Tonight ; I really miss you so .

( Together again ? )

Bet if u see this someday , u will think I'm really Hilarious .
I was the one tat initiate the Break up , and yet , I'm de one missing u here .
Sorry for leaving , Mushroom ought to have tear away The L. letter .
I Duno If I did de right thing , perhaps u should see it . But , Oh well but ?
Cheer up somone I love is the basic thing I should noe isnt it ?
But ur dumb ex here duno , sorry . Really sorry .
I told myself I must noe more jokes , read more jokes , remember more jokes .
N cheer u up when u're emo next tym . Even if just as a friend .
But I bet my mind will be jus as blank as a piece of white paper when I see u emo .
Sucks right ?

I duno what's my freaking problem neither , Im very sure tat I really love you .
But I duno how to love , my heart duno neither . It alys guide me to nowhere .
& Most of the time , actions I did especially for u made u pissed off .
Wat I'm really sad of isnt tat u don appreciate wat I have done ,
But I cant make u feel the happiness I wanted to bring to u so much .
U could alys say things to me that were so sweet n it melts my heart in an instant .
But I can nvr do de same , I duno any of the sweet talks .
But yet , u have touched my heart so many times ...
I rmber the fers time i was touched by u , is ur reasons for y do u like me .
You noe Im so glad ur reasons is not de typical type like : cute / chio -.- / nice ?
But de reasons are things tat only I will do , i will behave like .
It makes me feel so special , like de only one in de world (:

I rmber de day we went to Suntec and eat de Ice cream tgt beside de fountain ,
So sweet ; I love de way u feed me , all the time , everytime .
I rmber de day we nearly got "Heart attack" & dhen went to mac ,
& u act pro go teach me Amath loh , de things u wrote is stll on my wrksht okay ? :D
I rmber de day I was so freaking emo , & U said this to me ;
Don give up upon urself , Give up upon de world. Haas , u too kay :]
I rmber de day we went to eat de Pasta too ! Bcos of tat Special Reason , Haha .
& u were like leading me through de 'Secret passway' , Rmber which mah ?
We ate de ice thingy at Katong after tat too ! But u were so Emo while eating ! ):
GRRs , But lucky after tat U randomly Laughed out on de bus ;
& we oso went to de ______ tat day :]
Its been really long since we went there rite ? :D

OHH & there's once u were super ill loh ): Gastric flu & throat infection & fever rite ?!
GRRS I saw u at church u were like - Cant be any skinny-er ler lah , so pale D:
& U were sick for so many days somemore , Dhen I dint even go visit u ! ):
Sorry .

If I continue to write Flash backs this post is nvr ending .
But I really got too much to rewind .
I stil rmber de last day of 2008 , when my parents saw us ; when I tot evything is over .
It was a suppose-to-be-so-nice nite isnt it ? Going countdown tgt for a new year ...
And Yet it ended up with me crying like a baby on ur shoulder in de bus .
I rmber you held my hands so tight tat nite , pleasing me not to leave .
sorry I ruined ur nite , with her screaming into the phone , into our ears .

Time flies eh ? Its already June , half of de year had past .
Sometimes I really regret for saying the break up , Cos I really need u so .
But I alys tell myself , I cant go back to you , I couldnt even give u any happiness .
Wat's more , Tat's so thick skin & so S-l-u-t (?) Initiated de Break up & patch up ?
GRR , serve me right -.-

Halfway during de post ,
I started listen to de chinese songs tat u often listen to ,
why ? why all these sad songs ...
Why I couldnt be someone that u can rely on when U sad ;
Why I couldnt be someone that can cheer u up when U emo ;
Why am i so dumb ... ? Junting , why ?

为什么相爱的人不能够在一起, 偏偏换成了回忆.
就算我求时间也忘记你, 也忘不了我们有过的甜蜜.


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