LOLOL, dint blog de past twoo days cos, uh
blih blah bloh, anw im here to blog ;D
fers, since i promised LCP mandy lee chao fan to post abt
her great deeed, DANG DANG DANG DANG!

& i realise tis is not de great deed im
suppose to post abt, ._.
refer to de 2nd box peepo :X

peepo, on fri,150808.our great npcc cadet
mandy lee chao fan,being a helpful fried rice.
accompanied cadet junting on de way home.
as de tym tat she can choose to walk wiv
de rest of de sec2s,
she took another way instead, so as to be able to
accompanied junting on her way home before they
final seperate at de turning point. (:
not onli being a helpful & kind cadet,
she oso spread her ai xin by dragging cadet
sarah teo ahma paika along as well,
even tho sarah was totally unaware of wad happened.
a feeling of tio cheat :D

anw de purpose of me saying all tis is to announce tat
mandy lee chao fan is great & helpful & sweet

here is de correct thing im suppose
to emphasis,de Captian ball thing!
well, we cooperate veir veir well :D
LOLOL, which is sorta of i dint realise
fers round we trashed duno which group :D
hehes, dhen 2nd one abit O.P.P.S. :X
LOLOL, budden tat fers round ish lyk so cool
anw, thy licia & zhen zhu for shouting zhu ti or
isit zhu, wadeva jus thx <3
glad to be ur for now best captain ball partner
lyk u said in ur blog (:

LOLOL, tat's it. :D
im goin to carry on wiv other things now,
anw fri i think im too enthu
okie its gudd rite, y i sound so moody -.-
dhen ysd nite chiong to tpy :D
in fact is my xy com fetch me,hehs.
dhen blah blah blah.actualy oso not much to tok abt lorh,
jus tat mus jian fei liao, KAOs :X
buhbyee my tis & tat & tis & tat & tis & tat ._.
oya random tis blogskin when i saw it its lyk veri familiar
dhen after i changed i rmber its de same blogskin
as zhutou derh ex galfren, LOLOL.. :X
i so happened to saw her blog, if u believe.
dhen hmm oya, help peepo.
i need finish a compo titled a miraculous recovery
by tmr 10.30 am. { okie its a tuition hw
there is no way i can finish or think of anithing i guess.
okie wadeva :D i nvr worries abt tat.


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