since i need w8 until next Saturday den can use comp.. so post something lorh..budden nothing to type....> end-start-end-start-end.. is there any start tats's endless? or is there any ending tat wont have another start?
Showing posts from November, 2007
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lols.just realise derh secret seh..maybe im derh last one to find out lorh... budden is lyk so reali so weird tat i dunt even get it y u 2 have to be lyk tis lorh. okie maybe there are some sort of promise or secret or watsoeva.. budden wish u 2 happy eva after lyk all fairy tales lorh..> i mean it..not sarcastic..but sincere ok?..
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hmm..nothing to do maple lorh..just now got 2x training.. by rite i will lv since im alrdy 90%..budden dun0 y just stop playing come here blog instead.sian week where am i going.. -vivo -sentosa -bukit timah -bugis junction duno for wat lorh..anw if not is stay at home collect dust larh. so wateva lorh.go out better than stay home fa mei barh... com here liao den nothing to write..=.= diao.
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lol.concentrate on de WEE BOON..wee~~~ so far tis is my 2nd voodo.. fers one is last yr PSLE derh e end its head dropped. O.P.P.S. ajisen ramen.lolx. derh food is not nice lorh.. i only lyk derh blue coral soda at derh side... orchard derh deco is derh nicest for christmas lorh.. unchanged tradition.. hmm..duno how long ago derh BEE MOVIE... i lyk derh bunny..^^ so cute rite?..haha.. its binglian derh sis derh cute~~ er.. parkway parade.. quite cute rite?... see no evil.hear no evil. photo no evil...
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- Other Apps here to blog again.sian derh lorh... n0thing to do now.just eat till damn full... so came here to blog..2day sch open house.. lame derh lyk plz lorh.. cant derh sch just realise the fact tat NO1 will come for de open house larh.plz larh.. derh top is 294 lerh!.. plz larh..not 249 lerh..-.-ll nothing to do..walau.den i go take computer wire for wat larh.. now nthing to do.. going maple spent all my 19mil...-.-
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lolx.i must be sort of crazy tis few days. anw.back to got alot things to type. budden my memory hor..ya..failed mi again. i only cna rmber ysd i went to watch ENCHANTED~ its so NOT u see.its a disney movie.. amd fairy tale lyk de movie is obviously start wiv a setence__LONG LONG TIME AGO.. yup.n here goes derh story.basically is so fairy tale-ish. derh gal drop frm a tree n de prince catch her in tym. den they start to sing.well.for abt 5sec i tot im watchin SOUNDS OF DE MUSIC cartoon version..den they stopped singing.. and derh prince said his first setence. (at here.i would lyk to suggest to evy1 use tis setence as ur 1st setence wheneva u saw matter matter where.tis is derh best setencet to start wiv..instead of wat u learn frm derh sch.start a conver. wiv HELLO.HOW R U?u can try it!!worth it derh!!) ya.he said-LETS MARRY 2MR. nice rite?so.try it 2day.and den de story just goes on n on.. n there is a queen hu stops them.blah blah blah....
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im sad tat my mother dint went to work today.instead.she stayed at home. nagging de whole day.days before if she nagged lyk today.i'll jsut be vry pissed and start to tok not tat gud.but today.reali too tiring to say anything. im glad she stop after lyk 15min n continue after abt 30min.atleast have a break. im surprise i dint slp ysd yet im not sleepy she comes.nagging again.. or shld i call it lyk wat she said?its for ur own do they noe if we think de same way as they think.dunt they just noe they grow up in derh 70s but i dunt... okie.i dun wan tok abt see next year de history textbook i get pissed. since p4 i had been learning about singpaore b4 WWII. and p5 i had been learning about singapore during WWII. den p6 i had been learning about singapore after WWII. now after a year.its back...y it com bac when i dunt wan it to com but u r gone when i dunt wan u to leave..okie.tis is lyf... omg.2day whole day im just going to live under he...
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The boss wondered why one of his most valued employees had not come into work one day. Having an urgent problem with one of the main computers, he dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper. "Hello." "Is your daddy home?" he asked. "Yes," whispered the small voice. "May I talk with him?" The child whispered, "No." Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?" "Yes." "May I talk with her?" Again the small voice whispered, "No." Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anybody else there?" "Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman." Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, "May I speak with the policeman?" "No, he's busy," whispered the child. "Busy doing what? "T...
