bac from bugis :D
yeap, bugis-ed wiv weitinggggg & watched meet dave.
its so dman funny & cuteeee luhs, :X
realise quite long nvr watch moviee liao,
dhen we kept go in & out arcade lorhs, :D
played daytona, drum & basket ball.
dhen saw sum pro playing tym crisis fourrrr :X
ji pro yi xia lorhs,

uhs, i wan buy weitinggg derh INK small small derh bag!
so pretty (:
fers day in my drink-shit for se7en days plan.
so-so luhh,
just tat todayy go bugis derh B1 there,
alot alot alot alot damn niceeee derh food luhs ._.
luckily, in e end nvr spent a single cent on foodie, -.-
heng. (:

dhen uhs kns tmr derh tuition hw,
which is last last wk derh hw still haven doneee :X
LOLOL, de world so wu qing luhss,
no one wan help me wiv derh damn compo, )':
kns kns kns kns,
well shall not spoil my mood wiv tat :D

hueva lost a coupleeee ring at bugis arcade,
feel free to find me
cos i found oneee todayy,
LOLOL, its lammmme i noe budden yep,
i stil brought it homeee :)

& oya nearly forget,
todayy derh oral
LMAO, okay luhhs. de passage ish easier den last yr loh,
lyk PLEASE? ._.
dhen de topi tok crap oso. :X
locker i say 箱子、 SEL lesson i say 好公民课.
& some other crap,
dhen is lyk i LAGGED when derh cher ask,
wat u did a part in derh 3Rs?
dhen im lyk stunned.KNS, i dint do anithing.
in e end i go say,
when term over, i recycled evything in my locker -.-

alright, tages reply :D
esther: simi dua cho bu !! CHOBU PILLOW lah =D
u lorh, waddd simi :) lols, its cuteeeee :X

Rachel Tan: hello junting!:D hahaha
weeee, u r her; finally free uhs (:
Rachel Tan: here to tag(:
yea i can tell (:
in wad way? :X
Rachel Tan: hahaaha okay 3rd one alr(:
yea & tis derh fourth :D
Rachel Tan: hows your oral?:D
so-so bah :D
Rachel Tan: i bet it is super EASY for you laaaahhhh hahahah
no lorh, i pray so hard dun tio tat recycle derh okay ? -.-
Rachel Tan: who's your teacher?:/
uh duno her name i think ish lin lao shi, veri young & skinny derh (:
Rachel Tan: hahaha anyway, love yaaa yo!:D
random budden i love u tooo (:
Rachel Tan: okaya llaaa i go alr"D
kay kay (:
Rachel Tan: byebyeee!:D:D:D <3
buhbye (: mus com bac ho! (:

mia: hello , came to tag youu ! (: wuxim rights ? ahaha . ;D nice blogskin & song .
LOLOL, how u noe my blog derh? :X anw hehe thy (:

[♥] J-ocelyn: P6 have sexual intercourse !? ;O
y leh? :X u had it in P5?? jkin jkin (:
[♥] J-ocelyn: i came to tag you too ! [: i also wuxim rights ? [x
uh paiseh budden wat;s wuxim uhs :X


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