“ ¡ ʍou uʍop ǝpısdn sı pןɹoʍ ɥʇ ”

Ahhh is it that hard to find a skin that I want ?
I just want a BIGBIG one , den PLAINPLAIN one mar . )
Been sooo long since I last posted . But anw , just back for my own sake :D
Life's simply bored an' no life an' stupid without blogging .
Hees , I feel so laggg in school anw , studies , to be more specific .
Im still lagging at Linear law when Chual is at binomial (?) sth sth .
Im still lagging at I-DUNO-WAD-ALSO when Wee already started Trigo .
And Damn geog , I just passed . like J U S T , 12.5/25 ! D:
OH WELL NEVERMIND ABOUT IT ; It's th Egg Level tat's more important ! :D
Talked with 940 alot about The past time nowadays .
Like primary school , th teachers , our pencil cases , school bags .
All the way back to primary one . Haha ! Like so dumb !
An' we drew some
& Nowadays th 4 ( py & 940 & val & sh ) was like doing Sorrysorry actions everyday
Hmm den got alot tests and homeworks , yeah .
I stayed up all th way till 5am den sleep lor ! ( Sy ton-ed whole night )
An' listened to some old old songs ( Tat my mother usually listen )
It's nice lor , somehow more easy to catch up with th lyrics den nowadays th songs .
Am I going back into th 90's ? Haha :D
Ahhhh been so long since I last crapped here , this familiar New post page .
Haa , I shall come here more often my loveeer :DD
My birthday is coming ! I think , dunno exactly how many days but should be coming .
Hees , I'm going to study amath later , awww how guai .
Other than studies , things' quite smooth . No more kp-s form Teachers .
I'm a good student , a good student , a good student !
I'm back posting Cos I really had nothing better to do an' too lazy to go do homework .
But Now I dunno wad should I post about , Oh well . Time flush like toilet bowl .
Its been Two hundred and sixty two days since we are together (?) ,
We'd gone through so many things before , really too much to count .
we complained , quarreled , smiled , cried , hugged , kissed , and continued .
Sometimes I really wonder will we be together for like this whole life ,
Well I Guess not , sad to say .
I dunno what will lead us to behave like strangers but it's gonna happen someday .
This sounds so Cruel , because this is real life , not fairy tales .
Anw , I shan't change Blogskin again until Egg level ends .
Cos I quite Love this one :D