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im not going to sad for very long.just less than a year is enuf.well.i hope. so u'r so brave to face de truth rite? anw wat for lie to myself that u r still there lorh. boliao things.i wnt do.cnt figure out how sad i was last nite.but atleast for not sad. and so trying to find out hu is to blame.seems is myself ruin it. how sad can it get.i duno.lyk drama seh.or maybe it is.okie i dun even noe wat im toking about but crapping out words.n form a setence.a paragraph.lyk english ehh? tis looks lyk somthing i was wondering about ysd while i was at bustop. yea.waiting for bus no. 12.den i was thinking about a bus=a pers0n's life. at different stations.ppl get on to de bus.and ofc0z.there are ppl alight derh bus.same as different ppl came into my life.and seems so literature.but im not emphasis on tat.just trying to say ppl com.ppl go.simple concept. if there is a pastor happen to see this.i think he will be saying: ya.ppl com ppl go...
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Have you ever . . . . ? [x] Gotten detention in school goin to hav once sch reopen [x]Gotten your phone/mp3 player taken away mushroom took it [x] Gotten suspended. [x] Gotten caught chewing gum. i gt eat but nv gt caught. [x] Gotten caught cheating on a test. tat tym hist whole class cheat guang ming zheng da. Total= 3 [x]Gotten late to a class more than 10 times. i guai kia thx [x] Didn't do homework over 5 times. stupid qns..ofc0z larh..ans unchange even if 5x10. [x] Turned at least 3 projects in late. no 3.but every. [x] Missed school cause you felt like it. [x] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class. cher will only think bcoz they tch vry interesting. Total so far= 5 [x] Got your mom/dad etc. to get you out of school. [x] Text people during class. a habit liao. [x] Passed notes. way of trying to nt fall aslp. [x] Threw stuff across the room. tat tym.acc.jiangbei make mi write 600words for throwing newspaper. [x] Laughed at the teacher. i tried to ren but failed. Total so ...
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duno hu hu hu say her msn pm if u'r a drop of tears in my eye.i wont close my eye n lose u. somthing liddat.i hav a poor memory.u see. for my case.sad to say.(des i noe u r clappin lyk crap..) i closed my eye n derh tear drop.n dissapear.. too sad too say anything now.. but i hav decide. -quit maple(so sm if u beat my lvl b4 2008.i lose de bet) -quit audition -quit pangya -quit blogging(but lyk still wil post.just semi-dead) -quit msn(maybe will on9.if...) -never touch comp unless necessary..(sch hw lorh) -never talk to my mother again.(vry confirm) -never be emo lyk some couple after tis. hmm.maybe will change if anything happens. but chances sad lorh.. ahem ahem can try tell ahem ahem__ABCDEFG. if u noe derh meaning lorh... feel lyk go out budden 2mr gt cca.. i will simply break de record if i fail TDB or 3rd class again.. i ought to be memorising all de things now. budden now my brain is lyk so empty..arhhh.... sad until cnt get anymore sadder.i duno there...
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19nov.somthing ought to happen budden it cld be expected. went to buy txt book wiv my m0ther.i duno y de hell she is running to sch00l larh.den pay 4 derh book.den run bac.wat de hell is she trying to sh0w?im sorrie but im to stupid too interpret her stupid action. diao-ed.den de books is actualy vry little lorh..last yr is lyk 2 heavy bags larh.n as my m0ther running away.i took a taxi shermay derh house.n0thing to do if i go home lorh.since she took derh comp wire to w0rk. how brilliant can she gets? here am i sitting infrt 0f her comp. blogging.yeap. supposingly i ought to have to mood posting budden i did. bored.somemore y her house is at such a GOOD location which i just look out of de wind0w.i can saw NICEST place on earth.*puke* anw my m0ther is pr0udly in my hate list e de e future. now is only lyk 19nov.sch reopen on 2 jan.OH MY far. if only i can endure till 2jan lorh.. anw ysd i pissed her.O.P.P.S.well i...
