“I'm Oh-so-tired today , sorry feet ”

I'm super super super tired now , as well as super super broke now D;
I spent a total of 94 SGD , okay 44 to be exact , Cos my xy is gonna sponsor me th 48 Bucks dress .
School so called celebrated Teacher's day , th 4A
He is damn 'sexyxzxzx' , ( Shelton next year th stage will be yours man ;D )
Haha , Haidai danced he Sorrysorry too , budden th dance kind of lag (?)
After tat we are suppose to go Orchard watch movie ,
But we decide to go Ehub to play Bowling with 5 guys , but but but in th end ,
We still pangsehed them and went to watch Th proposal at Ehub Cathay ;DD
Th movie is so stupid and funny and cute and lovely and naked ;DD
& & & After th movie den we realise Mandy , val etc is like at th row infront of us ;O
Afterwhich we mrt-ed to Orchard den went to far east to find my seventeen heels T.T
budden , tmd , my feet just die die cant squeeze in th damn size 38 D; which is th last pair left .
So we walk and walk and brought another heels instead ( my fers high heel ever ! ;O )
And I took off my sandal for like 999 times to try on all different heels D; so irritating can !
my sandal is like very complicated ( okay not really but quite) that type larh .
Next tym want buy shoe should just wear a slipper go out manzzxzx . Tmd .
But in th end im quite contented with my heels larh , $31.90 . OH MONEY .
Denw e go need Th slice of ice thingy , I'm lik keep asking her ; you wan eat ice ?
she was lik 'wad ice?' 'eh ice lorh ' 'huh ice?' 'yah ice . ' ' wad ice ?' ' just ice larh !'
And we cant decide should we eat strawberry or peach , so in th end we were like scissors paper stone . Haha !
Den we walked to Wisma , Im like holding onto th reeling super tight while walking down th stairs with heels .
Den 940 saw this super nice shirt & I saw this super chio dress from Forever 21 .
So we chionged to fitting room and try ;DD But th dress I love th boob is like got super alot space -.-
Tmd I take Size M den I think th dress is for Cup C larh D;Ohh I want a C cup this life please ! tyvm . D; D; D;
But anw th dress is really very nice , I look so young , I'm Forever
But th damn dress is like 48 Bucks , so I called my xy and Im like :
' Hello are you free? Discuss sth with you wor .' ' Yah dear ? ;D'
' I saw this super chiozxzxz dress but is 50 bucks , can Buy for me as Bday present ? '
' Ohh okay very revealing mah ? ' ' Eh . No ? OFCOS NOT ;D ;D ;D '
' Okay den you buy fers lorh , your mother dont call me kp me can ler ' ' Oh hao th ;D'
So I brought it , and I'm broke now . since I can only get back th money next week .
Oh I love Milk Tea , okay so random ;DD But it's nice . Hehe . Milk tea very nice
Yah and I realise this post it rather long enough liao . I shall go focus on my 百万大歌星 now ;D
Why must we ended up like that , I really don't understand .