i dun reali plan to post liao, budden since i packed evything liao; faster den expectation. so as to show my unbearable mood to leave my dearest handphonee & comp (: okie wad crap, was tokin on phonee wiv licia & tofuuu jus now; & peepo tat's his real name . amazingly rite.. :D his galfren must be sum sorta tofu-like thingy hahaha; okie anw. yeap, im gonna sleep soon. after all, its my last nite before i can sleep on my softest eva, most hug-able pillow in e nxt 3days. dhen toopid tofu scare me say de atc tis & tat; till worst den hell liddat.ROARs, dunnn lyk him luh!! :X okie shall not tok abt tat :D think he camera ALICIA-SHY loh; hehs; as i was saying abt de camp, uh, after packing evy single stuff inside, i realise, amazingly its not TAT MUCHH stuff :D kay luhh, i got nothing much to say (: budden anw TOFU ishh CUTEEEEEE :D
Showing posts from August, 2008
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i dint reali plan to change to tis plain plain blogskin de; jus tat de elmo skin abit ap nowadays. so yeap- changed, anw sti felt tat tis skin de right side damn empty lorh. (: so weird, uhs. i dun feel lyk packing up liao luhh. sumore now raining lyk hell :X kns if derh nxt three days eva rains,ROARs tat's it liao, sayonara hahaha. dun feel lyk posting cos jus now ate half mooncake ._. okie my point is im damn full now, goin out to buy insects repellent l8r if possible; gosh my last nite beforee de camp, tonite i will hug my milk bottle extra tight; make sure my whole head is on de pillooooow; enjoy my last feeeew hrs sleeping on a soft bed peepo i'll miss my handphoneee (: im sooo regret tat i ate half of de mooncake, shit :'( i last few weeks die die lose de 2kg is coming bac to me! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! de world is falling :'( anw i dint reali plan for de whole damn holiday yet; let's see } monday-wedneday { np camppp :X thurday { geog/sci project ._. friday { hom...
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bac, :D dint watch wall.e anw cos is freeezinggggg cold when i step inside. so decide not to watch liao, wat's more onli i watching lorh; my xy buy de ticket dhen pangseh mee liao, :'( dhen uh tmr morning will be heading bac to bedok pack camp stuffs; actually i stil felt de camp is veri far liddat loh, altough its jus in oneee day's tym :D uhhhh; i wan watch tv liao, :X & anw peepo nowadays uh... today saw uncle jason on9;was abt to tok to him de, dhen his pm is lyk busying having sex, do not disturb & still, i disturbed by saying HARLOOOOW n yeap, he dao mee :X after tat read de book jumper which is sooo DOTs too; -.- tsk tsk, wad crap :X
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bac to tpy (: bugis-ed wiv my deaaaaaaaar xiaoyi; hehe, so fun :D bought INK bag , {tat i wan :X spongeee bob teee { wiv de big bright smile :D a odm watch, { 169BUCKsss :) dhen ateee pork chopp { damn spiicy :D TAT ice cream, { ex, twooo scroop 6bucks, :X soya bean milk {mr BEAN BEAN derh :D ock derh fishball { my xiaoyi cope oneeee :X coconut { so hard to eat derh white white thingy :D subway sandwitch { not reali veri nce loh :X uh OFCOS not i finish evy singleee thing luh, all share share :D muahahaha, budden still, i ate alooooooooot... gosh! i LOVEEEEEE derh new watch lorh, budden de tym ish so HARRRRD to read luhhs ._. hmmm kay bah, tat's abt it :D feel damnnnnnn high now (: hehehe, cant go tmr de flag painting quite sad erh, okie shldnt use de word saddd ; budden due to derh limitation of my vocabs so yea ._. hahaha, my xiaoyi ish goin to japannn rite after my bday; eeyer pangseh meee :'( anw after tat we walked to bustop take bus, its lyk soooooooo dots ; we...
