my mood is like a swing .
( You see ? My mood change really fast .) Today I'm back to normal -.- Or maybe I'm only normal when I'm depressed . I don't know ? I don't care . Been busy downloading songs since I finally decide to refresh my Itouch , Which means all th 500 songs currently in it will be erased off , awwws stupid computer ( And my blog is now once again , filled by Emotional songs , wtheck D; ) Suppose to start my Study plan today . ( I know , go ahead laughing please T.T ) Egg level is really near , one more year . If I dont do something to stop this now I will ended up getting 20 for my L1r5 even for my O level ? Terrible . So Junting , please wake up and enjoy studying today . E-N-J-O-Y , be a Nerd ! Borrowed 9 books ( Really thick ) books form Screwed school library with Chua , Yeah we are turning into New leaf leaves , hahaha . Dan brown is really Great , except that his books are abit long winded , and draggy . Going to finish th damn 620 pages angel and demon today , ...