It's like all th same .

NO SCHOOL TODAY :D cos of Lower Sec 2.4 run , Shiok :D

Wanted to chagne to another skin but failed Cos its just TOO LAG ,
It take like 5min or so to upload finish th navigations . Oh well .
And that's when I decide NOT to change my blogskin ,
But everything was too late , I've already lost th previous Code .
Argh , so mian mian qiang qiang changed to another skin ,
which is of no much diffe from th few previous skin ,
Its just from black base to white base and now to black again .
Suppose to be research on Interunit quiz , which is due by 3 .
Budden , lazy . Oh well , get started Junting ! No much tym left .
I hope everything's fine for you Bi , (:


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