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bac from sch :X wanted to go tps derh dhen in e end dint (: so damn bored now :D cher day celebration, quite funnnn :D i mean derh performing by 4C esp, & ofcos others l8r having a sweet sweet dateeeee wiv dearest xy :D @ bugis streeet, dhen i can go find de spongeee bob liao, hehes, oya & derh INK bagg too (: other den tat, nothing much ler,
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GOSH; its soooooo drama jus now tat i nearly laugh my ass offffff :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, basically i was blogshopping ard for derh darn sponge bob tee which is DANG DANG DANG DANG! dhen i saw a blogshop, basically i alys came across tat blogshop luhss, dhen duno y, out of duno wad. i clicked on derh personal blooog & i saw her name, & im lyk uh so familiaaar dhen i saw she say attached to blah blah :X & im lyk SOOO SOOOO FAMILIAAAAR & dhen i went to my msn, cfm-ed his msn pm (: & i started laughing lyk a retard tat cant get animore retarder :D de blogshop i had been goin for sooo long, de owner ish my SO-CALLED ex derh new galfreeeeend de. HAHAHAHAHAHA, dhen i laugh & laugh & finally got de strength to take my hp called licia, blah blah. she was lyk LOLOL dhen say DOING BLOOODY COMPO buhbyee dhen i continue laughing lyk a retard, its jus so HAHA-HAHA-HAHA :D LOLOLOL!GOSHHHHHHHHH
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kns, lost 20 GODLY BUCKS todayy :X wat the; morning in canteen i stil see got 40 plus derh loh dhen after tat nvr take out my wallet liao, till after sch go kfc wiv jiamin paying dhen realise kns, left 18 bucks nia; duno hu de hell took my 20 bucks away knn need me say THANK YOU tat u stil left 18 bucks for me? ._. TOOPID lorhh; fan tuan got 300 bucks u dun wan take; take poor pillow derh 20 bucks for wat? toopid! )':
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kns peepo i flunk my Ca2 wiv eng result; )": it's jus so flunkeeeed geog- 79 A1 chi- 74 A2 math- 74.7 A1 sci- 90.1 A1 art- 70 A2 eng- 48 D7 toopid ._. wateva lorh, fail eng means fail evything liao, duno wat's my freaking problem -.- & tat toopi GUO BING LIAN , got aver. 86.++% dhen im lyk l8r go home tgt; i dun feel lyk go remedial liao. dhen she say paiseh uh, i got sci remedial dhen im lyk screaming lorh; U GOT 100 FOR SCIENCE STILL NEED WAD REMEDIAL LUH! kaos, get 100 stil not enuf meh )': pity me lehh, dhen haichong called me, remedial stuff. lyk DUHHHHH! so i went tho im damn derh no mood, mrs neo was lyk blah blah dun gibb up etc etc; so i actually decide to study eng: i jus feel so wasted if my other subject all As & just screwed by tis darnnnnnn eng :X but anw peepo, tis tym im jus so dead lorh; my mother will jus simply killlll me, dots,if she noe i fail eng, there is NO WAY tat she'll even look at ani other sub; no matter how gudd they r ...
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okie, a elmo skinnn ish done (: anw, today was veri toucheeeed wiv my dearest dearest xiaoyi :D okieee well it start wiv during acc lesson, i suddenly felt veri veri hungry ._. so i chiong to toilet wiv licia... NOT TO EAT SHIT LUHH! to call my xy tell her i wan eat tis & tat, i mean around my birthday luh (: dhen she sya she wil be overseaaaa from nxt week to 20+ sep dhen com bac, so i'm lyk eeyer dhen my bday how ? dhen she say wad sorrie sorrie tis weekend bring mee go, :X dhen i go 得寸进尺 say other den derh food, i wan de ink bag, addidas watch oreo cheese cake; dhen she all say okieee okieee.. jus abit sad tat cant celebrate wiv her lorh, i mean is lyk my laobu will pretend tat its NOT my bday at all. :X dhen dhen dhen til sch over, my xiaoyi called me bac & say; i NOT goin for de trip ler . im lyk WAD?! KEE SIAO UH ._. ._. NVM DERH LUHHS,u go taiwannn luhh dhen she say wat she actually oso wan celebrate my bday wiv mee so not goin ler. im lyk sooo damn touchedd luh...
