The L.

( G. Dear. )

AHHH its been another such-a-long-time since i last blogged .
My GREAT mother had finally allowed me to "use" comp ;
inclusive of de following rules .
- / Teach her how to use comp evy week
- / Get top 15 in class
- / Only can use comp on wed & sun
I'm like WTF ? But com to think of it , its better dhen nothing .
& So I agreed .

Alot things happened indeed .
Thank you peepo who tagged on my tagboard :]
I'm okay lah , atleast I think so . OH WAIT ! I'm not okay ! I'm BROKE!
Grr munny munny ; & I just broke some glass at home ,
while swinging de laptop casing around . -.-
Bet she's gonna take away alot munny from my pocket munny tis week .
NOOOOOOO ! ~ Human right ! D:

I've tons of photo to upload but apparently , de USB wire isn't with me .
My Facebook is dead too right ? ): & & I wan to uploas songs into my ipod .
Awwws so many things . & & & holiday hws . & Projects .
OHH GSS ! there I bid goodbye with you , awws $_$
Current time 2pm in de afternoon .
Approximately 55 more hrs til my phone ring again with tat particular msg tone .


{ 30min later }
I'm back blogging , returned form PET SOCIETY :D
AWWWS , there goes all my savings buying a Black dress for Tingting .
Tsk duno "she" will wear or not . But anw de dress so sexy :D
Tsk I so good to my galfren can , still help it bathe , feed it food lehs .
Muahaha :D I'm such a great boyfren :D :D :D
LOL . Bad news ! My lappy gonna flat -.-
SHALL press post before it flats off .

ps. u never noe how important u were to me

ADDED at 4.36pm due to over boredness
But don have much time to blog cos my butt is flattening .
OKAY so i shall end here ! xD ( LOL wad de heck ? -.- )

& & Happy Birthday ;
U're Two Years Old ♥


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