“My horrible , pathetic , swollen O_- ”

Hais how could this happen to my already vey small th eye ?
alright , its' like 如此如此 , 这般这般 :
I was happily revising for Physic on this peaceful tue nite and my eye very itchy .
So I rub it as my common sense told me to do so .
And th next day I realise th corner of my right eye is abit swollen , but still acceptable .
So I went to school happily and den when I was eating dinner at night .
My mother was lik : wad happened to your eye ?! "Uhs ? liddat lorh "
Kay den th next morning its like swollen liao , But I stil went to school , Pz Love me manzxzxzx ! -.-
Den ysd it was better until this morning I couldnt open my eye .
But stil my mother insisted me go to school while comparing me to her kindergarden kid .
"Oh my kindergarden got one 4 yr old boy oso liddat he stil come everyday , u blah blah blah ..."
So I went , and iis like totally wasted cos I cant see ANYTHING at all on th Projector .
Its like th word cery small + my vision super blur with one eye . Hais , so I spend th whole day passing notes with Haidai .
Hmm zicai once again flew to Taiwan today , I want my Domokun wallet ! ;DD
Den came home after school ( Pon-ed cca :O ) Haha . Opps .
Okay tat's it for my Swollen eye , I Hope it recovers by atleast Monday Cos I'm watch th proposal with Haidai .
Cos I feel that its very BO HUA if only one of my eye can watch th movie , yah .
Anw this long week finally ended with me stil alive , All th tests are over . Shoik !
Th classroom became very Cold nowadays , like sudenly .
And I'm bearing through th coldness Cos I'm lazy to bring Peanut 's Hoodie ):
Oh im polar bear ; Come on burn my fats man ! Oh ho ho ho .
Next week will be a short week ;DD Mon Teacher's day Celebration .
( Oh poly th cher so poor thing , TD in holiday , ahahaha ! ;DD )
Tue no school , hopefully can go out with Peanut Without shades DD;

Junting you're so No life

( And my mother just squeezed and flipped my eyelid Several times to put eye drop . Tmd , so fucking pain . )


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