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bac, :D ysd nite dunoo hu call me & its so dotssss start wiv him fers; harlow, hu u? - uhs? hu r u?? aiya hu r u fers? - u call me leh u ask me -.- im blah blah { i dint hear wad he say, -orh, i noe u meh? duno.. -dhen? ._. i gt call u meh? i gt msg u meh? dun hav, cos my hp got ur no. dhen i duno hu r u -LOLOL, ur hp got mine no. dhen i mus noe u meh? ur hp oso not my hp.... aiya nvm u r? -aiya say ler u oso duno jus say ur name luh, -junting... which one? - uh? u noe ALOOOOT junting meh.. no, threee only - dots, -.- im derh fourth one lah... u from duno duno wad sch isit? -uh? no? dhen? -aiya u duno me luh.. kay buhbye.. - dots... & tat's abt it. todayy had tuition kaos, suppose to be twoo hr nia derh dhen de cher duno wad how why tch 2 n half hr, DOTs.. dhen my hp kept got msg oso loh forget put silent :X blehs (: okie tat's it :D
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bac from bugis :D yeap, bugis-ed wiv weitinggggg & watched meet dave. its so dman funny & cuteeee luhs, :X realise quite long nvr watch moviee liao, dhen we kept go in & out arcade lorhs, :D played daytona, drum & basket ball . dhen saw sum pro playing tym crisis fourrrr :X ji pro yi xia lorhs, uhs, i wan buy weitinggg derh INK small small derh bag ! so pretty (: fers day in my drink-shit for se7en days plan. so-so luhh, just tat todayy go bugis derh B1 there, alot alot alot alot damn niceeee derh food luhs ._. walaos, dhen im lyk I MUST RESIST TEMPTATION !! ROARs, luckily, in e end nvr spent a single cent on foodie, -.- heng. (: dhen uhs kns tmr derh tuition hw, which is last last wk derh hw still haven doneee :X LOLOL, de world so wu qing luhss, no one wan help me wiv derh damn compo, )': kns kns kns kns, well shall not spoil my mood wiv tat :D hueva lost a coupleeee ring at bugis arcade, feel free to find me :D cos i found oneee todayy, LOLOL, its lammmme i ...
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harlow peepo (: as i start my laobu's jian fei tang for 7days. im dying, i think even shyt ish nicer den derh soup loh (: gosh, peepo if i eva end up in hospital, please do visit me wiv oreo cheese cake :D thank u, okie basically, derh soup is veri healthy, or rather.TOO healthy for me, nearly dead after finish derh fers bowl eva of derh damn soup. it sucks, :X tho when i eat, i keep thinkin tat be glad, im not eating shit im not eating shit but still, i nearly vomit out evything i ate. :X well, fer meal ish over. jus hope i can endure 7days & tat's it. nvr eva again in my whole damn lyf gosh. ._. wat's worst will be nothing happen after de torturous 7days i swear i'll cry luhs :'( imagine u eat shit for 7 days for nothing. -.- wat the fuck? & anw, today np ish funnnnn, once again (: revised rifle drill & baton drill & drills :D LOLOL, dhen got a baton drill ish homat police homat dhen me & licia were practicing dhen we forget derh command to...
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im bac :D well, my laopo was telling me her sch got one couple had sumthing noe as sexual intercourse liao, beasically, she ish p6. & im lyk... -.- DOTs, okie shall not tok abt tat (: ahhhh puuuui uh! :X hmmm, nothign much happened ._. get bac chi results, LOLOL. dhen ysd spent whole day watching la be xiao xin sooo freaking cuteee (: licia ish goinn la bi xiao xinnn so am i, okie in a way, i am LONGGGG AGOOO :D & dhen todayy went to sch early for de fancy drill (: LALALA, funnnn :D found out abt derh grping for camp from 1-3 sep for easy purpose, i goin post derh info here, so nxt tym no need go my email see. okie i mean its flooded . (: AHAAA! im soo clever & here it is; group 3 SGT. yohana & holene leader & hazel & pearlyn & junting mee & amanda & li xin & ying ling & jing rong (: Things allowed to bring: School and unit t-shirts & track pants & undergarments & white socks &bathing towels & toiletries & slippers...
