sticky sleepy afternoon .

( Waiting , seems long )

Another 3 more hours or so , atleast de toughest time is over :]
Spend de day as retarded as ever by going to sch for "project" .
Which ended up back home in less dhen 30min , & start msn-ing with 940 .
Until times gets really really bored n we dragged random peepo into de conver .
its like seriously so boring . So we talked about kaili's lunch for half hr
Until I finally decide tat We shall do sth MEANINGFUL !
& we started playing viwawa . & miracle do occurs ! ! !
I won like THREE times ?! ( out of lik 30 tyms -.- ) Im so proud of myself ! :D

Dhen 940 left cos her mei wan use comp , & Me & kaili played chi chess.
& walao I lost , I only left one pathetic Jiang Jun there in de end can -.-
GRRs . Dhen Kaili went to watch Dark Knight AS IF he is stil 3 yrs old .
& SO , Here i am , B l o g g i n g .
3 more hours . de last thing i will do to kill time will be doing Heymath hw .
But I've decide I will rather sleep instead .
& Just to show sth rediculous & lame & outdated .
Whoever marked my phys paper wrote tis on my ans script :

WELL childish right ? I wonder who uhs , CANT be Mr Ong for sure ! :]
&&& I'm so bored .
Okay let my eye rest , I'm going for a nap in tis sticking afternoon (:


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