“it seems to have lasted for a year or so ”

Literally th toughest time in Sec3 is over , Ohwell , perhaps th real tough is when I recieve my result .

Dint blog for ages I suppose ( ? ) Even thou I've been using comp Occasionally ,
Dint have th time to blog a post , I'm in love with Tanya's songs , Lovely .
I'm 100 % confirmed that I screwed my Amath
Taking away ss and Elit and eng ofcos , Cos I alys do badly for them ,
and in fact , my amath is alys bad too . But I dont care so long as they pass me .

Realise I wasn't that hardworking compare to Mye . Duno why neither .
I can go happily sleep at 11 plus when I've exam th next day , must be out of my mind .
Th hall was freaking cold when I dint bring a Hoodie and bloody hot when I brought one -.-

I couldnt wait for a Life that I can sleep at 10 or so , and STOP STUDYING every night :D
Awww , even though Tmr is totally crashed by Sec 4s graduation day , I'm still happy now .
Dont feel like going though , Gahhhs . Not like I'm th one graduating .
( Oh well , I feel that whether can I be promote to sec 4 next year is a real threat now )

Gahhh , Though I screwed up a no. of subjects , I still hope I can get L1r5 < 20 ):
And I feel like exam is over now , I feel like go to sleep and goes to sch normally tmr -.-
Can't wait for my Ice skate and Movies and Etp and Wwwet . I LOVE NO EXAMS !


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