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im bac my baby :D jus spent derh past twooo hrs dl songs, again & again, so 88 more songs will be added into my itouched (: gosh, i love my ipod :D 2dayy in sch, i was officially downed wiv LONG TERM BOREDNESS DISEASE :X LOLOL! im such a poor thing, so i start to spamm peepo :D hehes, dhen uh nothing much, got bac my geog test ._. 19/25 im actually quite surprise tat tan fan tuan got 18! gosh, tat's higher den my licia! LOLOL! :X okie de song xfer veri derh slow lorh,.. kns, tmr got art. so far, soooo guddd i haven complete anithing yet, DOTs :D budden nvm, muahahaha :D i think i screwed my eng result, i mean FAILEDDDDD ._. if i've to retain -.- i will.... i shalll..... uh let's seee fers. budden 80% i failed my CA2 eng lang :'( wadeva, now tweety chionging us do toopid 公函, tis wk do, nxt wk oso mus do. darnnn it! & oya my property ish having his prelime starting from todayy to 28 ._. if im not wrong. DANG DANG DANG, anw ysd nite was damn hopeless msging zhu...
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OMG! MY IPOD TOUCH FINALLY AFTER YEARS CONNECTED TO MY COMPUTER AGAIN! OMGOSH I NEARLY CRIED WHEN I SAW SYNC IN PROCESS ON MY IPOD! OMGOSH I LOVE U anw its 11.05pm now :D jus finish sync & reset my whoel damn ituneeeee :X goshhh i feel tat tonite i'll be so high tat i forget to sleep, anw so as in order to xfer de songs, i haven do de chi compo, damn it! :X tweetyyyyyy! signing off @ 23.06
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there my mother start to kaopei me, fuck, now u wan me call him FATHER, funny, over my dead body. & now here she goes again, comparing me & my bro. wat the fck. its not my problem, its too bad tat i born fers its too bad u cant fite over my bro wiv him, is jus too bad u had me instead. ur luck, so wat, its none of my business, & oya, there is no way, i will call him FATHER tis life im not goin to call anione tat name, fuckers. & mind u, is not i wan giv u attitude, is jus so happened de hp dropped on de floor when u hit de sofa, den u say is i throw tantrum anihow throw hp. den start fucking scold me, from years ago de thing oso cna take out now say over n over again, wadeva, wadeva fckin shit u say is rite. i wont say a thing, i wont waste my fucking effort to argue wiv u, BASTARD. u scold me so long i dint say a thing, den u fcking act call him complain i tis n tat. LIKE I CARE A SINGLE LITTLE SHIT ABOUT IT. & BITCH, mind ur words. FUCK U BITCH FUCK FUCK FUCK FUC...
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im bac, :X after woke up at 8 to eat lunch , after chiong bac from tpy at 9.30, after tuition which im totally duno wad s*** she is toking abt, okie. l8r will be goin out wiv jiamin sunnv if it DOESNT rain too heavy, or best dun rain at all. :D jus now derh thunder was so damn freaking loud tat i tot de whole flat wiv be swept away or wad, budden seems its more of a 雷声大雨点小 thingy.. lalala im getting cheena? LOLOL. okie fine peepo!im officially bored. i think i will be saving lots of yosuf bin ishak notes in my wallet, unaware. ._. in my process of jian fei,which is a gudd thing :D nothing much, i have loads of tuition hw for my to do.