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lol.nv touch de computer since i off9 frm maple on last tue..or isit mon?cnt rmber anything now... finaly w8 untill saturday which i can use computer.. n plan to write a super long+crappy post on derh past few says.. as alot things reali spent 2hr change blogskin.. n take a look at de taggie..den saw ur tag..den went to hotmail.. den saw it..i dunt understand lorh.u say sorrie for wat... im derh 1 tat shld say sorrie lorh..sorry sorry sorry... i ha0 bu rong yi get away frm de LOST IDENTITY derh emo... now go bac again..damn it...too tired to write anything.. budden all i cld say is sorrie..and desmond..u can just happily wait for zd to c0m bac frm oversea n enjoy..n0 nd think wai.. im toking abt u all GMs derh wonderful mrm0ries.... somore i now os0 no tym tok abt it...i dint say anything h0r.. just tired.n feel sorrie.tats all.need a pill0w.simple as it is... ps:I os0 duno y.choose such a " happy " blogskin.. jsut h0pe derh teddies change to pill0w.tats it.
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lol.actualy i was thinkin abt writing a long long post abt ysd.budden lerh is lyk n0w im so damn buaysh0ng 4gt it..=.=ll.. n bl0g will be dead for quite a while...s0 actualy u can jz 4gt abt link to my bl0g and se any new changes or p0st.etc.etc. tis tym i will be angry be quite a l0ng peri0d of tym..lolx.. s0 buaiis my ke ai derh bl0g n th0se hu happen to spare tym 0n my bl0g..xD
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- Other Apps vry lag ar?okok..fine fine..i going change it AGAIN...=.=llbudden these days cnt find nice de skins lerh.. so w8 lorh..untill 1 day round shyt(yuan fen)let mi meet a nice blog skin n den i change larh..evy1 must go see de vide0 ar...esp SHERMAY... u havnt see tis hor??muahahaha... anw i plan to play evy jay de s0ng as i said..budden now is lyk so dam slot larh...i dun0 he sing so many s0ngs lorh...dun0 nd change n change untill which life b4 i can finish play all his s0ngs...haha.... and zixing..happy holiday^^cat-lover...
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lolx.2day went to shermay de church wiv her.. and finaly saw her DEAREST DEAREST jonathan.. she had been tokin to mi how shuai he is since i noe her... and yayaya..shermay..he vry shuai larh...vry shuai... is lyk actualy shermay is intr0ducing mi t0 her church fren.. den her fren was lyk saying---shermay..jon is in de canteen.. and shermay was lyk--junting.lets go to de canteen.. LOL?actualy i made a video of mr wee de bia0 bai.. den i extra sh0w to sm..she go delete it... so i hav to do again..T.T...ming ku arh.... i actualy 2day wan upload to my bl0ggg derh lorhh... well.i am setting a target to change my blog music evyweek..untill 1 day..i used up all jay ch0u derh song.. so i now hav to collect all de s0ng names... budden 2day n0t free larh...s0 maybe 2mr barh... if i can find where my m0ther hide derh wire... as u see..nowadays she hide de wire untill so dam CREATIVE larh.. ysd she put it in RICE POT..2day she put in SHOE BOX.. hell n0es where will she put it 2mr..=.=ll po0r mi ha...
