Farewell .

( L o s t )

I just cant believe u would say this to me .
Just de tot of it made my tears start flowing down , as if it's a spoiled water tap .

U're a teenage gal .. u fall for any guy lik in 1 sec ..
cant live a day without a guy in ur brain ..

So tis is de whole damn impression of me in ur mind huh .
for de past damn nearly 7 months , this is de fucking shit conclusion u get .
I tried to keep by temper , I tried not to use de F word in our conver anymore .
And u jus used it on me over and over again . I seriously surrender . I quit .
I'm not turning back anymore , since u're tired too .
Tat sentence just stab all de way to de deepest point in my heart .
& I give up , i give up on this relationship , on myself , on you .
If u can't even feel de efforts i put into tis relationship ,
U think i take this whole ting as some sort of entertainment in my life .


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