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GOSH, my ding ding dong dong spilled blood. GOSH GOSH GOSH GOSH GOSH, he duno how much i worry for him loh. walao stil say wad dying, tmdd tmd.. RAR, how how how i wish i can be by his side now. RAR RAR RAR, but obviously i cant, dhen think i too useless or wad ._. i started to cry, lyk shit WADEVA. tonite, i will pray hard tat he will recover asap. i duno if GOD could hear me, wats more, im such a bad chrsitain yea peepo dun be shock, i AM a christain. i had not been goin to church for years, i had nvr sing out loud to praise him even when i go. but, please.tonite, hear me. there'r million or billions peepo parying to him, he wont have so mani ears to lent. but, i reali hope he can get well soon, please,do hear me
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LOLOL, dint blog de past twoo days cos, uh blih blah bloh, anw im here to blog ;D fers, since i promised LCP mandy lee chao fan to post abt her great deeed, DANG DANG DANG DANG! & i realise tis is not de great deed im suppose to post abt, ._. refer to de 2nd box peepo :X peepo, on fri,150808.our great npcc cadet mandy lee chao fan,being a helpful fried rice. accompanied cadet junting on de way home. as de tym tat she can choose to walk wiv de rest of de sec2s, she took another way instead, so as to be able to accompanied junting on her way home before they final seperate at de turning point. (: not onli being a helpful & kind cadet, she oso spread her ai xin by dragging cadet sarah teo ahma paika along as well, even tho sarah was totally unaware of wad happened. a feeling of tio cheat :D anw de purpose of me saying all tis is to announce tat mandy lee chao fan is great & helpful & sweet here is de correct thing im suppose to emphasis,de C aptian ball thing! well, we ...
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LOLOL, im bac :D seems years since i last posted, LMAO, i was thinking of changing de blogmusic, budden aiya, laziness ._. so anw, its test after test.in a way :D today jus finish geog, tmr gt chi, mon gt eng.GOSH, when is it ending? :X & anw, 8th sep ish coming ._. i was wondering if i could go out wiv DANG DANG DANG :D mugging chi-ing, tsk im such a guaikia (: lyk real? its real :D bored ._. amazingly i dint reali missing using comp tis few days, lyk i mean, i'm busy wiv aot stuff, &'ve gt no tym for tat. todayy gt health checkup ps. i lsot my health booklet, duno whur it run to after last yrs check up, i was thinkin of changing a blogskin, budden once again,laziness ._. bets it, :X 如果你快乐不是为我 会不会放手其实才是拥有
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lalas, todayy is busy ._. in a way, morning wake up 10 plus liao, dhen after tat afternoon go library study. wan uncle jason pei me go airport he dun wan )': nvm lorh, dhen after tat go bedok reservior? wiv licia, suppose to run to practice her 2.4 km derh, in e end we onli run lyk 1.5 ._. dhen walk one whole round bac, LOLOL & tat's abt it, jus tat sum tooopid baka idiot make my super duper sad. lalala, i feel lyk crying. holy shit.
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lalala, im so bored :D & duno hu msged mee from derh morning blah blah blah, so i oso reply him blah blah blah.. dhen he so random say wan go out mah? so i no chioce finally ask hu r u? dhen he diao mee veri long, kaos, i dun even noe hu r u mah :X okie watsoeva abt it. jus finish my tuition, one hour ago? suppose to come at 10.30, dhen she late for 40 min. make me 空欢喜,tmdd. tot she not coming liao, in e end rush to my doorstep,dishevelled look.. lalas, dhen blih blah bloh. ....... okie i got nothing much to say now, :D buhbyeeee (: tomoro ish holidayyy ! its been so long since i last mapled. gosh, wat's happening to me, maple anw jus log in, dhen well no one ish on9, & i tioo kik frm derh guild, how could they?! :D budden anw wateva bah (: suddenly think abt my whole maple life, gosh. its too true to be ture, fers started playing maple, wiv derh help of my neighbour... LOLOL, fers tym see de blue snail, im lyk shit, kns..so POWERR! fers tym die, im lyk wapiang,so fast G...
