lol.nv touch de computer since i off9 frm maple
on last tue..or isit mon?cnt rmber anything now...
finaly w8 untill saturday which i can use computer..
n plan to write a super long+crappy post on derh past few says..
as alot things reali spent 2hr change blogskin..
n take a look at de taggie..den saw ur tag..den went to hotmail..
den saw it..i dunt understand lorh.u say sorrie for wat...
im derh 1 tat shld say sorrie lorh..sorry sorry sorry...
i ha0 bu rong yi get away frm de LOST IDENTITY derh emo...
now go bac again..damn it...too tired to write anything..
budden all i cld say is sorrie..and desmond..u can just happily
wait for zd to c0m bac frm oversea n enjoy..n0 nd think wai..
im toking abt u all GMs derh wonderful mrm0ries....
somore i now os0 no tym tok abt it...i dint say anything h0r..
just tired.n feel sorrie.tats all.need a pill0w.simple as it is...
ps:I os0 duno y.choose such a "happy" blogskin..
jsut h0pe derh teddies change to pill0w.tats it.


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