
Showing posts from August, 2009

“I'm Oh-so-tired today , sorry feet ”

I'm super super super tired now , as well as super super broke now D; I spent a total of 94 SGD , okay 44 to be exact , Cos my xy is gonna sponsor me th 48 Bucks dress . School so called celebrated Teacher's day , th 4A Gay Dancer is super ultra shiok ;D He is damn 'sexyxzxzx' , ( Shelton next year th stage will be yours man ;D ) Haha , Haidai danced he Sorrysorry too , budden th dance kind of lag (?) After tat we are suppose to go Orchard watch movie , But we decide to go Ehub to play Bowling with 5 guys , but but but in th end , We still pangsehed them and went to watch Th proposal at Ehub Cathay ;DD Th movie is so stupid and funny and cute and lovely and naked ;DD & & & After th movie den we realise Mandy , val etc is like at th row infront of us ;O Afterwhich we mrt-ed to Orchard den went to far east to find my seventeen heels T.T budden , tmd , my feet just die die cant squeeze in th damn size 38 D; which is th last pair left . So we walk and walk an...


It's 29 of th month again , ( th monthly breakdown day ) . Oh well . Until now , I still cant help it but to ask myself ; Why did u stop loving me , suddenly . Okay so dumb ,Junting is so dumb to ask this kind of dumb question -.- But , It's feel like yesterday we were still sitting inside Aston , with you Spoon feed me . It's like just last night , you hugged me on that road , you kissed me at that bus-top . I stil remember everything that happened , why did u forget them all . DAMN IT , HOW COULD YOU DON'T LOVE ME ANYMORE . when you promise you will always do ? Is this a curse or wad , why must all th memories flow back to my head again , and again . Tmd , And I must look damn stupid now , th tears kept flow down form my left eye , whereas everything stucked in my swollen right eye on th other side . -.- Alright , I will be okay again , after today .

“My horrible , pathetic , swollen O_- ”

Hais how could this happen to my already vey small th eye ? alright , its' like 如此如此 , 这般这般 : I was happily revising for Physic on this peaceful tue nite and my eye very itchy . So I rub it as my common sense told me to do so . And th next day I realise th corner of my right eye is abit swollen , but still acceptable . So I went to school happily and den when I was eating dinner at night . My mother was lik : wad happened to your eye ?! "Uhs ? liddat lorh " Kay den th next morning its like swollen liao , But I stil went to school , Pz Love me manzxzxzx ! -.- Den ysd it was better until this morning I couldnt open my eye . But stil my mother insisted me go to school while comparing me to her kindergarden kid . "Oh my kindergarden got one 4 yr old boy oso liddat he stil come everyday , u blah blah blah ..." So I went , and iis like totally wasted cos I cant see ANYTHING at all on th Projector . Its like th word cery small + my vision super blur with one eye ...

“ 白痴三结义 ”

Formed on 260809 ♥ 老大:Guo Junting / 郭(果)冻 老二:Jocelyn Thoi si hui / 海戴(带) 小弟: Rachel Chua ai jia / 紫蔡(菜) ________________________________________________________________________________________ My mother is forcing me to drink Th-drink-I-hate-th-most ; I rather die of dehydration than drinking , Th most disgusting ever ; 菊花茶 DD: Damn th eye infection , it's like swollen , and continue to swollen .

“ sʇsǝʇ ƃuıʇsɐןɹǝʌǝ ,uɐ sʇsǝ⊥”

Uh chemistry down , left physics and trigo , ;DD Its freaky anw , It's not even in th text book can , or is it that Im blind . Tmr's physics test is like clash with Health check , most likely staying back aft school . Uh I haven study Pressure , but I'm already very Pressurized -.- And due to tat I studied too early for Turning effect of Forces , Now I've forgotten everything too . Wad th Hell ? D; I shall go study study study ! ;DD (Btw , Diet-ing in process ) Suppose to make fry rice for Chua n 940 tmr , but I put too lil rice ( Barely enuf for one serving ) & Too much water ( th rice is like stick-ish ) So I finished everything in th end , Ohw well next wed bah darlings ;DD Pengzhi changed our seat , as expected , he shifted me to fers row DD; But but but ! Chua is very nice to Jiang dao li with pz & Tarda . Im ard 940 again :] Alright , Brb to be more pressur ized T.T jeffli=) : haha jeffli=) : yupp its does Hao ! ;DD Thanks for tagging val : nv ask me go g...

