bac to tpy (: bugis-ed wiv my deaaaaaaaar xiaoyi;
hehe, so fun :D
bought INK bag, {tat i wan :X
spongeee bob teee { wiv de big bright smile :D
a odm watch, { 169BUCKsss :)
dhen ateee
pork chopp { damn spiicy :D
TAT ice cream, { ex, twooo scroop 6bucks, :X
soya bean milk {mr BEAN BEAN derh :D
ock derh fishball { my xiaoyi cope oneeee :X
coconut { so hard to eat derh white white thingy :D
subway sandwitch { not reali veri nce loh :X
uh OFCOS not i finish evy singleee thing luh,
all share share :D muahahaha,
budden still, i ate alooooooooot...
gosh! i LOVEEEEEE derh new watch lorh,
budden de tym ish so HARRRRD to read luhhs ._.
hmmm kay bah, tat's abt it :D
feel damnnnnnn high now (:
hehehe, cant go tmr de flag painting quite sad erh,
okie shldnt use de word saddd ;
budden due to derh limitation of my vocabs
so yea ._.
hahaha, my xiaoyi ish goin to japannn rite after my bday;
eeyer pangseh meee :'(
anw after tat we walked to bustop take bus,
its lyk soooooooo dots;
we walkin to de bustop tat tym saw THREEE 145 past,
dhen when we rched thre wait ._.
& wait & wait & wait; kns w8 30 min dhen got a godly bus,
luckie we manage to get twoo seat,
thou its facing another side luhh,
budden its better dhen after we get on derh bus;
dhen got alot peepo com up :D
muahaha, i took out my itouch dhen die die
found some slow & OLD songs in my itouch;
shared wiv my xiaoooooyi :D
wheee, she happy i happy luhh (:


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