ill be married in 8 min tym i guess,
2day ndp ish finally overed
hehes, anw i wanted to tok more derh
budden watching olympic open cere now :X
so will be veri brief,
or maybe i shall tok more abt my marriage todayy :D
{ watching ch 5 now brb !

okie 0808080808 has over, & means im officially married
woos, its been so long since i last heard derh
china national anthem
GOSH, & its playing on ch5 now, its been 5 yrs bah,
dint realise i had came to sg for 5 yrs plus.
tym flies, unrealising, without waiting,for anione or anithing..

when i bcm so poetry, so unlike me, haha.
nvm i shall start frm derh fers thing,
2day's ndp :D
reached sch ish lyk im de last few,opps :X
so i chionged to change, dhen well derh NDP ish great!
claps & cheers for US please :D
dhen after tat we got ice-cream to eat,
according to mr,YAO. its bcos.....
duno true or not,HAHAHAHA :D
tho i miss all derh performance, budden i had lots fun,other den tat (:
den tat's abt it,

now dehr 2nd thing,
remarried to licia wee, :D
& duno yy after qianying.LAOPO mention abt maybe we r les?
dhen licia kept worrying tat we will bcm LESBIAN
i wont, rest asure tat, cos i LOVE my property, :D
anw, we FINALLY, went out a so-called DATE,for derh fers tym
supposingly, we will be meeting at 12 SHARPPPP,
BUT cos we r LATE, lmao,
& oya jus rmber tat cos my ezlink card haven top-up,
so when i take derh bus derh bus-driver [okie okie looking,quite young guy]
was lyk erh,whur ish ur ezlink?
dhen i show to him, wiv de neo-print on my foto! :X
he was lyk dhen how i noe its u or not?
im lyk aiya, got name mah, my other cards oso tis name...
dhen he finally let me off, HEHs
& & & on derh way bac frm pasir ris, ._.
i took 17 bac, dhen its! its DE SAME BUS DRIVER
i see him face veir familiar budden i dint realise its de same person luh,
until he saw me put coins in, dhen he look up, & said,
O.o u again uh?!
cant be mee AGAINN meh?!

anx bac to derh topic,
as i was saying..
den we...
go kfc eat { twoooo zinger meal
go take neoprint { veri ugly cos our dearest fringe
play arcade!
had fun tho, :X tho derh kfc place ish pathetic,
tho derh neoprint veri dots,tho out arcade skill sucks, :D
actually we wanted to play derh explorer kid derh
den its limited to TWELVEEE years & below,
uhs we are tooo young for it ._.
dhen after tat after tat, we 分道扬镳 lorh, :D
okie skip skip skip,anw we are remarried hehes,
since we dun have ring,
we used a couple necklace tat my xy gave to me last tym (:
hmm tat's abt it TOO,

3rd thing,beijing olympic!
gosh, remind me please, im a chinese :D
LOUDLY & PROUDLY, 我是中国人 (:
at tis point of tym,beijing tym 20.59.
thousands, or even millions of peepo are watching it,
how i wish im there,sitting in derh crowds.
screaming lyk a retarded potato :D

& anw lastly,todayy.
080808, how i wish u can be mine,today.
budden obviously.nothing will happen,
not today, not tomoro.
its jus tat how much u love her,makes me cant believe u when u say 'i love u,too'


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