The mugger toad .

To mug is to read or study in such a concentrated manner that one's face grow sullen and unattractive .
Since then , "mugger toad" or ""chao mugger" have been used to describe
those annoying classmates we have all encountered before who were so overly diligent
at their work that they blocked out all fun and friends from their lives .
The mugger toad would never deign to date , waste money on movies or spend a day window-shopping .
He or she would much prefer putting together a set of good notes , hiding coveted library books and
bemoaning loudly about how difficult she upcoming examinations are and how little time there was left to study .
The mugger's chief vices are usually reading too many fantasy novels and spending way too much time on the computer .

HABITATS school library , photocopying room , various online worlds .
HEROS anyone who can achieve level 70 at World Of Warcraft and still score 10As .

LOL :D :D :D

Duno Why Am I so free to take photo and post it here neither , Bored .
I'm driven crazy by Eoy I think , Our relationship eventually come to an end .
I'm amazed myself , I thought Losing you will be really painful , perhaps I can't even breathe anymore .
But thanks to your words th other day , They turned me off totally .
Th scars will Eventually heal , like those on my arm . Duno what's on my mind now neither .
As said earlier on , my mind is filled up by Eoy bubbles , Five more days , Fuck .
And I'm so down with Headache now , after wasting one day on Period Cramp .

The damn coffee is not taking any effect on me ,
I drunk like atleast 10 packs th past 4 days But I get fucking sleeping when It's one . Hell .
And I fucking gained 3 kg ( Totally Whathefuck . ) I need a weight control !

I need a fucking change actually , I want to cut short hair .
I no longer need to keep it long just because you once said "I prefer long hair girls" anymore .
I want back my 49 kg , ( Even though I never had such weight before . )

Flunk Life . I need to study .


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