my mood is like a swing .

( You see ? My mood change really fast .)

Today I'm back to normal -.- Or maybe I'm only normal when I'm depressed .
I don't know ? I don't care .
Been busy downloading songs since I finally decide to refresh my Itouch ,
Which means all th 500 songs currently in it will be erased off , awwws stupid computer
( And my blog is now once again , filled by Emotional songs , wtheck D; )

Suppose to start my Study plan today . ( I know , go ahead laughing please T.T )
Egg level is really near , one more year . If I dont do something to stop this now
I will ended up getting 20 for my L1r5 even for my O level ? Terrible .
So Junting , please wake up and enjoy studying today . E-N-J-O-Y , be a Nerd !

Borrowed 9 books ( Really thick ) books form Screwed school library with Chua ,
Yeah we are turning into New leaf leaves , hahaha .
Dan brown is really Great , except that his books are abit long winded , and draggy .
Going to finish th damn 620 pages angel and demon today , touched ! :D
I will fall in love with reading , yeah you wait -.- wait long long .

Recently been falling in love with taking photos with camera , random things .
Falling in love with big big photos , but becoming a photographer is Oh-too-ambitious for me .
And talk bout this , Chua & 940 have been using thingsweforgot too , Heees :D
I find them really meaningful :D :D :D Great Idea of brilliant people 's minds .

Woo and I'm not suppose to use computer now in fact , my mother hide th Portable Usb ,
But sadly , her smart daughter had dig it out from her drawer , Opps :O
I like th song 让我一次爱个够~给你我所有~ nowww ! :D :D :D :D 哈林 is freaking cute .

Friday is suppose to be Last day of school , if there wasn't Alps for Sec 3 .
Did Spring cleaning , and my table is full of words like 'Beh stepped on shit' , -.-
940's table is not any better , and Pz th kp was like try other ways to clean th table .
So th three of us , th three smart ass-es wen to scarp my table using Metal ruler and Pen knife ,
See th table below now , so damn fucking clean right ? Flawless manzxzx ! :D :D :D


I love chua and 940 , I really love them alot :D :D :D I loveeeeeeeeeee you brothers !
They are th most precious gems I found this year in 3H :D :D :D
One more year and let's us , let everyone Jiayouuuuuu ! we are Nike ! we can do it !

Taking back our Report book afterwards took ages, thanks to Pz th kp -.-
( And both 940 and me recieved a Green form form June yeooo :O )
He said it fucking damn compulsory for th parents to come and collect th report card for those above 15 /20 .
In th end th whole class, except th three of us , collected back their Report book .
Then he said this : Oh I called their parents then they not free so don't need come .
HELLO ?! Next time I should really record down yur words man -.-
Then 940's mummy came , followed by chua 's brother ( :D )
My mother din't come in th end , then he pass me my report book . so Ass can .

That's bout everything , I want to watch movie with chua and 940 next week (:
I'm going to study , study , study for my own damn sake .
I feel like going to all th places where we once went , and wrote our names there . Sounds stupid eh ?


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