harlow peepo (:
as i start my laobu's jian fei tang for 7days.
im dying,
i think even shyt ish nicer den derh soup loh (:
gosh, peepo if i eva end up in hospital,
please do visit me wiv oreo cheese cake :D
thank u,

okie basically, derh soup is veri healthy,
or rather.TOO healthy for me, nearly dead
after finish derh fers bowl eva of derh damn soup.
it sucks, :X
tho when i eat, i keep thinkin tat
be glad, im not eating shit im not eating shit
but still, i nearly vomit out evything i ate. :X
well, fer meal ish over.
jus hope i can endure 7days & tat's it.
nvr eva again in my whole damn lyf
gosh. ._.
wat's worst will be nothing happen after de torturous 7days
i swear i'll cry luhs :'(
imagine u eat shit for 7 days for nothing. -.-
wat the fuck?

& anw, today np ish funnnnn, once again (:
revised rifle drill & baton drill & drills :D
LOLOL, dhen got a baton drill ish homat police homat
dhen me & licia were practicing dhen we forget
derh command to go bac, so licia was lyk saying.
回去police回去 ._.
damn funny lorh :D
dhen sgt vivien say i raise flag tat tym keep smiling at derh flag,
actually its not funny den de more i think of it,
it bcm damn funny dhen cant stop laughing :X
hehehe :D
dhen tat's abt it, pt ish stil okie okie :X

finally after 2hrs, i felt better.
atleast i dun have derh i-eat-shit feeling liao :'(

& oya, how can i forget tat,
tmr is de dearest chi oral exam (:
goin meet licia fers, i guess :D
one more week of sch & tat's it for de term.
oya, camp (: mars peepo!


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