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new skin..i choose vry long lorh.. cause g0t alot on sheep derh.. i was lyk changing n changing larh..n ofc0z poor rey is in charge of telling mi wat skin i was using evytym..muahaha.. i wnt thank you derh...too bad =x anw in e end i dun care lerh..use tis lorh..okie right?? atleast i am back to normal.. ok it dunt means i am abnormal these days...just tat abit off track.. now bac enthu-ly^^
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lol.after much thinking. i finaly concluded tat i bcm siao sia0 derh these days due to this blogskin... okie..just a excuse larh.. budden tis bl0g title is lyk wat lost identity.. which hai wo these days bcm s0 lame emo... s0 i goin change blogskin... muahahaha..=x.. budden de s0ng stil will be JAY JAY derh...^^
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lol...somtym is realy hard to choose 1 0ut of 2.. budden i believe i wnt regret 4 de chi0ce i made. muahaha..jay rawks..other than a song call 双节棍..tat s0ng only heng heng ha he larh.. diao?i wnt never put tat s0ng as my bl0g music.. =x..2day CCA quite tiring budden is better than slack at home d0 n0thing lorh... actualy next week goin hongkong derh... my ke ai de disney arh...budden in e end nv g0.. =))anything larh...s0 long as my c0mp is by my side..anything is fine..=x... and usual i am goin ms.. but b4 this..i am changing blog music again.. budden zd..n0 matter wat music i change.. i noe u will off de sound.. as i will ofc0z cho0se JAY JAY derh song larh^^
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fersly..y is de computer so lag? 2ndly..i actualy wan sent u msg derh. budden i realise type on keyboard is easier. den i os0 vry lazy lorh..=.= anw rite.okie.i os0 duno wat i thinking larh.. budden hor.i very buayshong now... er..nt realy buayshong..T.T.i os0 duno larh. s0mhow i think is i too xiao qi lerh larh.. so i shldnt be angry lorh.. budden i realise is imp0ssible i can relax lorh.. i wasnt blaming u 4 anything larh... just fa xie myself...c0z it will be vry unfair if i push all de blame 0n u lorh.. so dunt say sorry.u r nt at fault.. well.i am angry larh..but i noe is my fault.. okie..sounds werid..its werid oso larh.. means i am angry at myself?? okie..wateva it is..sthing liddat barh... i must be crazy larh... anything barh.. seems it make it w0rse... n 2mr still gt CCA... must relax...relax... okie.tired n0w... let mi rest 4 2day... is so tiring..indeed..
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lol.qy say my bl0g never update derh.. never merh?haha.. anw ysd i didnt even t0uch de c0mputer lorh.. wh0le day 0utside..(almost larh) cause de mahj0ng was canceled due 2 aaron nd g0 out buy present rite?? ok..or wateva reas0n..its canceled.. den i was lyk s0 bored..=.=ll so i start t0 call evy1 in my contact list.. and den..T.T..sumthin happen.. i was about to call my fren..den i press de wrg name above it which is actualy my maple fren..T.T and s0 she pick up..i din expect i will call wrong..s0 i go str8 to de topic.. jt:hello..u 2day free mah? she:hello..ya..why lerh? jt:can go out or n0t? she:er...can larh..g0 whur? jt:anywhere lorh..i vry de bo lia0 now.. she:ohh..budden w8..WHO R U AR? jt:huh??junting larh..=.= she:huh???hu?? jt:h0w can u 4gt mi...T.T.. she:huh??wats ur name again?? diao-ed..and i os0 feel quite werid.. so i look at my hp..n i was lyk LOL? diao??h0w i can...=.=ll how can i call wrong number... and tok so much...T.T budden i still act calm... and it en...
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lol.bac fr0m heritage t0ur. quite fun th0ugh tiring. is lyk walk ar0und sg l0rh.. start fr0m city hall MRT. and went ard thur de m0numents as u all n0e.. den went to china t0wn.. and to plaza sing... all stati0ns..w3ll..station masters.. remains me abt de nite game when they keep tokin abt station masters.. haha..on e way we passed cemestry.. ROM(registrati0n 0f marriage) well..actualy this 2 are just beside each 0ther... lol..its kinda werid..den yep. had fun.n enjoyed myself.. alth0ugh 0n de way home quite tired.. i still went 2 buy cash n t0ok a taxi home.. its PEAK H0UR n heart. broke again...=.=ll lolx..tats all 4 2day.. wednesday goin qy h0use play mahjong.. isit??=x
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after delay for so long. 2day my m0ther finaly ask for my rep0rt bo0k. so i pass to her.prepare to die... and so she l0ok at it.. face seriously CHANGED in 5sec time.. thr0w de rep0rt bo0k on de flo0r. (opps..i feel s0 sorry for de rep0rt card.) and started to sc0ld lyk hell.. well.i wasnt s0 stupid yet.. i was listening to mp3.. but maybe my hiding skill sux.. she realise i was listening t0 music. so she went t0 dun0 whur and c0me bac wiv a teng tia0 in her hand.. ofc0z..i tio reali hurts.. and den finaly she threw it 0n de flo0r as well.. (tis tym i pity de flo0r) and start set her stupid target f0r mi.. after abt 5min..a paper appeared.. wiv all de TO DO list.. evyday mem0rise 40vocab. (ya mem0ry so gud.) evyday do 20math qns. (wateva.too bad math marh.) use computer ONLY on WEEKENDs. (well.i am goin to pr0test over this.) hp to be confiscated untill WEEKEND. (there is NO WAY i all0w tis to happen.) and after tat she went t0 w0rk.. okie.once she ...
