lol.bac fr0m heritage t0ur.
quite fun th0ugh tiring.
is lyk walk ar0und sg l0rh..
start fr0m city hall MRT.
and went ard thur de m0numents
as u all n0e..
den went to china t0wn..
and to plaza sing...
all stati0ns..w3ll..station masters..
remains me abt de nite game
when they keep tokin abt station masters..
haha..on e way we passed cemestry..
ROM(registrati0n 0f marriage)
well..actualy this 2 are just beside each 0ther...
lol..its kinda werid..den yep.
had fun.n enjoyed myself..
alth0ugh 0n de way home quite tired..
i still went 2 buy cash n t0ok a taxi home..
its PEAK H0UR n heart.
broke again...=.=ll
lolx..tats all 4 2day..
wednesday goin qy h0use play mahjong..


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