“ʎןuo sǝıןdǝɹ ƃɐ⊥”

zhidan: what's with ur upside down thing! LOL. Some random random thing I found on glitter graphics ;DD taoren: where u find job?!i got 2months but i lazy find even though i want the $$ D: Wahalo 2 months DD; But too bad , is my mother intro me th ;DD Haha , tsk . U very rich ler mah ;D ( Oh u so long never tag here ! ) Sherrie: WA EXPECTED LA, SURE COME BACK BLOG ONE. ^^ Nothing to do mah ;DD Haha , ur URL ho .. D; rebecca!: wah eh your new blogskin very nice leh! ^^ Thank you ;DD I go edit th original skin abit mah ;DD Jocelyn: Hahaha, we should start saving money from today then next year can go :D :D Jocelyn: you say want talk to me everyday but you didnt talk to me today :'( Hahah, you go live in toilet ok? Awws , dint see you mah . hehe . Hao ! U two go spend 200 on th hotel loh ! Tsk ;DD Busy studying ( actually haven start ) for next week's tests DD;

“ ¿ pɐq os ǝɯ sʇɹnɥ ʇı ʍouʞ noʎ o◖”

Okay from this photo , I admit Ahs's view is not bad ;DD ( Taken while on th way to Chem remedial with 940 Thoi ) Nothing much happened these few days , realize tat I gained another 1kg -.- So I'm now very aspired (?) to lose th damn 5kg now D; Grrs , & Learned PDS drills , so funnn ;DD But my right hand like not cooperating liddat . Today's Cca ended like at 7 plus , dhen eunice was like scared of Ghost . & & Qianying an' Hazel is like seriously totally black now ! :O Haha , omgosh it's just 5 days & they were like as if send to Bbq . Was planning with 940 & Chua about going to Genting during Dec Holi . But added up like become 1k In total ( Duno why they planned 300 on food ! D; ) Cos according to Pillow th smartie , if we sleep in th toilet an' eat maggie everyday . We will only need like 200 each ( Include th $140 transportation fee okay ?! ) So in th end , we become more xian shi an' decide to go Jurong swimming pool & BBQ inst...

“ʇsǝןןnɟ 'ʇsǝןןnɟ ɥʇ oʇ ǝɟıן ʎɯ ǝʌıן”

Th class photo of 3H'09 is out! Muahaha and I'm so tall , tall an' tall ! :D Wanted to post here but apparently th Blogger is not cooperating . Th photo turn out Vertical when it's suppose to be Horizontal D: D: D: But oh well forget it , It's very blur anyway . ( Cos I got no scanner ) Had Cca today , was rather enjoyable until it comes to PDS training , My right hand is like handicap liddat , totally no strength to swing th PDS , Yet my left hand can swing it like nobody liddat D: D: D: So I practice an' practice ( So hardworking ! ) & Finally can swing liao . Just that I'm man ban pai compare to others .Oh well Good start is Half success ! By 5 plus plus most left to go home study for Bio , Left me an' xiaozhenzhu an' mogu an' wanling m'am stayed til near 7 . Den shun bian made xiaozhenzhu th daddy send me home :D Yeah tat's about it , Chua finally come back to school . & Her DOMOKUN WALLET IS SUPER BLO...

“ ¡ ʍou uʍop ǝpısdn sı pןɹoʍ ɥʇ ”

Ahhh is it that hard to find a skin that I want ? I just want a BIGBIG one , den PLAINPLAIN one mar . ) Been sooo long since I last posted . But anw , just back for my own sake :D Life's simply bored an' no life an' stupid without blogging . Hees , I feel so laggg in school anw , studies , to be more specific . Im still lagging at Linear law when Chual is at binomial (?) sth sth . Im still lagging at I-DUNO-WAD-ALSO when Wee already started Trigo . And Damn geog , I just passed . like J U S T , 12.5/25 ! D: OH WELL NEVERMIND ABOUT IT ; It's th Egg Level tat's more important ! :D Talked with 940 alot about The past time nowadays . Like primary school , th teachers , our pencil cases , school bags . All the way back to primary one . Haha ! Like so dumb ! An' we drew some stupid Lovely heart on our tables , so Chio lar ! :D & Nowadays th 4 ( py & 940 & val & sh ) was like doing Sorrysorry actions everyday VERY NICE MEH ? DD; Hmm den got alot tests...

I'm going on a Diet !

( 减肥 ahhh ! ;DD )
Th Very Happy Day .

Toilet paper so poor thing !

Humor is a drug , I love th way when everyone is happy :D


" That's a perfect night " It feels so nice when you held my hand tight in th crowd .


“ Way Too Tired . ” Will things stop running in circles someday ?

It's like all th same .

NO SCHOOL TODAY :D cos of Lower Sec 2.4 run , Shiok :D Wanted to chagne to another skin but failed Cos its just TOO LAG , It take like 5min or so to upload finish th navigations . Oh well . And that's when I decide NOT to change my blogskin , But everything was too late , I've already lost th previous Code . Argh , so mian mian qiang qiang changed to another skin , which is of no much diffe from th few previous skin , Its just from black base to white base and now to black again . Suppose to be research on Interunit quiz , which is due by 3 . Budden , lazy . Oh well , get started Junting ! No much tym left . I hope everything's fine for you Bi , (: