tsktsk.-.-" MUAHAHAHA ! Okiiie I'm come back post l8r :D LMAO . 20th Century Boys 2 is opening on 9July . :] I want my Ice age 3 on 1st July :D

Freaking Problem With Pillow .

( Yeah ! The Emo Freaking ) Today is . Well I shouldnt call it tiring . since I sat on de chair most of de time . But its a sticky-gloomy-hot-stuffy day . Grrs , so SUNNY larh ! Went to HTA for PK course , rar . HTA lik bcming my 3rd home can ?! & Its lik single way transport . so freaking near from my dear TUNA merah leh . Cck lehs ! GRRs . Just hope tmr is better ; Ohh aircon ! :D :D :D I wonder if evryone is mugging now or go sleep ler or polishing boots , anyone ? :] I'm so not in any mood close to s-t-u-d-y larh . MCQ-s please ! T.T I think Im weird, Yesh plus dumb . & Becoming dumber everyday . Keke ; its not a good thing btw . Cos I can cry all of a sudden -.- Like there is totally nothing on my mind but i started crying . Oh well . Im too busy to do so tonight so im normal now :D No worries , its not H1N1 , LOL ! :D 90 told us a suepr funny joke today . ( well atleast I think its funny ) Yeahhh so funny ! :D :D :D Shake singapore everyone shake ! :D Okay let...

sticky sleepy afternoon .

( Waiting , seems long ) Another 3 more hours or so , atleast de toughest time is over :] Spend de day as retarded as ever by going to sch for "project" . Which ended up back home in less dhen 30min , & start msn-ing with 940 . Until times gets really really bored n we dragged random peepo into de conver . its like seriously so boring . So we talked about kaili's lunch for half hr Until I finally decide tat We shall do sth MEANINGFUL ! & we started playing viwawa . & miracle do occurs ! ! ! I won like THREE times ?! ( out of lik 30 tyms -.- ) Im so proud of myself ! :D Dhen 940 left cos her mei wan use comp , & Me & kaili played chi chess. & walao I lost , I only left one pathetic Jiang Jun there in de end can -.- GRRs . Dhen Kaili went to watch Dark Knight AS IF he is stil 3 yrs old . & SO , Here i am , B l o g g i n g . 3 more hours . de last thing i will do to kill time will be doing Heymath hw . But I've decide I will rather sleep i...

Tonight ; I really miss you so .

( Together again ? ) Bet if u see this someday , u will think I'm really Hilarious . I was the one tat initiate the Break up , and yet , I'm de one missing u here . Sorry for leaving , Mushroom ought to have tear away The L. letter . I Duno If I did de right thing , perhaps u should see it . But , Oh well but ? Cheer up somone I love is the basic thing I should noe isnt it ? But ur dumb ex here duno , sorry . Really sorry . I told myself I must noe more jokes , read more jokes , remember more jokes . N cheer u up when u're emo next tym . Even if just as a friend . But I bet my mind will be jus as blank as a piece of white paper when I see u emo . Sucks right ? I duno what's my freaking problem neither , Im very sure tat I really love you . But I duno how to love , my heart duno neither . It alys guide me to nowhere . & Most of the time , actions I did especially for u made u pissed off . Wat I'm really sad of isnt tat u don appreciate wat I have done , But I ...

Internet ; Miss You ;D

( INTERNET is back ! ) But .. Stil feel so empty , GRR you larh go wad JB :[ I got phone lik no phone liddat , Got internet liao like no internet oso . I cant wait for fri siah , PLease let de next three days past faster . Currently discussing ss project with val & shenghui . GRRs , so sleepy . Last nite alone , Please please come back faster leh ): Once again __ period cramp . Cant drink cold water , sleep cant on fan . FREAK . & de bloody pink pills is not working / DARN IT . Alright ; I'm busy & empty . btw ; I re-deco-ed my Notebook & Cauculator :D So chio rite , 940 I should help you too , & ur bday coming rite , grrs :D

The L.

( G. Dear. ) AHHH its been another such-a-long-time since i last blogged . My GREAT mother had finally allowed me to "use" comp ; inclusive of de following rules . - / Teach her how to use comp evy week - / Get top 15 in class - / Only can use comp on wed & sun I'm like WTF ? But com to think of it , its better dhen nothing . & So I agreed . Alot things happened indeed . Thank you peepo who tagged on my tagboard :] I'm okay lah , atleast I think so . OH WAIT ! I'm not okay ! I'm BROKE ! Grr munny munny ; & I just broke some glass at home , while swinging de laptop casing around . -.- Bet she's gonna take away alot munny from my pocket munny tis week . NOOOOOOO ! ~ Human right ! D: I've tons of photo to upload but apparently , de USB wire isn't with me . My Facebook is dead too right ? ): & & I wan to uploas songs into my ipod . Awwws so many things . & & & holiday hws . & Projects . OHH GSS ! there I bid goodbye...