(just wanna ask.is tis desm0nd?^^)
well.just happen to find tis kind of carto0n is vry cute=D
any1 has anym0re plz sent t0 mi..ty

(yaya..i guess tis is wat evy1 wants to see..dont make de 'n' missing)
(well.tis is just for STRESS REDUTION)
(cute isnt it?fr0m zd.zx.mi de mushro0m)
(well.its n0w R.I.P. at som dustbin ourside de sch.=x)
(man t0us^^+LOLlipops^^)
keep 4gt ab0ut tis...
dedicate to my jiu ming en ren^^
thank you vry much...
realy thank y0u for gibbing mi ur USB wire...
reali thank y0u alot..
w/o ur help...
i will still be in a lost finding my USB wire..
i realy l0ve u alot...=D
thank y0u alot^^~~~
n0w i am bac to n0rmal life xfer songs to hp..
xfer photo to computer...
thankx al0t...=DD
anw.c0z n0w goin play maple..
one day i'm free i will write a post
longer den de 1 i findin de wire
to sh0w my love for u^^
manjing rawks..
sushi rawks..
we rawks..
and den n0w i can sh0w som picz fr0m my hp lia0~