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(just wanna tis desm0nd?^^) well.just happen to find tis kind of carto0n is vry cute=D any1 has anym0re plz sent t0 mi..ty (yaya..i guess tis is wat evy1 wants to see..dont make de 'n' missing) (well.tis is just for STRESS REDUTION) (cute isnt it?fr0m zd.zx.mi de mushro0m) (well.its n0w R.I.P. at som dustbin ourside de sch.=x) (man t0us^^+LOLlipops^^) keep 4gt ab0ut tis... dedicate to my jiu ming en ren^^ manjing(xia0manman:D) thank you vry much ... realy thank y0u for gibbing mi ur USB wire... muackzz~muackzz~muackzz~muackz~muackz~ reali thank y0u alot.. w/o ur help... i will still be in a lost finding my USB wire.. i realy l0ve u alot...=D thank y0u alot^^~~~ n0w i am bac to n0rmal life xfer songs to hp.. xfer photo to computer... thankx al0t...=DD anw.c0z n0w goin play maple.. one day i'm free i will write a post longer den de 1 i findin de wire to sh0w my love for u^^ manjing rawks.. sushi rawks.. we rawks.. ONCE AGIAN..THANK YOU.. and den n0w i can sh0w som picz...
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(gwen..its f0r u^^anw tis dont contain any offence=x.) (tis stupid sh0e make my heart broke in2 pieces.) lol.bac home fr0m bugis wiv a *br0ken heart*.. heart broken into pieces sehh...T.T well..abit kua zhang larh~~ anw.i am supp0se to meet my fren at city hall at 3.30pm. but i was playin maple.n de cl0ck is behind mi... so btw de tym i realise i'm late is lyk 3.40 liao.. so i t0ok a taxi fr0m my h0me to city hall.. (RESON 1 *HEART BROKEN*) when i reach is lyk 4 lyk dat.. den we walk frm cityhall to marina aquare.. fr0m marina square to suntec city... n found n0thing... but den as we pass by Minitoons.. i saw a vry cut3 de ma tong... s0 i bought it^^ (gwen~its for u^^~) den suntec thur is lyk got de Heybaby* pr0gram.. so de whole place is full 0f babies..crying..laughing... so we had n0 chioce but c0m bac all e way n went to bugis instead.. in fact.i didnt plan t0 buy anything derh... just wind0w-shopping+slacking... den pass by Converse.. and went in.. and look arou...
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seems after de chalet~evy1 is talking more 0r less abt de nite game. oopppss..des+zd is g0in to hate mi to ahs... luckie nxt year wiv my lan(4) result wnt be same class... faster za0 b4 anything happen to mii..^^ well perhaps de previous p0st is quite harsh... paiseh lorh..ysd mi n qy type it at 12am lorh.... so we are tian(1) you(2) jia(1) chu(4) ab0ut de nite games lorh.. well...i decide to just be a passser-by.well.i am actualy.. i didnt g0 4 de nite dunt affects mi..nor in any way~ so lets 4gt abt de stupid chalet tat turn 0ut to be a big cha0s.. and talk ab0ut all de happy ones instead... just dunt tok abt it liao..if any1 is still pissed wiv any1.. just SAVE UR EFFORT n go to de FUN FUN PLACE explorer kid instead.... as f0r now.1bee 0'7 is n0 longer thur... maybe thur will a vry bonded class lyk 1Cee 0'7 nxt year called 1bee 0'8... as 4 mi...0n de fers day of sch.. i w0nt be go find my sec2 class... instead..i will find class 1b n find a seat to sit down..ok.i...