national day :D
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happi birthday singapore ! :D currently derh tv ish singing derh national anthem LOLOL, & now it ended :X & tag replied at de end of derh post (: todayy is quite slack anw, morning,okie was sleeping.dhen halfway woke up by a few msg, read liao not from ... & ... den go bac to sleep, LOLOL,im NOT biased okay? :D its jus tat they are special, hehs dhen afternoon my sunnv jiamin ask wan go aiport study mah, so DING DING DONG DONG, we went to changi airport :D we suppose to be studying budden we went to candy empire,minibits, etc etc. :D bought sum sour sour thing tat's not sour at all, after tat go eat at terminal three, we waited for derh sofaaa for so damn long can? :X dhen we eat, & eat & drink & drink we did evything BUT studyy :X god sake, i brought my geog book along.lyk HARLOW?! anw so we went bac, w/o studying, LOLOL dhen we went bac,jus liddat :X & eeyer, toopid tyng woei & uncle jason go watch firework toopid! i wan go oso, i missed derh tym...
de special day (:
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muacks, ill be married in 8 min tym i guess, 2day ndp ish finally overed hehes, anw i wanted to tok more derh budden watching olympic open cere now :X so will be veri brief, or maybe i shall tok more abt my marriage todayy :D { watching ch 5 now brb ! okie 0808080808 has over, & means im officially married woos, its been so long since i last heard derh china national anthem GOSH, & its playing on ch5 now, its been 5 yrs bah, dint realise i had came to sg for 5 yrs plus. tym flies, unrealising, without waiting,for anione or anithing.. LOLOL ._. when i bcm so poetry, so unlike me, haha. nvm i shall start frm derh fers thing, 2day's ndp :D reached sch ish lyk im de last few,opps :X so i chionged to change, dhen well derh NDP ish great ! claps & cheers for US please :D hehs, dhen after tat we got ice-cream to eat, according to mr,YAO. its bcos..... duno true or not,HAHAHAHA :D tho i miss all derh performance, budden i had lots fun,other den tat (: den tat's abt it...
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muacks, ill be married in 8 min tym i guess, 2day ndp ish finally overed hehes, anw i wanted to tok more derh budden watching olympic open cere now :X so will be veri brief, or maybe i shall tok more abt my marriage todayy :D { watching ch 5 now brb ! okie 0808080808 has over, & means im officially married woos, its been so long since i last heard derh china national anthem GOSH, & its playing on ch5 now, its been 5 yrs bah, dint realise i had came to sg for 5 yrs plus. tym flies, unrealising, without waiting,for anione or anithing.. LOLOL ._. when i bcm so poetry, so unlike me, haha. nvm i shall start frm derh fers thing, 2day's ndp :D reached sch ish lyk im de last few,opps :X so i chionged to change, dhen well derh NDP ish great ! claps & cheers for US please :D hehs, dhen after tat we got ice-cream to eat, according to mr,YAO. its bcos..... duno true or not,HAHAHAHA :D tho i miss all derh performance, budden i had lots fun,other den tat (: den tat's abt it...
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blehs, :] now ish raining damn heavy lorh seriously pray hard tat tomoro morning DUN EVA rain, or else,.. :'( jus made de pledge of marriage tho its stil early, budden anw, i'll be offcially married again on 0808080808 :D actually com to htink of it, we duno when were we ONCE married budden we jus rmber we divorced :] okie its all derh past, now we must look at derh bright future! hehes, tomoro we've got so much plan, hope nothing screw it :D we goin to take neoprint,bowling,eat tgt,walk tgt,married tgt .ofcos hm,m, j us now was away for dinner (: now im bac again, & i jus happen to rmber todayy i nearly break wiv my fiance, gosh.luckie i dint :D uh,tat's all abt it, i still got 我的美人 to eat after dinner, n hmm jus announce sum toopid crappy results tis week, science- 24/25 :D math - 16/30 -.- eng- 9/20 :'( tat;s it,buhbyee :D ps.seriously dun rain tomoro morning,please :] uh ps again, was reading sher derh blog jus now, dhen rmbered derh exciting fact tat we...
