Movie Trail

Watched two more movies de Last two days ;
Yeah come to think of it . I watched pretty much movies theses days .
For instance , Out of all de movies tat is still showing in cinemas .
I watched Monster vs aliens , Ghosts of galfrens past , Land of the lost ,
& the following two , with qianying & mandy & 90 for tis .
Its kinda Retarded if u use ur Common sense to think .
How can de same person look totally different jus by putting on a Wig lah .

& watched with Shihshiong for this , But de movie iS AWFUL ! Disgusting ! EEEK !

& It happens like this , we were suppose to go sh house for Elit Project
It starts with Qwen late for lik 20+ mins & we slowly made our way to his house ,
Somwhere in between Geylang & Dhen .
We practically finished de project in about 5 min time ( In serious mood )
Dhen we talk shit ; eat chips ; drink green tea ; played 2 rounds of Taiti .
Before Qwen went back . & Tat's when we decide to watch a movie .
And apparently DMTH is de only choice since i either watched or we cant watch .
940 is OUGHT to watch with us but she act guai & went to tuition instead .

De cathay is freaking cold & with some "nerds" laughing out loud
When de movie is suppose to be scary .
& there is this Particular Guy who was lik Giggling evy 5 min -.-
Plus his laughter is bloody Gay . & not to forget , veyr Irritaing .
I tried to put on my earpone & blast music halfway .
& Shihshiong give me de "WALAO" face , so I offed de music .
Dhen he said sth - Walao I oso wan ! lik Wth ?
Anw de ending is definately ultra 100% chop chop gurantee Retarded .
LOL :O Im amazed at how de director or editor or wadeva can Bullshit til liddat .

Okay enuf for de movie , But well .
There is nothing much left to say . So Goodnite everyone .
I still need to polish my Boots n prepare FUll uni & etc ...
But my butt seems to have glued to de sofa & my eyes on de screen .
Awws Addiction ! ;O


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