duno hu hu hu say before.in her msn pm
if u'r a drop of tears in my eye.i wont close my eye n lose u.
somthing liddat.i hav a poor memory.u see.
for my case.sad to say.(des i noe u r clappin lyk crap..)
i closed my eye n derh tear drop.n dissapear..
too sad too say anything now..
but i hav decide.
-quit maple(so sm if u beat my lvl b4 2008.i lose de bet)
-quit audition
-quit pangya
-quit blogging(but lyk still wil post.just semi-dead)
-quit msn(maybe will on9.if...)
-never touch comp unless necessary..(sch hw lorh)
-never talk to my mother again.(vry confirm)
-never be emo lyk some couple after tis.

hmm.maybe will change if anything happens.
but chances are__0%..how sad lorh..
ahem ahem can try tell ahem ahem__ABCDEFG.
if u noe derh meaning lorh...
feel lyk go out budden 2mr gt cca..
i will simply break de record if i fail TDB or 3rd class again..
i ought to be memorising all de things now.
budden now my brain is lyk so empty..arhhh....

sad until cnt get anymore sadder.i duno there is a limit to sadness.
n wats derh unit call?SI unit is??
i wont wan to say good bye unless im a bai chi or wat..
somore.im nt as da fang as i myself tot...
it seems foolish.yes it is...so i will never say good bye.
once i said it.it seriously will put on a fullstop.
den the end.although mitch albom said in his book
de 5 ppl u meet in heaven tat all ending are oso beginnings.
we just dont noe it at de time...hu noes?
ur ceiling maybe be someone else's floor.
budden i live on derh top floor lerh.(im suprise i can still be so lame)
books.just happen to think of nxt year derh lit book.
to kill a mocking bird.i hav seen tat book somwhere.
but my memory fails to rmber where it is.or when.
n books.derh stupid chi book-xi you ji.
i dunt reali believe things lyk read halfway fall aslp.
but i actualy did.suprisingly...
im trying to read tuesday wiv morrie since i bought it.
but seems its too shen ao for me to understand,..
jz realise xiao wang zi is a touching story but i seem lost derh book.
i lose derh chi hw tat paper too.so can i dunt do?(excuse nia)
i had alys been so careless..lost so many things all along..

but all this'r nt important now...im just going to let u go..
i am vry vyr sure i'll regret.budden im nt foolish enuf
to make u stay in tis situation...yea im so kind rite?
act nia...but wat else can i do lorh...
just wish derh stupid holi faster over...
im going to fa mei evyday sit infront of study table
acting study bcoz of my mother derh existance..
sian-ed..perhaps i will just read la bi xiao xin infrt of her
guang ming zheng da n she will just throw derh book away.
n there goes my SGD5.00...
can holi just end in a blink of eye.just lyk when u say gd bye..
im just staying at home to collect dust larh...
reasons dun wan go out:
my mother wan mi write down
-hu i goin wiv
-where i going
-tat person derh hp no.
-when i coming bac
-wat i goin to do
its so iritating tat i rather stay at home n collect dust...
life's lyk tis.rite?now my memory fails mi again..
i cnt rmber my yahoo pw..and make it worse.
i forget derh user name too..so de problem now is..
-i cnt log in yahoo grp
-i cnt download things to study for TDB
-i cnt recover pw coz i forget my user too
conclusion__i will fail it again..

i wnt say gd bye.no matter wat.i dun wan to.i dunt lyk to.
i dunt use to.i duno...just be lame n want to play a game lyk
hang man..ABCDEFG is:
A B_ _ C_ _ D_ E_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F_ _ G_ _ _.
obvious rite.tats it.ysd im far far sad fr0m now.
stil can be so lame.just dunt think abt it..
if i were to think of it.its terrible..
y toture myself lorh..or isit touture?my memory...
fine.im getting old.fine..senile demential.

just happen to dunt feel lyk end derh post so im crapping n crapping.
evything will end.life will end too.is there anything tat is foreva wnt change?er..non-living things..
maybe i will made my way to suntec city one day n go to derh DIY duno wat wat shop n make a teddy bear myself by paying 28.50...
it wnt go away..it wnt dissapear...it will be mine foreva...
quite pei wiv my blogskin too..(how abt pillow?i duno..)
since i not going to change it anymore...tired of finding nice blogskins.
tis will remain unchange.yea.non-living thing again...sian-ed

for some reason.ofcoz i will forget you.its derh matter of tym..
for derh tym being..de teddy bear will pei mi...i seems never use LOL
in tis particular post.perhaps cnt laff out loud anymore.
im goin to retire frm derh LOL-yer job...im reali getting old..
Ooopps...just realise last tym as i revise TDB.
i saved one copy in my comp...so gotta go learn.....
tired of doing derh same thing over n over again.
so 2mr.im going to pass it..wiv flying colors?no.
jsut pass border line.ya.tats enuf..a score of 60% will enable
mi to pass.

i have to end to post.soon or l8r.just tat i wnt say good bye...


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