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uhs, todayy finished derh last ndp rehearsal :D weee, according to mr.yao its derh BEST rehearsal eva :D hehes, & anw was abit tiring, after rehearsal suppose to walk ai de xiao lu wiv my darling, budden derh chang cheng ish NOT locked, so we 've to be apart, :'( 2moro duno which toopid fiance say she can stay bac toooo dhen in e end gort derh show n tell rehearsal aiya, HARLOW! u onli got 3 lineeees marh, rehearse semo pi luh :X budden nvm, fri ish OURS :D hehes! so on, 080808 , will be mee & my fiance aka ex-hubby derh fers tym taking neoprint ! muahahahaha i love u, i decide to tell u how much i love u before its too late, whahaha, we sound lyk couple,i noe. budden wateva :D hehes, tomoro ish white space ! its jus lyk wat the hell, i think i reali lyk u,if not y my tears jus falls when i saw those posts, i so hate myself for loving u now,yet i guess i cant stop it, neither. i wanted to noe more abt u but now wat i noe, i rather dunt,it jus make my heart more ...
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gosh, i dun reali wan to admit tis but, i actually cried over a post , GOSHH tis is so UNlike me, i mean i nvr was lyk tis before. wat else should i say? or rather wat can i say? :X toopid dearest licia u dum dum, write so touching derh post for wat? make me cry! RAR ._. seriously im damn touched tmdd! budden now derh problem ish, u said n typed evything u could, wat's left for me to write about? ❤ miss alicia wee bi ying ❤ ps,ur name veri long & according to her, im her permenent underwear which is washed once every 24/7.. so its brand new clean! ............................................................................. RAR ._. now i have nothing to say ler, but touched, more touched, more n more touched. so i decide to postpone my long long post to u i noe u, as my best galfren, ex hubby, my fiance, my body u WONT mind rite :D oya, i jus had a crazy idea of combine two of us de blog into ONE. well...so for now,i jus wan tel u tat , i've got alot thing to say...
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HARLOW my blog, im bac :D ysd i sort of thinking abt changing de url budden in e end i dint :X its too troublesome & oso, pill0w@bs has accompany mee so long, no matter de name ish chilish or lame or watsoeva i decide nvr to change my url new tuitor which ish a DUACHIOBU tat often emo & cut herself, well i conclude tat frm her scars left on her arm :X den blah blah :X after which i went to derh library :X research on de damn POTATOOOO gosh! it took me years to find them luh ._. { & walao now my laobu wan me help her xfer songs, -.- walao, de song its wat 阿美阿美, ._. kaos, so DOTs & i tio forced to listen to derh damn song oso } bac to derh topic, dhen after tat bought bangles & a jacket & oya, wat's more important happen todayy ish, ahem,STRANGER! :X duno whur shld i start it form luhs ._. ROAR, so i shall skip it.. budden jus "thank you" oya, needa do derh damn research for de non-print one ler, brb my darling (: 如果爱是坐秋千-你就是我的原点
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im damn damn bored so i decide to jump down frm de building do all these lame stuff i can find.. 90 qns 1) Are you really ready for 90 questions? , yea..im bored, 3) Do you believe in God? , abit.veir little. 4) Who did you last hugged? , uh, i cant rmber 5) Do you regret it? , ofcos no, its one of my galfren 6) Have you ever been depressed? , DUH? 7) Have a best friend? , licia are u?! :X 8) Are you a boy or girl? , gal... ._. 9) What is your relationship status? , single :X 11) What did you last eat? , watermelon, 3min ago... 12) Play any sports? , uh, nt alys 13) Do you play an instrument? , nah 12) Do you bite your nails? , gosh,i think sooo 14) Tom from friendster is about to go to jail, what's your first thought? , so? 15) Do you have an attitude? , sumhow,ya 16)ever been in love? , hmm,yeap :D 17) What is your real name? , jun ting 18) Like reading? , comics? 19) Are you gonna get high later? , no..im BORED.i onli get bored-er 20) Do you ...